CHAPTER 8: Staying on Point

Being followed had everyone on edge because they didn't know who it could be or why. Jason wouldn't let Kiara go anywhere by herself. Even when she wanted to hangout with the girls a few of the guys had to go with her. Kiara was feeling smothered by this so she just stayed in the house. Jason and the guys decided to go play basketball since Kiara didn't have anything planned for the day. After they left Keisha showed up looking for Dominick. Kiara invited her in because she could use the company. Keisha and Kiara was sitting in the living room smoking while talking. Keisha asked Kiara what was going on, then she asked if Kim and Lisa was was coming over. Kiara didn't say to much because she couldn't talk about the business but she did tell her that she wasn't expecting Kim or Lisa today. Keisha asked Kiara to go out for some drinks and maybe get something to eat since the boys were gone. Kiara was hesitant at first because she wasn't supposed to go anywhere without security but she went anyway. She grabbed her purse, left a note telling them where she was and with who. Keisha drove them downtown to the inner-harbor but Kiara was worried about it being so many people and that she couldn't keep track of her surroundings. Keisha told her to stop being paranoid and that they would be fine. Kiara suggested that they call Kim and Lisa but Keisha told her that she was trying to get to know her as well as they did without them. So Kiara agreed not to call them and they went to Uno's for dinner. Keisha was encouraging Kiara to drink even though she couldn't drink too much because she had to drive. Kiara decided to have one drink with dinner. Kiara was feeling really suspicious of Keisha but she pushed the feeling away because they did smoke which could be why she was feeling paranoid. Kiara and Keisha were having a good time Kiara had even began to relax. Jason called Kiara insisting that she hurried back home because she shouldn't have left out without security. Kiara went to the bathroom before they left. After Keisha settled the bill she went to the bathroom too. Kiara was washing her hands when Keisha walked in and told her that she was ready. On their way through the garage to Keisha's car Kiara felt a sharp pain from someone hitting her over the head with something and as she was going down she noticed Jessica standing over her.

Keisha and Jessica dragged Kiara into the car and sped off. When Kiara woke up she was tied to a bed in some unknown place and couldn't see anything. She could hear talking in the back ground but couldn't hear what they were saying. Kiara struggled trying to get loose, when she heard a man say that it was useless to struggle because you aren't going anywhere. Kiara yelled for Keisha but there was no answer. The man laughed and told her that Keisha couldn't help her. The man's voice sounded familiar but she couldn't place it. Who are you Kiara said and what do you want. He laughed again telling her not to worry about it because soon he would have all that he wanted. Kiara felt the weight of someone sitting on the bed. Then she felt hands roughly grab her breast and he told her that he was going to have some fun with her before this was all over. He kissed her lips then left the room laughing.

Keisha showed up at the house all beat up with a note that she gave to Jason before falling into Dominick's arms. I'm so sorry she said crying I tried to stop them but I couldn't save her. Jason read the note out loud bring me a hundred thousand dollars to Patterson Park tomorrow night at 10pm or she's dead. How in hell am I supposed to come up with this kind of money in one day Jason said. Jimmy told him that he would help and the rest of the guys chimed in saying that they would help. Everyone went to check their stash spots but even with all they had they were still short by thirty thousand dollars. Kim called Jimmy asking him what was going because Kiara's phone kept going straight to voice-mail. Jimmy told that he couldn't talk about it over the phone. Within a half-hour Kim and Lisa was at the house. Troy answered the door Lisa began asking questions right away but Troy didn't say anything. Keisha was sitting on the sofa with Dominick just watching everything and pretending to be concerned. Jason was in the kitchen on the phone, Jimmy was in the dining room on the phone too. When Jimmy saw Kim walk into the dining room he put up a finger so she would wait until he was done before trying to talk to him. As soon as Jimmy ended his call Kim asked him what the hell was going on and where was Kiara. Jimmy ushered Kim into the kitchen where Jason was so that they could talk to her together once Jason had finished his call. Kimwas very frustrated with not knowing what was going on with her friend. Once Jason was done he broke down from being angry, frustrated, and afraid of what could be happening to the love of his life. Kim tried comforting him but now more than ever she really wanted to know what was going on. Jimmy started to explain what had happened and mentioned that Kiara was out with Keisha when everything happened. Kim went into the living room where Keisha was sitting and started yelling at Keisha asking her where Kiara was. Dominick jumped up quickly defending her saying how she had tried to say Kiara and was beaten up by the men who took her. Kim looked at him and said you can be dumb enough to believe that but I know that she had something to do with this. Y'all better keep a close eye on her and don't tell her shit that's going on because as long as she knows things won't go right. Kim turned to Jason and told him to look in Kiara's closet for her rainy day stash then her and Lisa left.