A New Beginning

**This chapter will be in 3rd Person**


In the Nolten Forest, the trees cover reach the sky and yet unable to touch the clouds. Various beasts and monsters roam the forest and live their lives. One mother was walking in the forest to gather food for the day. The mother has long icy blue hair that goes past her shoulders which matches her eyes. However, her ears are above her head in the shape of a wolf, A Lycanian.

The Lycanian mother's ears twitched. She hears a sound, a distressing sound. It is a cry of a baby. With her motherly instincts kicking in, she dashed through the forest, dropping her basket.

The crying grew louder as she is heading towards that sound. To her shock, a one-eyed Gray Wolf along with two other wolves fighting each other to see whoever eats the baby.

The wolves growl and snarl at each other as they attack, clawing and biting each other with the intent to kill. But the Lycanian mother jumped in, claws ready and slashed the wolf's torso. The wolf yelped and stopped the other two. The wolf that was slashed collapsed on the ground and died.

The two wolves looked at the Lycanian Beastkin and perceived her as a threat and lunged at her, but with the glint of her icy blue eyes, she vanished and clawed at the two wolves while airborne.

Blood spurted from the wolves and crashed to the ground, motionless, slain.

The Lycanian mother sighed and turned to the baby wrapped in rugged cloth, crying. Her heart broke at the sight, giving the fact that he was abandoned or lost his parents along the way. She picked the baby up in her arms to have a closer look.

The baby has a small patch of black hair on his head and his pupils are the color of a lake in the night sky. She noticed a tag that said "Kain Void".

"So you're Kain Void. Such a peculiar name, but good nonetheless." she said, smiling. The baby that is Kain Void began to cry less.

"Oh, you must be hungry. Don't worry, I will feed you and raise you along with my daughter." She said. She began dashing back to where she left off, but her acceleration was more gradual than the previous.

The mother picked up the basket that hasn't lost a single speck of food and returned to the village in Nolten Forest called the Nolten Village. This village has a diverse population where there are Beastkins, Humans, Dwarves, and sometimes Goblins. The mother reaches the entrance where they meet two rough-looking human guards wearing light leather armor wielding spears. Despite their intimidating looks, they're friendly at heart.

"Welcome back, Tuya." one guard said. "What's that on your arm?"

"A child. He became the prize pool to the three Gray Wolves." Tuya said. "I managed to dispose them."

"Did you find his parents?" the other guard said.

"No, I don't know if he has any." Tuya replied. "I better return to my daughter soon."

Tuya bowed to the guards and began walking back towards her house. She opened the door to see a man whose hair is the color of the ocean and have the same wolf ears as Tuya's. However, Tuya was pleasantly surprised by his arrival.

"Ezo!? You're back?!" Tuya said, running towards him.

"Yes, my dear and gotten paid handsomely. The winter will be more manageable for now on." Ezo said. He notice Tuya is holding a baby in her arms. "Who is the baby you're holding?"

"Dear, this is Kain Void. I found him being toyed with by three wolves while I was gathering. This poor human had no parents." Tuya replied. "Now, where's our daughter? I want to see her."

Ezo turned to pick up a female baby who also have wolf ears. Her hair is like Tuya's, but her eyes are that of Ezo's deep blue eyes. Tuya held the female baby close to her.

"Hyoran, I'm back. Did you miss me? I know you do." Tuya said in a playful voice, bouncing Hyoran up and down. "Are you hungry? Don't worry, I'll feed you and your new brother that came in the family."

Ezo and Tuya prepared food for the two infants and for themselves. Tuya began cooking where as Ezo grabbed two high chairs and picked up the two children to sit them down. He began setting up the table as he began placing table cloths and bowls along with utensils.

After he finished, he sat down and waits patiently for Tuya to finish.

"Ezo, how did you return early? Your job to subjugate a Bone Scaled Shark was supposed to be five weeks long." Tuya said.

"It was closer than I expected. I predicted it was going to be close to Nyctia Island, but it was near an uninhabited island east from the forest. At least I didn't have to deal with Skyflayers near that island." Ezo shrugged. He then remembered that he has something to show Tuya to further reinforce his claim.

"Look, I made a necklace out of that shark." Ezo said, showing 4 jagged teeth from the slain shark. "I could've gotten more, but my knives went dull or broke. In the end, I get to see you much earlier."

Tuya's tail began wagging. However, she finished cooking and served dinner. Its meat is golden brown and very tender. However, she didn't stop there, she also made food for the babies as well, but since their teeth had not yet been developed, she made sure it is in a soft, near liquid state.

They began feeding the babies first by making the spoon fly towards them and land in their mouths. The babies began eating the food until there was none.


In nightfall, outside has the noise of crickets, fireflies floating about, and lanterns light the village. Tuya and Ezo sit on the couch out of straw and wood outside their house.

"So what will we do with Kain?" Ezo said.

"We'll treat him like he's our second child." Tuya responded, holding Ezo's hand.

"I know we're trying to have more children, but are you sure about this? Hyoran will react differently when she gets older." Ezo said. Ezo is worried that he and Tuya would show Kain more attention than Hyoran in the future, thus ruining the family or vice versa. The reason Ezo showed concern is because, he met people who was cast aside for various reasons.

"We'll try to work this out. Alvune did adopt a Tigrisian Beastkin so this shouldn't be any surprise." Tuya said. "But I am also concerned about it too. We'll try to make sure both Kain and Hyoran is loved equally while making Kain feel like he belongs in this family."

Tuya lays her head on Ezo's shoulder to ease their concerns. Ezo does the same and wrapped his arm on her shoulders.

"Let's sleep on it, we'll make sure they have good childhoods together." Tuya said.

"Yeah." Ezo said.

The Lycanian couple stands up and went to their bedrooms and sleeps for the night together.