Chapter Fourteen: Meeting with Ashley

Looking at the phone, Angie was not surprised to see that it was Ashley calling. Deciding to pause and answer it, Angie wore a genuine smile on her face. On Ashley's inquiry, she gladly told her she would leave the office in half an hour. She also told Ashley she would call on leaving the office.

Leaving the office thirty minutes later, Angie/Alexis called Ashley

Alexis: "hi Ashley, it's me Alexis"

Excitedly, with her phone pressed to her ear, Ashley answered, "hi Alexis."

Alexis: "I hope you don't mind and it's not a bother. I got you can spare some time for me."

Fully alert. Ashley said: "I don't mind at all".

Hearing this Alexis proceeded with her request. "I would like you to join me for dinner if you are free."

Delighted at the invite. Ashley readily agreed. "Of course I would like to join you."

In her head, Ashley was already calculating how she would benefit from her association with Alexis. This is mainly by getting on Alexis good side.

As a matter of fact, any other thing that Alexis talked about thereafter went in through Ashley's one ear, and out through the other. She was not only planning already on what to wear but also what to say when they meet.

Ashley was on a mission. And nothing could derail her.

The look in her eyes simply said. "Anybody or anything stupid enough to come in her way was bound to be crashed."

Ashley was so lost in making her plans in preparations for meeting Alexis and what to do in case of resistance. She was brought to the present when Alexis was finishing up on the venue for their meet up.

Precisely, Ashley just heard, "....Seasons hotel,"

Feeling Slightly embarrassed, Ashley made some excuse about being excited to the point of not getting well which hotel they were to meet in. She even hit her head a little for losing focus.

To her request, though irritated, Alexis simply repeated, "we are meeting at the Four Seasons Hotel at 8. pm for dinner."

"As I said, am new in town, and the Four Seasons is one of the few hotels I am familiar with. For this reason, I made the decision to stay there for the time being", "And Ashley," she added, "do not let met down or Angie will never hear the end of how lousy she is at choosing her friends."

Having said that, Alexis tentatively ended the call and released a sigh of relief. It is at that point she realized she was soo nervous when talking to Ashley.

In order to make sure she is not caught up in her own lies, Alexis hurriedly drove to the Four Seasons Hotel to reserve a room. This is in case Ashley, her ex-boyfriend or even any other associates came by to make inquiries.

While there, imagining her plan would take at most a week to complete, she made reservation in the hotel for 14 days just to be on the safe side. Once she received keys to the room, she hurriedly left with the hope of freshening up before Ashley arrived.

Interestingly, Luck was on her side as the moment she came out of the bathroom, she received a call that her guest had arrived. Alexis could not believe that Ashley was so eager to meet her despite skimming against her best friend (Angie).

Deciding not to keep Ashley waiting for long, Alexis hurriedly applied some make up on her face and lotion on her hands before downing on another casual outfit. Precisely, she simply pulled up a Vans T-shirt, jeans shorts and ankle length boots.

Thereafter, Alexis just picked up her purse, made sure she had one of Angie's credit cards in it and left to meet up with Ashley.

On her way down the elevator, Alexis constantly reminded herself three things. One, not to be too familiar with Ashley. Two, to constantly refer to farming. And, to not forget to use the practiced English accent. Any slip up could be detrimental to her entire plan.

Once they were seated on a table, both Ashley and Alexis ordered wine. While waiting for their orders to be fulfilled, Alexis and Ashley tried to have some small talk. Funny enough, nothing important was passed across.

This can be attributable to both Alexis and Ashley trying to make sure there was no slip up. Specifically, Angie upheld that she was Alexis a cousin from the UK while Ashley maintained the pained friend.

To show her sincerity, Ashley even told Alexis, she was ready to assist in any way needed. This is immediately after finding out Alexis and Angie kept in touch and had spoken a week ago. At that moment, Ashley felt that Alexis was her best bet of getting close to Angie. 

During the three hours they were together having dinner and drinks, the two ladies' (Alexis and Ashley's) talk mainly revolved around Angie. The tragedy that had befallen Angie's family. She was the common factor. Right? Right! Right.

This is with a few slip ins on Alexis' life in the farm. And Ashley's flashback on her relationship with Angie.

Before parting ways, with a voice laced with sadness and longing, Alexis asked Ashley, "what funeral arrangements have been made for Angie's mum?"

This question took Ashley back a little as Alexis' question made her realize they had forgotten something important. In her mind, she cursed herself for forgetting about funeral plans. Idiot! Nincompoop!

Also, Ashley called Marcus several insulting names in her head including Nincompoop! Stupid! Maggot! Empty head! And Rotten Mango. He was the one responsible for planning. Her (Ashley's) part mainly involved execution.

Fully embarrassed, Ashley simply said, "we were waiting to hear from Angie before making plans and working on the funeral arrangements." She then Added, "as such, we have not made any plans yet."

Good Save! You are so bright Ashley! Ashley shamelessly congratulated herself in her brain.

Hearing this, Alexis was relieved and said to Ashley, "don't worry. I will help in planning for the funeral. I don't think Angie will be back soon. At least, she said she will be away for two months."

This information delighted Ashley. The corners of her lips lifted slightly. This did not go unnoticed by Alexis as she keenly watching Ashley's facial expressions and reactions to the information on Angie.

Oblivious she had sold herself out, Ashley became eager to leave. At long last she believed her coming out yielded out some fruit.

Itching to relay the information acquired to her team, she hurriedly stood up. Made some excuse and left without looking back.

Looking at her wrist watch, Alexis realized she had spent close to three hours with Ashley. She waited 2 hours later before leaving for her new home.

This is after double checking to make sure Ashley did not leave anyone behind to spy on her every move.