It had been months since Kiara's incident and she was feeling much better. Her and Kim had been going to the range everyday escorted by Jimmy of course. She still hadn't told Jason everything that happened but enough to satisfy him. Lisa was busy with the business and Troy so that nobody would be the wiser to the plan that they had cooked up. Dominick would sneak off to meet up with Keisha whenever he thought nobody would notice him missing. Little did he know he was always being watched by one of Jimmy Little homeboys. When the time was right everything would play out just right. On the days that Dominick would come in late the pack money would always come up short. Jason wasn't concerned with Kiara so much anymore so he began to notice that the money wasn't right. He went back and checked the books to see how long it had been going on. Jason wasn't sure but it looked like it started around the time Kiara was abducted. He decided to not say anything right away but to just watch Dominick's moves for now on.
Jason pulled Jimmy and Kiara to the side to mention it to them. Kiara knew the time was coming fast and she would need to act soon. Baby Dominick has been apart of your crew for along time now maybe something else is going on Kiara said. Jimmy looked confused because Kiara was the reason that Jimmy was having Dominick followed. Jimmy said nothing at that moment because now he knew for sure that she was up to something. Jason said you're right baby I need to just check some shit out first then he left the Kitchen. Kiara started behind him but Jimmy grabbed her by the arm stopping her. What the hell is going on and don't tell me nothing because I will tell Jason what I do know. Kiara said okay but not here Kim and I will fill you in later. Jimmy let it go for now but he wouldn't be waiting too long. The next morning on the way to the range Kiara and Kim told Jimmy about the plan. Jimmy didn't understand so Kiara had to tell him about everything including the rape. Jimmy was pissed that Dominick would have anything to do with that shit. Kiara had to admit that she didn't think that Dominick knew that Kris was going to rape her. However, he shouldn't have been in on any of it. So, in her eyes he was just as guilty as the rest Keisha included. She planned to get them all back for they had done. Revenge was sweet but it was all about the timing. Kiara knew that Jason wasn't going to let this go on for too long without confronting Dominick. She had to move on to the next stop quickly. The next time Dominick snuck off to meet Keisha she would be there with her crew. Jeremy came to Kiara and told her that Dominick was getting ready to go see Keisha. Kiara called Lisa and told her where they were going and to meet them there. Fells point wasn't very far from where Lisa was so her and Troy were the first ones there. Troy didn't know what was going on he thought that him and Lisa was just having so romantic time alone. While they were all snuggled up on a blanket in the middle of the park Troy noticed Keisha sitting on a bench. He wasn't sure if it was her because she was so far away but he knew the man that had just walked up was Dominick. Troy told Lisa to look asking her if it was Keisha and Dominick. Just as Troy stood up Kiara and the rest of the crew were walking up from different directions surrounding them. Lisa and Troy quickly followed their lead covering their side. Jason walked up to Dominick asking what the hell was going on. Dominick told him that he could explain but Jason interjected with yes, Dominick please explain your betrayal. You helped set me up Kiara said looking at him with anger and disappointment in her eyes. Kiara then quickly swung knocking Keisha back onto the bench behind them with a punch to the face. Dominick quickly said that we didn't know that they were going to hurt you we were just looking for a quick come up. Troy came out of nowhere with a three piece two to the face and one to the gut. You didn't care either way as long as you got what you wanted. Kiara is like apart of our crew and you know that we are supposed to look out for one another. Jason asked Dominick about the missing money, but he said he didn't know what Jason was talking about. Jason tossed Jimmy the keys to Dominick's car and told him that it was time to go to the warehouse. Kiara rode with Jason to help keep an eye on Keisha and Dominick. While in the car Kiara asked Keisha where Jessica and Kris was. Keisha told her that she didn't know where they were, and that she hadn't heard from them since the they had took Kiara. Keisha swore that she had nothing to do with what happened to Kiara and that's why she didn't know where they were. They had arrived at the warehouse and pulled the two of them from the car. Tie them up Jason said to Troy and Jimmy. Dominick begged Jason to talk to him for a minute. I'm your brother, you can give me a few minutes before deciding my fate. Jason took Dominick to a empty part of the warehouse to talk to him. While they were off Kiara, Kim, and Lisa drilled Keisha about Jessica's where abouts but it was futile. Keisha was so loyal to Jessica that she was willing to die for her.
Jimmy told Kiara to not kill her, just beat her enough that she had to be hospitalized. He explained that Jessica will show up for her and they would get her then. Jason returned without Dominick which had everyone curious about what he had done. Jason didn't utter a word even though everyone could feel his tension coming from him. Kiara did as Jimmy said and beat Keisha until she was barely breathing and left her on the side of the road for someone to find. They didn't go far because they needed to be able to keep an eye on her.