CHAPTER 6: Changes

Kiara woke up to find Jason still in her bed sleeping which was strange because he never stayed the whole night in her room before. She setup on the side of the bed still pondering late night. Jason was really aggressive with her from the beginning and wonder if it was because of the situation that happened with the business yesterday. Kiara started to stand up when Jason grabbed her arm and asked where she was going. I'm going to the bathroom she said with sarcasm in her voice. Jason just rolled over ignoring her and went back to sleep. Kiara brushed her teeth and washed up while she was in there so she could get her day started. She kept thinking about Jason staying the with her. When she got back to her room Jason was gone so she just got dressed and went downstairs to make breakfast. When she walk into the kitchen Dominick was standing at the sink so she said good morning and started preparing for breakfast but he ignored her. Kiara didn't care she just kept doing what she was doing. Jimmy entered the kitchen greeting them with a good morning and informed them that Jason was calling a meeting at breakfast. Once Kiara was done cooking everyone grabbed their plates and headed into the living. Normally everyone would be talking and joking around but today it was so silent that you could hear a pen drop. Jason decided to start the meeting since it was already quiet. It's been brought to my attention that Kiara wants to make changes to our delivery system and after the conversations that I had with Dominick and Jimmy, I feel that a few changes are in order. The first change will be that Dominick and Kiara will not be working together anymore. Dominick whispered yes under his breath thinking that Jason was removing Kiara from the detail but little did he know it was him that was being reassigned. Jason cut his eyes at Dominick and said you and Troy will be switching assignments. Troy will accompany Jimmy and Kiara on deliveries for now on and Dominick you will be running the streets. Dominick stood up to express his feelings about the changes but Jason interjected with its final. Dominick stormed off with an attitude and slamming the front door behind him. Kiara we need to talk about what changes need to be made to make you feel more comfortable with the deliveries. Troy was happy to be promoted because he was tired of dealing with the streets. Kiara was clearly confused about what was going on. It was not her intention to have Dominick removed from the deliveries hell Jason had never even talked to her about any of this until now. She knew that Dominick had went and complained about the drop but how did it come to this? Kiara looked at Jimmy and then at Jason wanting to ask questions but decided against it. Meeting dismissed Jason said right before asking Kiara to stay. Everyone else left except them two. They talked about what Kiara felt was suitable to feel safe and he told her that he would handle it. Kiara got up to leave and Jason questioned her about where she was going, how long she was going to be gone which shocked her because he had never asked before. So much was changing so fast that it sent her mind into a world wind. Kiara went to her room to call the girls because she needed a spa day. Then she went outside to find Dominick who was up in front of the store. Kiara went to Dominick asking him about what happened. Dominick was still mad so he didn't want to talk to her. Jimmy told Kiara to just leave it alone before things got worse.

Kim and Lisa pulled up just then, so Kiara left. Troy came running up to the car to the girls but it was a quick conversation because Kiara was ready to go. They hit the mall for some shopping therapy. Kim and Lisa was trying to cheer Kiara up by joking with her and she was trying to interact with them but she had a lot on her mind. The next stop was the nail salon where they got the works. Kiara couldn't wait to get her feet done to relieve some stress. She popped her ear buds in and listened to some music while her feet was soaking. Between the music, foot soaker and chair massage Kiara had spaced out trying not to think about anything. It was over before she knew it and it was time to get her nails done. Normally she would get a pretty spring color but today she decided a white with black designs for both her fingers and toes. Kiara still wasn't content so their next stop was the hair salon trying to wash her problems out of her head. Once they were done Kim ask Kiara if she wanted to talk about her problems but Kiara knew that she couldn't do that so she told Kim that she was fine. Lisa was a party girl so she suggested that they go out for drinks. Kiara invited them back to the house for dinner and drinks instead. On their way out of the salon Lisa and Kim ran into a few other girls that they knew that wanted to hangout too. Kiara this is Keisha and Jessica can they come too. Kiara said sure so they followed them to the house. Dominick, Jimmy, Troy and a few other guys was sitting on the steps when they pulled up. They all walked up to the house and all the guys moved except Dominick of course. Troy walked up to Lisa still trying to holla at her. Lisa liked Troy but was always playing hard to get. Kiara told Lisa to come on and lead the girls up to her room. Jason heard all of them going upstairs because he was in the living room playing the game. He yelled out asking if that was Kiara and if so was she planning on cooking dinner. Kiara showed the girls to her room and then came back down to talk to Jason about what her plans were.

Jason told her that he would order out for everyone including all her girls so that she could have fun. Kiara smiled and asked if he could also get some drinks from the bar for them too. She then went into the kitchen to get a ziploc bag for some and then went up to her room. All the girls was sitting down chilling except Kim who was always going through Kiara's closet. Bitch get out of my closet I bought a welcoming gift for the new ladies. Kiara tossed the bag of weed onto the bed and turned on her stereo trying to forget her problems and have some fun. Kiara started rolling and passed the bag around the room. Jessica asked her about the guys on the front while they smoked. Lisa said I don't care who y'all talk to just stay out of Troy's face because he's mines. Kiara burst out laughing saying you don't even give him the time of day and now he's yours. Lisa said well I'm not going to make it easy for him but I am planning on giving in. Kiara told them who everyone was including Jason but she never told them that her and Jason were involved. Keisha asked Kiara if they were her brothers or something and Kiara said or something. Jessica laughed saying or something means that she is fooling around with them. Kiara stared at her then, said I'm not a slut we are all roommates. Jessica said that she didn't mean any harm she was just joking. Kiara burst out laughing again and said I know I'm messing with you but the truth was that Kiara was serious until she realized that Jessica was joking. They were all having a good time and Jason knocked on the door. Kiara opened the door and he told her that the food arrived. As they got downstairs Jimmy was coming in the with the liquor. Everyone was making plates and passing the containers around so everyone could eat. After dinner the girls wanted to stay downstairs and hangout with the guys now that they were in the house. Everyone was laughing and joking which made Kiara feel good. Troy suggested that they all play a game. Dominick burst out laughing saying that Troy wanted to play seven eleven. Kim said why not that's a good game looking at Jimmy. Jessica said oh no that wouldn't be fair because it's not even and Dominick said that he could get his man Kris to join in. Everyone laughed and agreed to play but Lisa said no real pumping because she's a good girl. Jimmy asked Jason if was going to play since he was all grown up and we all laughed again. Jason told Dominick to go get his homeboy so we could play. We all had been drinking and smoking so this game was going to be fun. While Dominick was gone I went and locked my bedroom door so that nobody could go in there during the game and Jason had did the same. It was funny how much a like we were when it came to the way we thought. As we was going back downstairs he asked me where I was going to hide so that he could only find me and Jimmy yelled no cheating you two. I laughed because I didn't know that he could hear us talking. Dominick and Kris were coming through the door as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Kris looked around the room saying he was going to enjoy this game because all the ladies were beautiful. Jimmy told everyone the rules and then turned out the lights. Okay ladies go hide while we count to ten slowly. The took off to hide. It was a three story house with a basement which ment that there were many places to hide. I knew that because of the windows downstairs that the guys could see which way we ran so I went upstairs. Jason had been standing next to me so I knew that he saw me go up there but so did everyone else. I don't know which of the other girls followed but I heard al least two others come behind me. I went into the bathroom on the second floor and got in the shower but I heard the other go up to the third floor. Jimmy called out ready or not here we come. I heard several of the guys come up the steps somebody was trying the doors on the second floor so I knew it wasn't Jason. I heard one of the girls scream which sounded like it came from downstairs and then a few seconds later another girl screamed. It seemed like forever before I heard another girl scream. I figured he would know my favorite place but to my surprise it wasn't him who found my hiding place. I heard the bathroom door open and someone was just standing there in the door but they didn't say anything. Finally the shower curtain was shoved to the wall and it was Dominick standing there laughing. DAMNNNNN! he held out his hand for mines to help me out of the shower. As we were standing there in the doorway Jason and Kim walked passed us. Dominick grabbed me just then and planted a big wet one on me. I knew that he was doing it to piss off Jason. As he pulled away he said one, then he pushed me against the door and kissed me again but this kiss was different. It was soft, passionate, and I could feel his manhood pressing up against my tender area. He pumped on me eleven times while kissing me before he released me to go downstairs. Everyone was standing in the living room waiting for the game to begin again but Jason said that he wasn't playing any more than looked at me. I quickly said that I was done too but that I was going to my room so they could still play, Jason said me too grabbing my hand leading me upstairs. We went to my room and the first thing out of his mouth was did you like it. Jason don't go there it was a game and you kissed Kim too.