Trial: Knighthood (10)

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Noil constantly ramped the golden dome, wrecking it little by little. But still far from breaching through its defense. As Ella's powers had been returned, she was only left with her normal stats which could barely do anything but still, since the skill had turned off, it meant the devil had less influence over her and she could resist it more.

Also, she could freely use Lock On and totally rid her of its influence. But that was all, to do more... she would have to rely one something that awakened only on certain... conditions. But just to be safe, she still placed it on stand-by, 'Judging the situation: Placing true ability on stand-by. Targeting two creatures: Helkep and the King for any unusualities.' 

A pungent cold wafted off of her as all her emotions shut down, as if neither her nor anybody else needed them in the first place.