Prologue 3: Death in Battle

We began heading towards the Freedom Tower where the prez is heading. Our intel says, which is the Vice President named Fredrick Auburn said that the Freedom Tower has lower floors when there's a certain emergency. Then, there's multiple tunnels leading to other buildings if that pig get away.

The driver calls out to us from the speaker.

"Guys, we're here." said the driver.

This is it, if anyone thinks I'm not nervous, you'd be wrong. I'm shaking! My breathing is faster, my heart is racing, my body's heating up, I'm nervous! Obviously, I should be shaking since I'm suddenly fighting for my life, even though I was born in a dangerous neighborhood. Gunshots are of common occurrence. But this...this could decide the future and the newer generations.

We loaded our guns and walked outside of our mobile command to see many others who surrounded the Freedom Tower with many vehicles.

The thunder boomed and cold rain fell upon us heavily.

Where the president has surrounded himself with a black bulletproof limousine along with 20 black armored cars flashing red, white, and blue. Those lights are flashing throughout the rain.

"Mr. Gray!" a man called out to me. I turned to see who called me, to my surprise, it's the man in a blue suit holding an umbrella, the Vice President.

"VP Fredrick? What are you doing here?" I said.

"To congratulate you on making it this far. But that's not what I've came for, I came to convince the president. Though putting it lightly, he has been...undesirable." Fredrick said.

"Too lightly, not just artists, but people from all over are affected." I said.

"That is true, but we're bringing the president alive." Fredrick said.

"I'll try...but if he ever try anything funny, I can't guarantee his safety." I said.

Fredrick pulls out a megaphone to call out the president for negotiation.

"President Timothy Kale! This is the Vice President Fredrick Auburn! I come in peace for negotiation!" Fredrick said through the microphone.

The president and his soldiers come out in the rain, the president waddled his way with his microphone.

"Don't screw with me, you traitor! You lowly rebels killed my allies, ruined my statues and buildings, and berated me along the way! You and these 'arts' is poison!" Timothy angrily yelled through the megaphone. "I know you will kill me as well and piss on my grave!"

"That will not happen, president. If you rescind the ban and step down as president, I will guarantee that no harm will come to you. Many people lost their jobs, their homes, and their families. We cannot afford to lose our humanities as a whole as well." Fredrick said.

"LIES! I will not rest until all poison is removed so all families will live happily! Kill them!" Timothy roared and went back in the tower.

"Wait, President!" Fredrick said and in a split second, I pulled him to the truck and an AR was shot and the bullet whizzed by, missing us and disappearing into the fog. My rebels began firing in response.

"VP, looks like the deal's off for him." I said, pulling out my SKS. "Sorry, but we're cooking this pig."

"I must know his motives, at least don't kill him too quickly." VP said.

"No promises! We're breaking through!" I said.


Me and my rebels made it inside the freedom tower and continued the firefight where bullets streak through the space. Electronics explode into fireworks while glass shatter and become rain. I saw a staircase in the open door where I saw the president go in, but the bodyguards are in the way. I call Andre and Ashley.

"See that door? We're getting inside that door." I said.

"Lead the way, man!" Andre said.

"Danny, give sniper support!" I added. Danny nodded and shoots his SVD at one of the bodyguards' head, killing him instantly.

"Enemy sniper!" one of the bodyguards said. Danny fired again and shot the ceiling harness that holds 4 100-inch 4K TVs and some glass ornaments. Those TVs fell down at the lobby and made a deafening crash.

The three of us went downstairs to follow the target. We were descending in a spiral of stairs until we reached the door saying "KEEP OUT". Well, since I'm a rebel, what's a sign to me? I turned the handle and opened it to see a sight we never dreamed off or better yet to never see it in person. A power source that could bring prosperity and destruction with its use.

"The hell is this? I always think there's some huge basement or storage room." Andre said in disbelief.

"How? When did they build a nuclear reactor?" Ashley said as her voice trembled. We walked towards the glowing core that is suspended in the air. This core has the diameter of 4 feet yet its brightness makes it seem much bigger.

"Is this why he banned porn? So he could build this under our noses? Or is it before that?" I said, wondering the President's motives.

"If word gets out like this, impeachment would be the least of his problems." Ashley said as she pulls out a touchscreen phone to take pictures. She began taking pictures, but what I saw in the distance is a gun pointing at us and I pushed her down. When it was shot, it missed us.

"You rebels were a thorn on my side. I tried so hard to make a world a better place. A place where nobody will be affected by porn. Before I ever became president, my daughter was almost sexually assaulted. She was 12! She was never the same after that horrid event." Timothy said, lamenting for his daughter. "When we investigated, he had shelves of porn magazines and more than 20,000 images and videos of cartoon child pornography!"

"You meant the term 'Loli' right?" I said.

"It's Loli, alright." Ashley sighed, rolling her eyes.

"Straight up loli, man." Andre said.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT IT IS, IT'S NOT BETTER!!" Timothy roared in anger.

"You're saying that it's the porn's fault that some dude scarred your daughter? Am I missing anything else?" I said after piecing Timothy's small story together.

"Not just that...that damn game also poisoned the masses, once I fire it on Japan and UK, there will be no more poison. The oppressed will rise as one and bring the world under one order!" Timothy said with his pudgy face distorted with malice following with hysterical laughter. "Kill them."

We go into a gunfight inside a nuclear reactor. Glass walls shatter and other objects were blown apart. We have to end the fight before any stray bullets hit something critical. Which it unfortunately did. The controls sparked, exploded, and fizzled out. Everything becomes yellow.

**WARNING: Control panel compromised!**

**Core destabilizing!**

This can't be good. One of the bullets hit something and began a meltdown and the glass containing it is beginning to crack.

"If this glass breaks, the radiation could kill us and those throughout the city." Andre said.

"No, it could spread throughout multiple nations if not all of America. I'm reading over 100 thousand mSv and rising. This could kill us within hours!" Ashley said.

Timothy began walking away with the lone bodyguard, but I shot the bodyguard in the head with my AK-12 which caused Timothy to scream in horror, causing him to stumble on the wall. I ran to him and grabbed him by the collar.

"How do you shut this shit off!? You made this, right?" I said.

"Why should I tell you!?" Timothy said. I pulled out my knife that is 8 inches long and stabbed it in to the wall, purposefully missing his ear.

"Because if you don't, I'll turn your body into a botched plastic surgery patient." I said, threatening him.

[Notice. Intimidation acquired.]

"You can't! Since the core is swaying like that, the energy will discharge wherever the core is closest." Timothy answered, fearing for his life that I might torture him.

"Why did you make this!? Especially in the middle of a city!?" I angrily said.

"Because it's the only way to save mankind, to merge everything into one order...for the new world." Timothy said. I became baffled where he was trying to bring a world in one rule. However, he ain't gonna be seeing that any time soon.

"You got that, Ashley?" I said, smirking.

"The whole nine yards." Ashley said, holding her phone.

" were recording?" Timothy said, showing cold sweats.

"Yep, say goodbye to your pretty career, bitch!" I said, cackling, pulling my knife out of the wall, but then the core pulsed, but the glass barely held on.



"We gotta go!" Andre yelled. I forcefully pulled Timothy in front of me and pushed him along. Ashley and Andre ran to the door and held it to me where I heard a clanking sound. I pushed Timothy past the door and the metal shudders slam down in front of me.

"Silver!? Hey! Why did it close!?" Andre said, banging on the door. The other shudders slam down as well, preventing any radiation from escaping and effectively trapping me inside.

"Get out of there, get everyone out!" I said through the radio.

"We ain't leaving you, dammit!" Andre said as he is kicking the shutters, but it wouldn't budge an inch.

"Forget about me and run! I'm...I'm good as done here." I said, looking around the reactor room where it every exit is sealed off. Seeing that there's no escape, I resigned myself.

"Andre, we have to go now. The tower might shut us in as well." Ashley said.


"Like he said, he's done for. We'll be next. Grab the prez and go." Ashley said, trying to stay composed, but deep down, she's hurting. Andre cursed in the air.

"It's been real, were the best leader and a friend. I always thought of you as my brother." Andre said in the radio.

"You were like a brother to me too, Andre. And Ashley? You were like a sister to me." I said through the radio.

"Yeah, you're a brother to us too...I don't know if Danny will handle this." Ashley said.

"I know...tell him to preserve my Maiden Legends collection. Also, my Evolutionism Account."

With those words, they dragged the president away to the lobby while I stay trapped in a room where the core could explode any minute. I ran to the control panels where it was damaged and tried to pull the levers down to slow down the process if not stop it at all. However, I saw another green ring coming to the core.

At that moment, a blinding flash covered the room. I was expecting a quick and instant death since it could destroy my organs, but I was wrong...I'm in for a world of pain.

I was sent flying across the room along with everything involved, every glass was shattered. My flying body slammed into a different machine hard and caused it to fizzle and explode sparks out of it.

I was dazed from the explosion and impact, but what happened next wasn't the surface. I ended up vomiting. The food I once ate was expelled from my mouth and then I vomited again, but this time was blood. My vision began to shift and warp around me. This...this is radiation? This is what it gave me a sickening feeling?

[Notice. Poison Resistance acquired.]

[Notice. Radiation Resistance acquired.]

A burning wave of pain course through my entire body as if super heated claws shred my body apart. I gritted my teeth in pain.

[Notice. Pain Nullification acquired.]

[Notice. Heat Resistance acquired.]

Damn...this doesn't look good at all...I'm seeing blisters and tears forming on my hand and my body. Could've been cool if I could benefit from it.

[Notice. Regeneration acquired.]

I become weaker for every second passing by and I began to feel cold despite after the burning feeling.

[Notice. Cold Resistance acquired.]

Images flash before my eyes where my friends celebrate our victory, defeating Arukatha and becoming a full-on Undefined, and living my life without anyone getting the way of what I love. Then parents. They're the government dogs that I want nothing to do with. Wanting me to be a lawyer, doctor, or some shit like that without letting me to tell them what I wanted to do. I just wanted to be my own! Then my little brother and sister...Desmond and Nia Gray...

"Blargh!" I spat out more of my blood and bits of possibly my organs. "Desmond...Nia...your big bro...won't be coming back..."

With my last words, life has left my body.

[Notice. Hidden Race acquired.]