Chapter Seven: Angie Leaves the Motel

Immediately she finished, Angie took the phone dipped it in a glass of water and went back to work. She decided to spend most of her time in the following day preparing for her departure from the Secretive motel.

Firstly, Angie trimmed her hair and tried several looks of disguise. Angie was sure by the time Tyson reported to work, he would have found her a place to set up. If not, she would take her chances.

Angie was fully aware there were chances any of her calls could be traced to the Secretive Motel and she was not ready to sit around and find out the possibility. She fully believed in the saying "it is better safe than sorry." With something new to focus on other than her problems, Angie She was very excited and looking forward to implement her plan.

Secondly, Angie tried on several looks, poses, accents and walking styles. She even ended up shaving her long, beautiful, black and curly hair for effect. Besides, the person (Marcus) other than herself who liked it long, had betrayed her big time. At the moment, Angie truly believed change could do her a lot of good.

Angie felt she had to do all she could to survive and overcome the challenges sent her way. By the time Angie was satisfied with her handiwork, it was way past midnight. Since she was not sleepy, Angie decided to pass time by watching different entertainment channels.

Not knowing when she fell asleep, Angie was woken up by a loud knock at the door. Looking at her watch, she realised it was already half past 8. Angie was angry at herself for oversleeping since she had wanted to start her day at 6am. Fearing to say a word lest she gives herself up, Angie decided to silence would be the best way out.

After several attempts, Tyson slipped a paper with a number and address written below the door and left to carry out the assigned duties and responsibilities. On seeing that, Angie quickly took the paper, noted down the contents in her notebook, returned the paper near the door and went to take a shower.

In less than 10 minutes Angie was finally ready to leave. When she got to the reception to check out, she saw Purity preparing to leave and hid in a corner.Watching and waiting patiently like a hunter just waiting for his target to fall into his trap.

After like another 10 minutes Angie came out of her hiding place, placed the key-card on the desk and checked out under the alias she had used to book the room she had safely stayed in. Shortly after, she was out in the streets breathing fresh air, the sun gently shining on her face and ready to face her world and whatever it threw her way.

The first thing Angie did was walk to a nearby café to have breakfast. It was while there that she decided to call the number Tyson gave her and find out more about the houses/apartments available.

Shock on her! It was was Brandon's best friend James on the other end of the line. Angie was deeply hurt and disappointed. James was one of the people around her she considered and treated as family. Taking deep breaths to calm down, Angie decided to play along and learn a thing or two about her foe. 

In the background, she could hear Ashley, her brother and Marcus laughing. However, there was something odd about her brother, Brandon's laugh. She could not put her finger on it yet. But it kept nagging her at the back of her mind. Without saying a word, Angie listened intently as they went about their plans before James shushed them "shhhhhh!" and tried to attend to her.

Using the British accent she had religiously practiced on the previous night, she asked for Pudsey. This is how the conversation between Angie and James went down;

Angie: Hey Peter, I would like to speak to Pudsey….

James (cutting her off): hey lady, this is not Peter….

Angie: you got me there P, just put Pudsey on the phone and then we can continue with this banter later.

James: lady, you must have called the wrong number cause you are speaking to James.

Angie: Huh! Let me check, and if it is one of your pranks again P, you will hear it from me. In fact, I will not speak to you again.

James: Okay. Please do.

Angie: (Shortly). I am so sorry, what did you say your name was again? Never mind. It's true, I just misdialled. Instead of a 12 at the end I dialled 21. My apologies and have a nice day.

With that, Angie disconnected and said to herself, not a bad start. Disappointments were bound to happen. And the earlier they did, the earlier she could be vigilant.

Good thing, Angie now knew she was on her own unless Purity came through for her. Her hunger and appetite for food had even disappeared.

Walking out of the cafe, Angie hailed a cab and asked the driver to drop her in the nearest residential area. From there, she took two or three more cabs each dropping her in the next residential area.

Satisfied that her trail would run cold if anyone came looking, Angie started her manual house search. Though it can be deemed medieval, she believed that hunting for a house online could create a trail likely to giver her enemies an advantage. So manually going door to door it is. 

By 1300 hours, exhausted, hungry and beaten, Angie had not found an apartment that matched her needs. Only 3 more realtors were left before she called it a day when she decided to break for lunch.

Since she wanted to make a call to James, she decided to use the same procedure she had used to leave Secretive Motel to go back to the area and make a call. This time round, she used a payphone to call James.

Once James picked up, Angie informed him that she was looking for a house and needed directions on how she could reach him for viewing. Eagerly, James directed Angie and hi-fived the others.

Once Angie had information the relevant information, she told James she would be seeing him within an hour or two. Happily grinning from ear to ear, James even informed the team that Angie's delay in coming to them was probably because she needed to shop for clean clothes.

Just to trick them further, Angie went to one of the stores, bought several outfits and paid with one of her credit cards. She also sat in one of the prominent hotels nearby, had a sumptuous meal and paid with the same credit card. Thereafter, Angie gladly went back to house hunting.

It was late in the evening when Angie finally found a one bedroom house that appealed to her eyes and senses. This made her very happy. She made an offer and later on went to the bank accessed one of the counts not under her national and given name and made a 50% deposit.

Since she sought ownership of the house, she promised to pay the remaining amount in three installments. The last thing Angie needed was raised eye brows and lengthy explanations. That is what payment in full at once would bring her way. The only way she felt her status would not raise concern with the sell was gradual payment.