Chapter 120: Exchange of favors II

"Mr. Charlton, it has been a while. I hope you don't mind the company. Have you met with Mr. Geoffrey and Mr. Leonard?" Edward greeted as he stood up to shake his hand.

"It's alright. Geoffrey is my cousin, and Leonard is my friend." He replied as he sat on the vacant chair.

Geoffrey and Leonard gave him nods of acknowledgement and he nodded back. He took a quick glance at Serena who he can vaguely guess was feeling the same awkwardness as him. Surprisingly, she gave him a small smile. He chose to give a tentative smile back. He knew that she was only being civil to him because of the situation and nothing else.

However, on a positive note, he can feel that their meeting this time felt different. It must be that they have not seen each other for a while and things have calmed down between them. On his part, he was less muddle headed and his anger has almost dissipated. That did not mean that he was expecting that things will be go back to the way it was before.