Chapter 121: exchange of favors III

Charlton was startled. He did not expect that coming. He was trying to steer clear from Serena. In fact, he accepted the invite because he wanted to tell Edward that he already wants nothing to do with the songs, but here he was being asked to keep himself involved. 

"I think that Valentine's day falls on a Wednesday, so I am not sure if we can work on that." Charlton replied. He remembered the date quite well since he has been planning to spend it with Serena last year. Though now, that plan went down the drain.

"Oh yes, I almost forgot. Anyway, how about on the 18th?"

Charlton glanced at Serena only to see her looking at him. He saw her face and could not understand why she looked a little disappointed. She was already with Geoffrey so maybe his eyes were just playing tricks on him. Anyway, he can't indirectly say no again. Thus, he nodded his head.

"I will make time then." With that, Charlton has already voiced his agreement.