CHAPTER 4: Finding Out What Life Is About

Kiara came downstairs to see what was going on and apparently everyone was upset that she hadn't cooked breakfast yet. They didn't even know that she was home because they were up when she came in last night. Jason was the only one not in the kitchen and Dominick was the first one to see her. He yelled thank God she's here making her head scream at her from the hangover. Shut up what is wrong with you all this morning making all this damn noise. Troy said you should've been down here making breakfast if you didn't want all of this chaos. Wait a minute I'm not your mother or your servant, I cook for everyone because I appreciate Jason letting me stay here but it's not my job and you're not paying me to do it so you need to mind your manners before I never cook in here again buster. Jimmy and Dominick said Troy man shut up in almost unison. Jason walked into the kitchen laughing rolling himself a blunt. Jason stopped laughing long enough to say damn Troy you still acting like she's your girl huh! Everyone laughed at what he said but me and Troy. I just went on and cooked for everyone. Troy had walked out of the kitchen without saying a word. I was supposed to meet up with Kim and Lisa but I decided against it with my hangover. I was in my room laying across when there was a knock on the door I told them to come in before I knew who it was. Dominick opened my door and asked if he could come in for a minute. Sure what's up I said. Dominick asked me if I was on duty today but Jason had given me the week off because it was slow. Dominick asked me to go for a walk with him which I didn't mind so, I went with him. Most of my time was usually spent around Troy so it was kind of strange spending time with Dominick.

We walked around for a while and he asked me questions about myself that I blew off and turned back on him. He loved talking about himself so it wasn't hard to get out of answering his questions. Once we returned to the house and Troy saw me with Dominick he asked if he could talk to me for a minute alone. I followed him in the house where he continued upstairs to my room. What are you doing with him? I'm sure that there's something else that you could be doing. Who do you think you are? Before I could say another word Troy grabbed me pulling me into his arms shoving his tongue in my mouth! I allowed him to keep kissing me passionately for a moment because it was my first kiss. Then, I pushed him off me and told him to get out!

I sat in my room trying to figure out what the hell was going on. It was almost seven O'clock so, I decided to go cook dinner but on my way downstairs my phone rang it was Kim. I kept heading to the kitchen while on the phone, Kim asked what I was doing tonight and if I wanted to hangout, but I invited her and Lisa over to the house instead. Once I finished cooking and began to fix plates Kim and Lisa showed up. Jimmy answered the door and lead them to the Kitchen! I invited them to eat with us. We all left the kitchen and went into the living room. The guys sat on the floor to make room for my friends and I to sit on the couches. Jason wasn't home so I had placed his plate in the microwave. After dinner the me and the girls went up to my room to talk freely. Lisa asked me about the mountain of weed on the dining room table. She asked if we could smoke, but I wasn't sure because I had never asked since I didn't smoke. Before I could answer her Jimmy knocked on the door asking if we wanted to come down and play a game with them. Sure Kim said looking at him like a lambchop or steak. We went down and Troy announced that he was going to the bar so of course we all went with him. We all got something different so we could have variety. Tequila, Hennessey, Jack Daniel's, Paul Masson, Peach Manichevett, and E&J. It was all half gallons so that it would be enough. Once we got back Jason was there sitting in his chair eating and watching TV. Dominick, Jimmy, Troy headed to the Kitchen to get cups glasses and juice for chasers. They were whispering so I knew that they were up to something. I introduced Kim and Lisa to Jason who was totally ignoring us but I knew that it was because he was eating.

Okay everyone, Dominick said we gonna Truth, Dare, Promise, or Repeat! Kim and Lisa was for it but there was no way that I was telling any truths in this crowd! Troy said that there was a catch 22 to the game which was if it was your turn to ask someone Truth, Dare, Promise, or Repeat and they complete it you have to take a drink and if the person fails to do it they take a drink but at the beginning everyone has to take a drink before we spin a bottle to see who goes first. Jason said hold up I want in on this so he ran to the dining room to grab a bottle of Whiskey and a handful of weed. Jimmy said is everyone ready? Jason put the weed on a piece of paper and poured his drink. LET'S GO everyone said!

The bottle landed on Lisa and Jimmy the small end on Lisa but the big end on Jimmy so he had to ask her Truth, Dare, Promise, or Repeat he said. She excitedly said Dare! He dared her to kiss Lisa on the lips. Now it was her turn to spin the bottle. It landed between Lisa and Troy small side on Lisa big side on Troy so he asked her what she wanted. She excitedly said Dare too! Troy dare her to french kiss Dominick. I knew that he did it to be smart and so did Dominick but the game went on because after all it is a game. It was her turn to to spin the bottle which landed between Jimmy and Jason was we all thought was hilarious small end on Jason big end on Jimmy. Jason asked for Dare and he was dared to French kiss me. The look on Troy's face was priceless! Jason pressed his soft lips against mines and slipped his tongue into my mouth it was way better than when Troy had kissed me. I felt myself get wet instantly. Jason spent the bottle it landed between me and Jimmy small end on his side I Dare him to kiss Kim deeply and took my drink. The night went on the game ended with all of us drunk and high for the first time I was inducted into the siffer. Everyone was passing out in the living room but I wanted to go to my room so I tried to get my girls to go with me but that was futile. I went to my room and barely made it to my bed. I instantly stripped and crawl into my bed. I felt a hand rub up my leg but I was too messed up to open my eyes I just thought one of my girls was trying to find a place on the bed. Kiara I heard a voice call to me. Then I felt the cover slide off of me. The hands slowly slid up my legs gently beckoning them to open. Suddenly I felt soft kisses on my thighs but I still couldn't bring myself to get up. I felt heat from someone breathing on my secret place as a tongue wiggled it's was through my soft wetness. I reached my hand down to stop whoever was violating my space. I knew that it was one of my roommates because of the short haircut. He grabbed my hand and continued with the onslaught on my moist area I moaned uncontrollably while wiggling my hips to his movements. I heard myself asking him to wait because I couldn't control myself. He began moving upward with his mouth making his way to my breast feasting on them soft at first and then more raging and rapid. I felt him trying to place himself in between my legs while making his way to my neck and ear. He whispered Kiara it's me let me in. Oh my God it's Jason! How can I say no to him when I owe him everything and even worse this feels so good! Jason I can't! Kiara it's me please baby let me in! Jason I'm scared! Please baby I won't hurt you let me in! With one thrust he was in and I had opened up just enough for him to enter me! He took his time and pleasured me keeping his word other than the entering of me he didn't hurt me!