In the Void (Part 2)

"There are several skill categories that divide the infinite number of skills. First, Basic Skills or just Skills. These skills are acquired by doing certain activities such as staying in hot places, prolonged exposure to poison, training one's body, and so forth. You gaining Heat Resistance for example falls in that category." Argeizeth explained. I nodded in agreement. Wait a minute.

"I have skills?" I said.

"Of course, say 'Display' and a screen will appear. " Argeizeth said.

"Display." I said and a screen popped out in front of me.

I see my name, my race, and skills. But Unique skills? Ultimate Skills?

"About my Unique Skills and Ultimates." I said.

"Unique skills are skills that are either given at birth or completing certain tasks. Being a Void Dweller is part of that since it is what you are born with by race. " Argeizeth continued. "Lastly, Ultimate Skills. Ultimate Skills are skills that can turn the tide of any battle or throw the world off-balance, that's how powerful they are. Skills like these can be on its own or the evolved form of said previous skills." Argeizeth explained.

"Ah, right. This is like Evolutionism, right?" I said. Argeizeth nodded.

"I know there are many races like Humans, Elves, Orcs, Beastkins, Dragons, Fairies, and so on. Including the elements like Fire, Water, Ice, Wind, Lightning, Earth, Light, Dark, and such." I said. I mean, I had to be a newbie to NOT know this, right?

"Hm...this makes things quicker since you are knowledgeable." Argeizeth agreed. "Do you wish to cross over? To the Material Realm that is."

"Yeah. If I can't go to the front door, go through the back door." I said.

"I see your enthusiasm, but there are risks for crossing over. Once you cross over, your memories could be fragmented, your bloodline may become dormant if not lost, and your skills may become dormant." Argeizeth said, warning me that it's a one-way trip and can't guarantee its success. In the worst case, I could be dead before I even start.

"Also, even if you were to crossover safely without any drawbacks, you could attract Deities and Heavenkin alike, not including heroes. Taking on one Heavenkin in your condition is possible, but forget about taking on an army being led by Deities. You'll either get sent back to where you started or have your Astral Nucleus destroyed, ensuring your true death." Argeizeth said.

"Damn...well, can I get to know more of you guys? If I managed to get across and I end up in a difficult situation, I gotta know your names." I said.

"There are more of us than you can imagine, Alden. I will introduce you to some." Argeizeth said. We float in a direction where we see a dark gray cloaked figure floating, wielding a large black sword, I couldn't see its eyes as the cloak is in the way. It turned its head to me, indicating that it noticed me right away.

"This is Nulrex. He is known as 'The Ever Silent'. The reason why is because in the Material Realm, his voice kills them by fear and his strikes kills them instantly; without moving from one spot. Despite his build and size of the sword, he is one of the fastest." Argeizeth said.

"What about the white creature with multiple eyes?" I said.

"Meltozo is my name. Apologies for the late introduction." it said. Its voice sounded feminine, yet elderly.

"Meltozo is known as 'The Allsight', she can see across dimensions as she desires without detection. But if she were to enter any of the realms or gaze into the Transcendent Realm, the Deities would notice." Argeizeth said.

"So we have a new one, eh?" a voice said in a crude manner. This one is deep red, the color of blood around its body. It has two horns, one on each side that is curving backwards. Its hair is the color of skeletons; deathly white. He also wears pants that is torn and gray, but it is covered in bloodstains.

"Venrax, glad you came. Alden, this is Venrax, known as the 'Crimson Scourge'. With every time he takes damage, physical or spiritual, he becomes stronger. Also, every time he kills, he too becomes stronger." Argeizeth said.

"Like one of those Berserker class. These guys are fun to play as, but an absolute NIGHTMARE to face against, even more so if it got a tanky build. Believe me, I took on 10 high ranked players and won because of its insane damage." I said.

"Oh, that? That wasn't even a fight, it was a massacre!" Venrax laughed. Oh, right, they knew about me since I was born so I shouldn't be surprised. "So, you're gonna take vengeance on the bitch who banished you?"

"Yeah, she faulted me for fighting a corrupted government!" I said.

"Yeah! But...that human, Timothy banned porn because his daughter was attacked by a human who collected items with small, doll-faced children wearing frilly clothing." Venrax said.

"You mean lolis? That's what they're called. That guy was addicted." I said.

"You are coming for her, right?" Venrax said.

"Yeah, but not yet. Getting stronger comes first. I will go to the Material Realm to do so." I said.

Venrax and Argeizeth did not like my response.

"Alden, I've already stated that the risks when it comes to crossing realms are high. You'll be hunted by the Deities because of your newfound bloodline even if you make it past. Plus, you can't fight them all with your current knowledge of combat." Argeizeth protested.

"Yeah! Going out there like that is suicide! I may be crazy, but I ain't stupid!" Venrax said.

"Think of it this way. If I crossover, I'll become human and work my way there; starting from zero." I said. "Besides, since I'm dead in my world, my account is out in the wind and makes no sense in going back. It's gonna be a fresh slate with a twist. At the very least, I can evolve my monsters again, right?" I replied.


[Notice: Unique Skill, Evolutionist acquired.]

Just like that? Well, nothing wrong with that.

"That's a little too could fail. Fine, we'll at the very least assist you." Argeizeth said, sighing. "Meltozo, find the Material Realm."

Meltozo blinked and her multiple eyes shined in multiple colors. A screen-like projection appeared only to see a dense forest and a village. I looked closely to see that there's a small amount of people compared to a city or kingdom. This is the Nelton Forest. In the game, that's where the adventurers start hunting are at Wood and Stone rank at the edge of the forest, if they reach the river with a bridge that is three miles in, they have to be at least Mid-Iron rank, because of the Gray Wolves.

"This is the closest I can get without alerting the Deities. If you're ready to jump, do it now." Meltozo said.

"All right!" I yelled. I put my hands forth and a portal has appeared before me. This is it...I'm going in and it's a one way trip. Who knows what will happen to me, but I won't know until I try. I look back at the beings. Venrax, Lamenziru, Nulrex, Meltozo, and finally Argeizeth. There's probably more beings I haven't met, but hopefully I can get to meet them by summoning. To be honest, staying in the void too long would take a toll on me mentally.

"Argeizeth, it's nice meeting you. Especially all of you. Even though it is short, it was nice knowing you." I said. Argeizeth smiled, showing his sharp teeth.

"Likewise. Ah, I almost forgot. You must assume a new identity." Argeizeth said, realizing something. Oh snap, another way to cover myself. Good thing I got the name for it.

"Kain Void. It's my avatar." I said.

"So be it. Kain Void, go etch your mark in the new world just as you etched in your previous one. We shall meet again." Argeizeth said, bowing. I nodded and jumped into the portal and closed behind me. The sight inside the portal has swirling colors of the rainbow, but most of it is black which will make every normal person feel like they're on acid. I look at my hand and it began to distort. Everything began twisting and warping as if I'm hallucinating. I think I'm changing into something or someone. My head began spinning uncontrollably then became sick.

"I hope I become human and at least retain my memories." I though to myself, resisting the urge to puke. Until suddenly, I blacked out.