Trial: Worth (4)

Ignoring Noble.D, Helkep focused on the monsters.  'Taking advantage of the Freezing Aura, I can slash down their Hp significantly, I could even kill them without their Elemental Awakening but now, the instant they awaken, even one of them, I will die. So... What should I do?'  Helkep tried glancing in Noil's way, but the mist wouldn't let his vision through.

'The best thing I can do right now is to force all of them to awaken, but the instant one awakens, I will be in grave danger, so I will have to awaken them all at once, if not right after one another. So I should dry out their Hp just before they awaken. Got it.' Helkep's eyes burned in resolve as the fire blade in his hand glinted and he rushed towards the Elemental. 

The Elemental didn't even dodge, or more like it was lagging about a hundred frames behind from Helkep, when it willed its body to dodge, Helkep had already injured it and had went on for another attack.