Chapter Six: The Plan

The fear of anyone seeing her and making calls to either the TV stations or the police had Angie thinking of ways to kill her boredom.She started by switching through different TV channels with the hope of finding one that airing a movie or series that could catch her fancy.

It was during this search that Angie came across information about her company. And the numerous businesses she had inherited. To her amazement, the stock prices were looking up.

Angie later on came to learn that her public relations manager had used the fire incident at her home and death of her mother to spin things around to the company's advantage. This prompted Angie to not only make a mental note but also note down a reminder to reward Mellison by increasing her monthly income. Maybe fully paid holiday to a destination of choice! 

Interestingly, this TV channel did not even have her mother's death and her disappearance as breaking news. Realising that, Angie decided to check the other channels to see if the story had picked up. Amazingly, only 4 of the over 200 channels had that story.

In fact, even the TV channel that broke the news had ceded airing the story for reasons only known to them. This had Angie smiling widely having fully comprehended Ashley and Marcus' plan. Confirming it was just a ploy to draw her out as she had assumed earlier, Angie felt relieved and proceeded with her search for a series/movie to watch.

After, much contemplation, Angie decided to watch the series "Deception." She felt it was possible she might pick a thing or two that might come in handy in her plans from the series. Angie thoroughly enjoyed the two episodes aired and even identified two tricks she would employ before her favourite series "Designated Survivor" was aired in the same TV Channel.

Angie really did identify with the main character as she felt like a designated survivor as well. By the time the episode was done, it was almost 7 pm when the receptionist she had contacted was expected to report to work. Angie chose to use the remaining few minutes to confirm she had retrieved the three numbers she wanted to call.

Finally, time was up and she had a knock at her door. On asking who it was, Angie was pleased to hear the voice of the receptionist she was waiting for answer, "It is me Purity." To her amazement, Angie became fully aware at that moment a simple yet crucial fact. She had not even learnt the name of the person who saved her life but simply remembered her voice.

Indeed, Purity was pure as her name. Angie gladly opened the door and ushered Purity in. She noted with keen interest that Purity did not have any package with her. This made her wonder whether she had done the job she had requested or not.

"And the way I have planned to use those phones. God please help. She she I hope she has the burner phones on her. Pleeease" Angie thought or rather prayed. And God did answer her prayers.

Before Purity could even sit down, she pulled close to 10 burner phones from different pockets and body parts. Precisely, she had 2 in each side of her bra, 2 on either pocket of her jacket, 4 on the inside pockets of the same jacket and one on the waistline of her trousers.

Her dear Smartphone, Purity held it in her hand and easily took it in and out of her cute golden clutch bag come wallet. On seeing its convenience, Angie made a mental note to buy one similar clutch-bag too.

Feeling highly elated, Angie also got to work. This is without necessarily even requesting for receipts. Tobe precise, Angie pulled out several 100 dollar bills from her backpack and gave them to Purity.

And just like she did Tyson, Angie also asked Purity to assist looking for an apartment or house in the nearby residential area when she left work in the morning. In a period of less than 10 minutes, Purity was out and back at her post working as if nothing had transpired.

Angie thought Purity did not even realise she had been reported dead and her body missing….. "How amusing" she muttered under her breathe.

Once she was sure she was alone, Angie decided to scrutinize the phones to check out if there were any tracking devices or even hearing devices attached cause you never know. Using the little knowledge she had learned from movies and on YouTube, she was pleased to find out there were none. Thus set to work.

The first person Angie called was her personal assistant. Bree was not only relieved to hear from her but gave her a full update on what was going on in the company. She even informed Angie that the news of her mother's death had bought Angie sometime with most of the business partners. This in turn resulted in most if not all of the contracts being safe.

Hearing this made Angie feel like she was over the moon with joy. Not even several orgasms could come close to the serenity and contentment she felt at that moment. After several twirls around the room, she resumed talking with Bree. Angie even began moving around the room with a spring as she chatted some more with Bree.

Before hanging up, Angie thanked Bree, asked her to keep things running in the office and she will be in touch. Also Angie urged Bree to not only take care because the people after her were close friends but also be cautious considering she might be in danger too just by mere association.

Secondly, using the same phone, Angie called her lawyer. She was not surprised to discover Ashley and Marcus had been there to see him already. Zed (short form for Zedekiah) a nickname she fondly called him informed him that, they went to see him even before the news of her death that he did not believe was aired. In summary, "they wanted to know who between them Angie had left her inheritance for" Zed reported.

As a professional and just not to spook them, Zed had told them he would only disclose the information after the burial and a death certificate is presented. Angie asked him to keep stringing them along just to find out more about their plans, she also asked Zed to discreetly check on his brother and take care of his case if there was any.

Finishing, She left Zed with the same instructions she had left with Bree. TAKE CARE. BE CAUTIOUS. ENSURE THINGS RUN SMOOTHLY. AND SHE WOULD BE IN TOUCH.

Lastly, Angie called her private investigator, after explaining her status, she asked him to find out everything he could about Ashley and Marcus then hung up.