chapter Fifteen: Ashley and Marcus Fight

Once in her car, Ashley did not wait to reach her destination before making several calls. First and foremost, she called Marcus.

This is in order to inquire about funeral plans as Angie's mother had passed on. Simply pissed cause of the overlook, Ashley shouted into the phone, "Had you made any plans for Angie's mum?" 

Grimacing, Marcus simply answered in a low voice, "No. With all that is going on, I forgot." 

Feeling angry, Ashley said to Marcus, "you are her fiancé for heaven's sake, how could you forget?"

To this, Marcus simply retorted, "you are Angie's best friend, why didn't you remember?"

Following this, the two people close to Angie (Ashley and Marcus) started fighting among themselves. This went on for approximately 45 minutes. 

By then, Ashley was already home. She had even forgotten about the other plans the entire team had to alter. This is in order to ensure their primary goal is achieved. 

Primarily, the two intended to get their hands on Angie's money, hand it to their boss. It is only in doing so that Ashley and Marcus would be able to repay their debts and save their companies. 

Feeling exhausted and no longer able to concentrate on work after the sharp exchange of words with Ashley, Marcus wanted the phone call to come to an end. Thinking carefully, Marcus desperately wanted to get  Ashley back on track. 

Remembering what had started their argument in the first place, Marcus cut Ashley mid sentence. He simply asked, "And by the way, why are you suddenly asking about the funeral?" 

"I thought our main objective was accessing Angie's money? What changed?" Marcus continued asking questions suddenly feeling his energy returning. 

Other than being agitated for being cut off mid sentence. Ashley was also at a loss and confused. When did she begin letting herself get easily side tracked? 

Her emotions were getting the best of her and Ashley could not understand why. In the past, she often made sure her point was passed across. And the agenda for contacting a person fulfilled. 

This is before other things were aired thus derailing the plans to be implemented. As a matter of fact, this is one of the reasons Ashley was good friends with Angie.

Precisely, Angie was similar in a way. Besides, since they were often together, Angie and Ashley tended to remind each other in case of derailment.

Still holding her phone close to her ear as she lay in bed facing the ceiling, Ashley was lost in memories. She was brought back to the present by a loud noise coming through the phone. Apparently, Marcus had grown tired of waiting and prompting a non-speaking Ashley.

Just to show Ashley he was pissed, Marcus simply went over placed his phone near one of the speakers. Upped the volume. Picked up the remote. Placed it in his trouser pocket. And went to fetch some drinking water, he was thirsty anyway.

Marcus was fully aware of Ashley's reactions to his deeds. First, she would shout at him saying nothing coherent. Then she would curse him. Lastly, she would insult him. 

Since he would not be saying anything back, Marcus assumed Ashley's entire rant would last approximately last 5 minutes. For this reason, he really took his time. 

After getting the drinking water, Marcus flopped himself on the couch trying to get his thoughts back in order. It was while taking the water that he realized he had not taken food the entire day.

In fact, if he had not had some breakfast, Marcus would be surviving on yesterday's dinner. Come to think of it, Marcus just had coffee in the morning. His stomach could not hold anything heavy like pancakes at the time the early morning meeting was held. In its place Marcus just ate the accompanying two sausages. 

Recalling this Marcus stood up hurriedly and went to look for anything edible in the kitchen. Mostly, he stocked snacks since he could not cook. However, considering he had some friends over during the weekend, he doubted he had even a candy bar somewhere.

True to that, after spending a minute or two rummaging in his special area, Marcus found nothing. Swearing to keep some snacks away from sight, he grabbed his car keys, and headed out to get some food.

Marcus was gratful he had the sense to keep a credit card hidden somewhere in his car. Otherwise, Marcus felt he could not survive going back upstairs just to grab a credit or debit card. 

Once in the car, Marcus headed towards a KFC outlet near his residency. Though it is recommended to take a fresh portion  of food each time, Marcus intended to take three portions. Estimating his hunger, Marcus felt two portions of chicken and fries won't be enough.

Just in case there were left offers, Marcus planned to keep them in his fridge. Warm and consume them the following day or the day after.

On his way back with food, Marcus saw a convenience store and decided to restock some snacks. For his full survival snack kit, he would shop in during the weekend or if he happens to have time in the course of the week.

On spoting a parking space, Marcus quickly packed his car. Grabbed the key from the ignition. And locked it on his way to the store while dropping the key into his pocket trouser as he hurriedly walked into the store.

After picking up the desired snacks, Marcus leisurely walked back to his car. A content smile gracing his face. With him now, he had not just dinner but also some snacks.

It was while drawing back his car keys from the pockets, that Marcus noticed the remote. This sent him into panic mode. As he just remembered he had left his phone near the system speakers with loud music.

With this in mind and highly dreadful of Ashley's anger and revenge, Marcus sped on his way back home. This is while praying he would neither run into trouble with the police nor be too late. 

Luckily, none of his worries came to life. His 5 minute break had turned into a 30 minute one since he had to go out and look for some edibles. As such, the moment Marcus got home, he just grabbed the KFC package. And rushed into the HOUSE. 

While running upstairs, he retrieved the remote and began reducing the volume. By the time Marcus got to where he had left the phone, the music volume was at an enjoyable level.

Picking up the phone, Marcus first looked at the screen then found himself smiling. The call was still ongoing. This meant Ashley was still speaking.

Putting his phone to his ear, Marcus heard Ashley was still cursing him. This just meant she had not reached the final stage and realized he wasn't even listening.

Breathing a sigh of relief, he tried to understand what Ashley was going on about. To Marcus' surprise, Ashley was talking about misdeeds he had committed over 3 years ago. At the time, Marcus was still with Angie.

Feeling bored, he simply cut off Ashley mid sentence asking, "are we going to do this all night? Since I can't listen anymore, let's meet up tomorrow with the entire team and make up a plan."

"Don't forget, same spot at 10am. And don't forget to inform the others." With that Marcus ended the call. He was angry anyway. And food was literally staring him in his face. He knew Ashley would follow through considering what was at stake for both of them.