CHAPTER 5: A Huge Promotion

Kiara was now seventeen and had really gained control over being a woman. Her and Jason is still going strong, everyone loved the bond that they had. Jason was supposed to go to New York for a pickup but his partner was a no show and he needed a replacement Jimmy asked Jason why didn't he use Kiara or one of her friends. Jason wasn't sure if that was a good idea. None of them had ever done anything like this before, but if he was going to use any of them it would be Kiara since she was already in the game. Jason wasn't sure how to ask her so he decided to just tell her that they were going on a trip to New York City. They went shopping and out to dinner and had a great time together. Before they went back to Baltimore he told her that they needed to make a stop. He pulled up at this nice house and got out. He went to the trunk and emptied a couple of Kiara's shopping bags and shoe boxes. He then went to her and said that he needed her to go to the house for him for a pickup. She did what he told her without a problem and returned to the car in minutes. They returned home without any problems and Kiara was sleeping like a baby. Jason looked over at her thinking to himself that she was fearless and how he refused to allow anything or anyone to hurt her. Jason never knew that he was capable of loving someone so much. Kiara never hesitated when he asked her to do something! Kiara was unaware that she had just got promoted to a transporter. After today she wouldn't be watching anybody's back anymore. For now on she would be taking a trip every two weeks to make the pickup in New York. He called the guys to come get the bags from the car while he carried Kiara to her room. He slowly undressed her thinking about how much he wanted her. As he started walking toward the door he heard her moan his name then she asked him to stay with her. He couldn't resist her but he knew that she was tired and if laid with her they wouldn't be getting any sleep. Jason tucked her in stuffing pillows up close to her and then went to bed. He needed to get some rest because he had decided to replace Stacy with Kiara and would need to explain everything to her.

Jason came downstairs just in time for breakfast and to catch Kiara before she could leave with Kim. Hey Kiara I need to talk to you about a promotion and it's going to take all day to train you okay. Kiara was so mad that she was going to miss out on the lady pamper day that they had planned. Kim I'm not going with y'all today, something important came up that I have to tend to. Kim screwed up her face and then said okay, talk to you later girl. Kiara went back into the dining room where Jason was sitting rolling a blunt. Hey Kiara, Jason said beginning to explain to what was going on. So, Now that Kiara was promoted to transporter she wouldn't have as much free time as before and lots more responsibility. Jason would only be making the state to state trips with her but she would be all the individual stash house drops with Dominick and Jimmy. Kiara was excited about her new promotion, but she was sad that everything was changing so fast. Jason slid her ten G's and told her that was her payment for this week and told her to go get dressed for the drops today. He also told her that Jimmy and Dominick would fill her in on what she needed to do. He told her that her outfit for today was on her bed. Kiara went and jumped in the shower so she could get ready. To Kiara's surprise there was a black ladies pantsuit with a white laced tank top on her bed and a pair of black and white ankle shoe boots next to it. She got dressed adding some gold accessories to complete her outfit, standing in the mirror for one last look at herself right before leaving. Jimmy and Dominick were wearing black suits as well when she got downstairs. Jimmy handed Kiara a big black case on the way out the door and started explaining what she needed to know. They arrived at the first place, Dominick got out and opened Kiara's door while looking around to check out their surroundings. Kiara was met at the door by a young lady who escorted her into what looked like a lobby of a hotel Dominick never left her side. A few minutes later an older gentleman came to greet her leading her to an office close to where she had been waiting. Dominick took the case from Kiara placing it on the desk and opened it. The gentleman looked passed the case at Kiara then said so your new huh? "Yes, new to you that is" said Kiara. The gentleman smiled and said I'm Mark. Kiara smiled and simply said nice to meet you Mark now where is my money. Kiara wasn't for the small talk she had business to conduct and wanted to get it done quickly. The young lady from earlier brought a case into the room and placed it on the table next to Kiara. Dominick opened the case and nodded at Kiara. As Kiara took the case from the table Mark asked her name. With just a smile she said see you next time and walked out. When they got back to the car Dominick told her that she did well even though it was a little rude to not have told Mark her name. Why does he need to know my name? I don't know him so for all I know he could be a snitch. I'm not telling anyone my name we only come together to do business not to get to know each other. I also don't feel comfortable coming on their turf because we could be walking into an ambush. I don't know who set things up like this but I don't like it. Kiara these are Jason's people and he's never had a problem with any of them. Jason always told me to never trust anyone and now you're telling me that he trust them. Jimmy didn't say anything he just listened to them go back and forth. They completed all of the business for the day and returned to the house. Dominick went straight to Jason complaining about the way Kiara had conducted business and voiced his concerns about how it could cause problems for everyone because she wanted to change things. Kiara didn't feel like cooking so she order out for everyone and went to take a shower.

Jason called Jimmy into the dining room to talk to him about Dominick's concerns. He asked Jimmy if he knew about what was going on and how he felt about it. Jimmy explained to Jason that he understood both sides of the situation and that Kiara should do whatever makes her feel safe since she is the one conducting the business now. After all Jason had constantly told her not to trust anyone. Jimmy also explained to Jason that Kiara had some pretty good ideas and that he might want to listen to her. There was a knock at the front door it was the food and Kiara came downstairs just in time to get it. She took the food in the Kitchen and fixed everyone's plate and passed them out before heading to the living room. Dominick rolled his eyes at her as she walked passed, Kiara laughed and took her seat. Kiara knew that Dominick had already told Jason about the day, but she didn't care and Jason still hadn't said anything to her about it yet. They all sat in the living room playing the game laughing and joking as normal while smoking so, Kiara was content with herself. It was late so Kiara went her room leaving the guys in the living. After a few minutes Jason came knocking at her door at first Kiara wasn't going to answer him, but she heard him say that he knew that she wasn't sleep yet so she told him to come in. Kiara was laying across the bed with headphones on as Jason entered he loved the way she smelled. He sat on the bed and started rubbing her legs she tried hard to ignore him but it didn't work once he began kissing on them. He started at the back of her knees working his way up the back of her legs to her butt that was barely hidden by her night shirt. Kiara tried to turn over so that he would stop but he pushed her back down onto her stomach. He spread her cheeks apart licking, sucking, and biting her from the back. She tried not to moan by holding her breath and pushing her face into the the pillows that she was laying on. Once he slid his tongue into her sweet spot she could no longer hold back her lustful sounds. Jason grabbed her by her hips pulling her to her knees still barriering his face deep into her secret garden. Hearing her moan get louder and more rapid made him want her all the more. Grabbing her and tossing her onto her back he began the assault on her wet pussy once again. She did all she could to try to get away from him so she could catch her breath but it was futile. He grabbed her legs pulling her to the edge of the bed, throwing the onto his shoulders as he slammed his cock deep inside of her with one thrust of his hips. Kiara cried out in extreme pleasure! He was being rough and controlling which always sent her wild with pleasure. his stamina was great so they went at it like this for most of the night.