Kiara decided not to argue with Jason about the dumb game. She told him that she was going to bed and he stormed out of her room still pissed off. The next morning Kiara decided to go talk to Jason now that things had cooled down but to her surprise when she opened his door he wasn't alone. Kiara was pissed and her first thought was to attack but then remembered that her and Jason weren't really in a relationship. Kiara turned slamming the door behind her waking Jason from his slumber. Jason jumped up throwing on his pants to run after Kiara but when he got to the kitchen everyone was in there. Kiara can I talk to you for a moment please he asked. Kiara said that she was busy with breakfast and couldn't talk right then. Why you can't just let one of the other girls take over for a moment said Jason. Kiara gave him the dirtiest look and said well tell Jessica to come do it I'm sure she's good at taking my place. Jason almost blew his top, he walked over and grabbed Kiara by the arm leading her out of the Kitchen. Once they got to the living room Jason told Kiara that nothing happened between him and Jessica. Kiara said you slept with her how is that nothing. Jessica was at the top of the stairs listening until Jason said go ask her we didn't fuck. Kiara told him that she didn't believe him because they were both naked. Just then Jessica came downstairs smiling. Hey babe, thanks for last night it was fun she said before speaking to Kiara and heading to the kitchen. Kiara was fuming when she slapped the shit out of Jason. He grabbed her arm before she could do anything else. He picked her up and threw her across his shoulder and took her to his room. He dropped her on the bed telling her to chill out. Kiara jumped up quickly only for him to push her back on the bed and sitting on her. Kiara listen to me baby I have never lied to you because that's not who I am. The truth I really don't have a reason to because even though we fucking we aren't in a relationship. Kiara knew that all that he was saying was true. He looked into her eyes saying that he didn't sleep with Jessica and that he wasn't even sure about when she got in his bed. I wouldn't hurt you like that Kiara because the truth is that I love you and want you to be with me. He leaned in kissing her passionately and then started removing her clothes. Just the Dominick knocked on the door saying that Kim and Jessica were fighting in the Kitchen. Jason jumped up off Kiara and rushed downstairs Kiara following him. Kiara pushed pass the guys who were just standing there enjoying the fight. Jimmy was in the middle of it trying his best to break it up. Kiara yelled stop this shit what the hell is going on. Everyone stopped and just as Jimmy thought it was over Kim punched Jessica dead in the face. Jessica fell to the floor and Jimmy grabbed Kim pulling her from the Kitchen. Kiara asked Kim what was going on. Kim explained how she overheard Jessica talking bad about Kiara to Keisha and how she was planning to get with Jason. Jason and Kiara burst out laughing leaving Kim looking confused. They went back into the kitchen to tell Jessica to leave and asked Keisha if she wanted to join her. Keisha walked over to Dominick and said that she didn't have anything to do with what Jessica was up to. Fuck all of y'all Jessica said walking toward the door. They all sat down to breakfast and planned out their day. Once the girls went to get ready for the day Jimmy and Jason talked about how Kim had Kiara's back. Dominick chimed in about how Kim and Lisa were great friends for Kiara to have and that they had been loyal to her since they met. Jason and Jimmy stopped talking and looked at Dominick like he had something strange on his face. What are y'all looking at I care about Kiara too you assholes. She pisses me off sometimes, hell so do y'all but that doesn't mean we aren't still family. Everybody laughed and then went to get ready for the day. Keisha was a new addition to the crew but she was fitting in nicely.
It was a week before deliveries were to be made so, Jason sat down with Kiara, Jimmy and Troy to finalize everything. The warehouse was already set up for the drops. Kiara was now packing since Jason had taught her how to use a gun, everyone she had a delivery for was now based on a one on one meeting but Kiara would still be guarded by Jimmy and Troy. A few of Jason's clients put up a fight about the situation but soon agreed. Kiara was a woman that should always worry about her safety. Kiara handled herself like the boss that she was. The day was even over sooner than usual which everyone loved. However Kiara told them that on the way home to never go straight home. They stopped at a carryout for dinner, and stopped at a bar before starting there way home . When they pulled out of the bar Jimmy noticed that a car was following them but he didn't say anything. He was making all of these unnecessary turn just to make sure. He started speeding down a small street and made a sudden turn then parked. He told Kiara to get out quickly before the car could catch up and hide until she couldn't see the car anymore. Kiara did as she was told and the walked the other way just to make sure nobody saw her. Once she was out of the area she caught a cab around the corner from the house. Kiara ran to the house as fast as she could to tell Jason what had happened. All they could do was wait. Jason was nervous so he was rambling talking about how someone was out to get her and how she has to stay safe because he couldn't stand it if something happened to her. Jimmy and Troy came through the back door because they had parked the car a few blocks over and cut through the alleys so they couldn't be followed.