CHAPTER 10: Recovery

After a few days Kiara was home from the hospital but it was time for another delivery. Kiara couldn't do it because she was still recovering. Jimmy and Jason talked about it making the decision to layout all the cards with Kim as well as Lisa since they had been so trust worthy. Jason asked them if one of them could make the deliveries for him today since Kiara couldn't and Lisa said that she would. Kim and Jason stayed at the house to take care of Kiara while everyone else went to handle their business.

Dominick was pissed that things had turned out like this. Keisha hadn't contacted him since the night Kiara was found in the hospital. He had also been calling his friend Kris who had also not been around. Kiara waited until Jason had left the room to talk to Kim. She finally told Kim everything that had happened the day that she was took including the rape. She also told her that the guy was Kris, Dominick's homeboy. She told Kim that she thought that Dominick was in on it but she wasn't sure. Don't trust him and watch him because I don't know what he's up to. Kim agreed just in time because Jason entered the room with Kiara's lunch. Jason barely left Kiara's side since she got home. Once Kiara finished lunch Kim told Jason that Kim needed a nap. So, they left her alone for a while. Kiara kept feeling the rape between her legs and she couldn't understand why she couldn't just for get it. Kiara felt so ashamed everytime she thought about how wet she had become doing the whole thing. How could she be intimate with Jason now that someone else had touched her. Kiara was crying but her eyes were closed so Jason didn't know if she was dreaming or awake. He reached out to touch her but it startled her making her jump half way out of the bed. Jason felt bad because that wasn't his intention and now it had him thinking that she might be afraid of being touched by even him. Jason told her that it was okay and that he was just checking on her. He also said that she didn't have to be afraid of him because he would never hit or harm her in any way. Kiara began crying again because she still hadn't told him everything that happened and wasn't sure if she could. Kim came to the room to tell Jason that everyone was back except Dominick. He asked Kim to stay with Kiara while he went to handle his business. Kiara asked Kim to help her get dressed because she wanted to go downstairs. I refuse to keep being a victim hiding in this room because I'm stronger than that. Kim started looking through Kiara's closet to pick out something for her to where. Kiara put on the Jeans, pink shirt, and silver sandals with silver accessories with Kim's help. They slowly made their way downstairs because Kiara was still sore and bruised up. As they reached the bottom Dominick came walking in and he was surprised to see her face full of bruises. He offered to help her to the sofa but Kim assured him that Kiara was fine and could make it on her own. Dominick stepped back to let them go ahead of him.He thought to himself that things weren't supposed to turn out like this. Seeing how badly Kiara was hurt made him angry because he really did care about her. He was just trying to knock Jason off the throne so that he could run things. Dominick had been jealous of Jason for a long time and it really took the cake when Jason took him off the delivery detail. Jason called Dominick into the kitchen asking where he had been. Dominick told him that he was running some personal errands. Jason let it go because his only concern right now was Kiara. Have you heard from Keisha lately Jason asked. You know she isn't going to contact me especially since Kim accused her of being in on what happened to Kiara Dominick explained. Well if she didn't why disappear like that without a word. I don't know man, has Kiara said anything about what happened yet. No not really but sometimes I catch her crying when she's by herself. We need her to tell us what happened and if she knows who's behind this. Maybe she'll talk to Kim if she hasn't already Dominick said. You should get Jimmy to ask Kim because she would tell him for sure. Not if Kiara asked her not to say anything because you know how close they are. I'm just going to try and talk to her myself and hopefully she trust me enough to tell me. Jimmy walked in and asked what was going on. Jason told him about the conversation they were having and then asked him if he thinks that Kiara had said anything to Kim. Jimmy told him that she hadn't said anything to him about it.

Jason asked Kiara if they could talk for a moment but she just said that she was tired and ready to return to her room. Maybe later after she rest Kim said while help Kiara to her room. That pissed Jason off because it was like Kim was in the middle of there relationship. I can help her Jason said sweeping Kiara off her feet and taking her upstairs to her room. Jason laid her on the bed and covered her with the throw blanket. He sat there for a moment before telling her that he was there for her no matter what. I love you and you can tell me anything there's no judgment because my love is unconditional. Kiara never looked at him, she just said I know but I need sometime I hope that you can understand that. He leaned over kissing her forehead and said taking all the time you need baby then walked out.