Serpent Sweeping

"Hyoran, use Ice Magic." I said. Hyoran used a spell Ice Shard at one of the Black Serpents. It landed at the serpent, freezing it quickly.

[Rank G target slain. 1000 EP acquired.]

"Ice is most effective against reptiles." Hyoran said as she witnessed more snakes retreating from the frozen snake. She became focused and fired more Ice Spells at the remaining seven.

[7 Rank G targets slain. 7000 EP acquired.]

We advance further to the mines where even more Black Serpents gather around. This time there is 10 of them.

"Gris, Wind Blade." I said.

On my command, Gris went in front and growled to summon a ball of green energy. Gris snarled and the green sphere launched multiple crescent-like projectiles at the snakes.

All ten of the snakes were cut down by the green crescents that were razor sharp, killing them instantly.

[10 Rank G targets slain. 10,000 EP acquired.]

We moved forward in the mines where we reached the paths diverging in 3 ways. Only one of them leads a bigger monster. That's where my skills come in.

I activate Perception and Echolocation to scan the areas. I closed my eyes and the dark world was illuminated with pulsating bluish green light, outlining the surface of the mines.

I saw the outlines of the Black Serpents and a larger one in the middle path ahead of me.

[13 targets detected. 1 Black Shroud Serpent detected and 12 Black Serpents. All are in the middle path.]

"Where should we go?" Hyoran said, looking at the three paths.

"We'll go in the middle. I scanned the area and found the leader causing all of this." I said. I continued to the middle path of the mine along with Gris and Paura. I motioned Paura to climb on the walls so that he could ambush them once they're distracted.

I arrived at the end of the path where there is a large snake, bigger than the others. The Black Shroud Serpent.

"Check its stats, system."


That big snake is about 8 feet long, black scales and pale green eyes. At the end of her tail has a blade-like shape colored red or violet, indicating that it's female. Male counterparts have a blue or indigo.

It is known to cut stone like butter and can take punishment. It's pseudo-blade is perfect for weapon crafting. Sorry mama snake, but I'm gonna need that weapon upgrade.

I charged my Tier-III Lightning Spell: Chain Shock where my magic will hit the target and bounce to whichever's closest. Yellow sparks illuminate in the darkness, alerting the snakes including the Black Shroud.

She hisses at us, however it was too late for them as my spell is ready to fire. I shot the lightning at the Black Shroud Serpent where it is slithering along with the pack.

The lightning struck her directly and the electricity shocked the smaller serpents in its wake. The smaller serpents drop dead after getting deep fried from the lightning.

[12 Rank G targets slain. 24,000 EP acquired.]

To my slight surprise, the Black Shroud Serpent still stands, but is visibly hurt by the lightning. It is because of that tail was used to redirect the lightning. I dunno why, but them amps could've killed her.

At least I got Paura prepared.

"Now, Paura." I said. Paura jumped down and plunged his sickle forelegs on to the snake's head. However, it was too shallow for it to be fatal.

The serpent hissed loudly and thrashed its long body around. It rolled, slammed its head on the walls of the mines trying to get Paura off, but Paura as a D rank and have the Thick Skin skill, he's faring it well.

"Now, Gris." I said. Gris glowed a bright green aura and in an instant, he became a blur. In that instant, Gris used his front right claw imbued with wind and swiped at the Black Shroud Serpent.

The serpent's body has been cut in two. Paura took his sickles out and jumped off before the head hits the ground.

[Rank E+ target slain. 30,000 EP acquired.]

I walked forward to the corpse of the serpent and began focusing on that tail. That blade on its tail is longer, sharper, and sturdier than my daggers and Hyoran's sword. It's about 40 inches long.

I knelt down to cut the tail that is holding the blade.

My daggers struggled to cut the flesh, but since I am C rank, it wasn't so hard. I believe it's high time to get an upgrade. However, I heard an alarm.

[Be advised. Schwarze and Noire has detected multiple hostiles.]

"How many?"

[20 individuals. 19 rank D and 1 rank A. All are bandits.]

"Seriously? Wait, did they come here to avenge Fredrick?"

[It is possible. Schwarze and Noire are awating for your orders.]

I sigh. I couldn't believe the cliche situation I am in right now. Well, to be honest, if I were to leave one alive and tell them that I'm not to be messed with, they should respect it. That's until some big man refuse to believe it and wanted smoke anyway.

I guess I was naive to expect them to have some sense as to avoid me.

"Schwarze, Noire, let them get inside the cave. Once they're inside, make them panic."

Noire and Schwarze cried in agreement of my command. Schwarze flapped his wings to fly out of the enemies' sight while Noire walked away.

I stood up and looked at Hyoran and Ezo who are watching me harvest the snake saw me give a serious expression.

"Guys, we got a bandit problem." I said.

"Bandits!? How'd you know there's bandits?!" Hyoran said.

"I...shared vision with Schwarze and Noire." Yeah...I didn't like that excuse. "Anyway, we don't know how many so I'll assume there's a lot of them."

Before I continued, a thumping sound was heard from where we entered the mine. The ears of Ezo, Hyoran, and Gris twitched and made them turn to that direction.

"Those are the bandits, right?" Hyoran said.

"No doubt. I'm gonna rank you up, now." I said.

"Do it."


"Oh! I feel tingly again!" Hyoran said as her ears and tail spiked again. The cost of ranking up is getting higher, but we can't risk getting caught lacking. That one bandit is rank A and would be a problem if not handled correctly.

[Rank up completed. Hyoran is now Rank B.]

[New skills acquired for Hyoran. Ice Magic-IV, Water Magic-IV, Water Resistance, Tenacity.]

"Wow...I feel even stronger." Hyoran said.

I try to rank Gris up too for A Rank and evolve him for more power.

"It's REALLY getting costly. But I can get it back. Do it."


Gris closed his eyes and wind began to howl. Dust began to fly about where wind is involved and it became a vortex. Finally, the wind exploded, knocking me and Hyoran off our feet. He's definitely stronger.

[Gris is now Rank A.]

[New Skill acquired for Gris. Wind Magic-V.]


A cracking sound echoed through the mines, indicating that they're forcing their way through. The webs at the beginning are there to slow them down, but even with Paura's Hard Web, it'll fall through if it touches fire, just slower than regular webs.

I look at the bladed tail and came with an idea if I can craft it on the fly.

"System, I can use this tail to craft it to a usable weapon?"

[It is possible. Sending attack types.]


[Slash type selected. Sending Slashing type weapons.]


[Longsword selected.]

[Retrieving skills from Black Shroud Serpent...completed. Adding projected skills...]

This weapon doesn't have a rarity yet, but I'm running tight on time.


Another crack is heard on the wooden door. They're getting closer with each time.

"Kain, the door can't hold forever. Are you thinking of turning that blade into something?" Ezo said.

"Yeah." I replied.

[Would you like to include additional skills to this weapon?]


[The cost of weapon creation is 10,000 EP. Additionally, the material provided will be used for the weapon and cannot be interrupted. Proceed?]

"Do it."

[Acknowledged. Now crafting weapon...]

At that moment, the tail blade floated upwards and shone in a bright, yet not blinding light. I can still hear the banging of the wooden gate since and the cracking sounds become louder. It's only a matter of time before they break in.