Chapter Twelve: Encounter with Ashley and Marcus

On reporting to work the following day, Angie or rather Alexis was welcomed with a huge surprise. Apparently, Ashley and Marcus had gotten wind of her arrival and the role she was playing. The duo claimed they were there to also assist Alexis in whatever way they could.

In order to note spook them off, Angie planted a smile on her face and chatted with them for a few minutes. On seeing that Ashley and Marcus were not in a hurry to leave, Angie excused herself. This is by telling them that if she was to be of any help to her cousin, she had to get going and start her learning process. This is mainly because the only thing she knew how to do was take care of animals. And she told Ashley and Marcus as much.

To be precise, Angie told Marcus and Ashley that back in Manchester, her folks had a ranch and she planned to go back as soon as possible. She even proudly told them that her parents had acquired the dairy cattle just for her. This is in order to expand their business portfolio considering their main focus was on farming different crops.

Being major fresh products suppliers for supermarkets and grocery stores in Manchester and neighbouring towns, Alexis hands were full. Looking at the two closely, Angie was surprised to see Marcus' eyes shine with gleam. Clearly, I did not know my Fiance! She silently said to herself in her head. And let the games begin.  Angie smiled on that thought. Before curiously looking from Ashley to Marcus and back again.

To further try and find out what they had in mind for Angie, as Alexis, Angie asked for their numbers which she stored in her new Apple smartphone. While leaving to do some work, Angie promised to call them later in the day so that they could not only acquaint her with the city. This is in addition to fully understanding from their perspective what happened to her cousin that she had to call her (Alexis) with a code red.

On their surprise looks, Alexis told them when she landed at the airport, her cousin Angie was also on her way out of the country. Precisely, Angie just told me she needed to be out of the country for at least 2 months cause she had a few matters to attend to. And her life was in danger.

"Do your know anything about that?", Angie asked while deliberately looking from Ashley to Marcus.

"Now whatever gave Angie that idea I do not know, but if she is not back in those two months, I don't give a hoot. I will be going back to Manchester," Alexis said. In response to that, Ashley's eyes just popped open wider and her mouth formed an O.

"Besides, managing the ranch is a lot of work for my old folks to, you know, only child," Alexis continued while pointing at her herself and shrugged. Convinced that Alexis was not a threat, Angie saw both Ashley nod to Marcus and both of them leave hand in hand.

Now, Angie was left wondering, how did Marcus and Ashley know Alexis was at the company? Or rather Angie had sent someone/ a cousin by the name Alexis to hold down the forte? Did Bree her trusted assistant let them know? Or did Marcus and Ashley have someone in the company to let them know of any new happenings?

Angie could readily bet her own life on the reality that, her casual wear when coming into the office did help in convincing them. Hell! Even to day, she was still in casual wear. No wonder the due did not suspect anything.

In her bucket handbag, Angie had carried a few suits to use when going to various meetings. When Bree saw her, she simply rolled her eyes and threw up her hands in surrender. Then hanging up the phone, she came hugged Alexis.

With a frustrated look on her face she then asked, "Alexis, why are you not dressed officially?" "You knew you were coming to the office, right?" "And you will have to attend some meetings?" Finishing these questions, Bree slightly raised her eyebrows.

To which Alexis/Angie confidently answered," I do like how I look and am comfortable. And unless necessary, I would like to keep working wearing these." Alexis further added that," Besides, being in suit always makes me feel cramped. And that is not good for the company."

Hearing this, Bree simply gave up and ushered Alexis/Angie to her office. Ashley and Marcus on the other hand snickered as they left the company building.

On entering her office, Angie decided to put her plan into motion as soon as the following day. This is mainly because she did not know how long she had before Ashley and Marcus contacted Zed, her lawyer.