Blade of the Serpent


"So this is where that black haired kid is heading, right?"


"And he's the one who destroyed not only our men, but our camp with Wind and Lightning?"


"Also, he's controlling a Sickle Spider and a Silver Wolf at the same time?"

"I saw it all, boss. Freddy looked all kinds of messed up when he got sucked in. Until that kid killed him with his Dark Magic. They ran away after they used their magic."

"If I find out you're bullshitting, your head is mine."

"Don't worry, I also saw two Beastkins with him. Seeing he cares for his animals and the Beastkins, we can take 'em hostage."

"Those guys are heading inside the mines. Your orders, boss."

"Alright, let's teach this fucker who's he messing with!"

The sounds of malicious cheers rang out of their voices and began walking towards the Nuen Mines.

As they reach the mines, they're blocked by a wooden door. One of the bandits tried to pull, but it wouldn't budge.

"Damn, it's stuck. Let's break it down."

The bandits pull out their axes and began hammering the obstruction, pieces of wood splinter and break little by little, but surely will give way. However, the big bandit with a brown thick, scruffy beard and mustache, head devoid of any strand of hair, triangular ears, green skin, and two large teeth picked up his axe much larger than the other ones.

"Move, these runts must've heard us breaking in." said the big bandit.

He pulled his giant axe back and swung it with great force.


The wooden door broke open and knocked off its hinges. However, it didn't move far and it was barely tilted.

The bandit grabbed the crevice where he struck his axe and pulled it apart to see a wall of webs.

"That clever little bastard put webs on there, huh? Too bad that I have Fire Magic." the large bandit smirked viciously.

Fire appeared on his hand and threw a Fireball at the entrance, igniting the wooden door and the webs behind it. Smoke began to rise.

"It won't smoke them out, but it'll make them panic enough."


As the material began to glow a bright light white light, it began to turn blue. I've gotten my first rare weapon.

The blue light exploded into fireworks, showing me my newfound weapon.

The shape of the longsword is straight and double-edged. The color of the blade has the same violet color and the center is black. Its handle can be used for two hands and one hand. The length of the weapon is 39 inches long.

The sword continued glowing blue and floated downwards to land in my hands.

[Crafting complete. You have crafted a Rare weapon.]

" looks so cool." Hyoran said, struck in awe, hypnotized by the sheer beauty of the newly crafted sword.

However, her daze was cut short when her smelled something...something burning. Her ears perked up and looked back. She hastily sneaked back and peaked to see smoke, cinders, and flames. The webs began to ignite as well, one by one.

Hyoran looked back at me to warn me about the situation.

"Kain, the wood and the webs are burning." Hyoran said.

"We'll wait until they get inside, we'll give' em a scare and wipe 'em out." I said.

Back to the bandits, they managed to break through the wooden barricade and then the wall of webs. All 12 enter the mines, ready to hunt.

I look out to see that the bandit is bigger than any other bandit I encountered. Bigger than Fredrick.

"System, check his stats."


Yikes, that orc means business and I don't think I can face him at one-on-one. That Fighter Spirit skill is where it weakens enemies' stats. Also, it is a skill combined of Intimidation and Tenacity. With me being at C rank, if he uses that on me, it's curtains for me.

I began to see Noire's vision where the last one of the bandits has entered the mine. However, I'm gonna need more time.

"Gris, go in front of the bandits and intimidate them." I whispered to him. Gris briskly walked on ahead to the beginning of the diverging paths.

"I want to evolve Gris."

[Providing evolution paths.]

"Silver Gust Wolf."

"Hold on..."

As the bandits advance further, they encounter Gris standing there, glaring at them with his green eyes from the flickering ambient light from the torches. However, he is sitting on his hind legs, exuding a strong, almost regal like aura. When I looked at him, he gives me a big smile on my face.

"Is that...a Silver Wolf?" one the bandits said with a hint of hesitation.

"Yes it is. Move." Grundel said, shoving the bandit aside. Grundel looked down at Gris like he is just some mutt who doesn't know his place. I can say that he made a mistake.

"Hmph, y'all scared of that mutt?" Grundel snorted. "Seeing that I can't see him soon is that he must be pissing his pants, calling his mama." Grundel laughed and the bandits are laughing too.

Gris did not like that, not the snort, but them making fun of me was the sin. He stood up on all fours and began growling, wanting to tear out Grundel's throat.

"You growling at me, ya lil mutt?" Grundel said with a menacing look on his face. Grundel took Gris's growling as a sign of disrespect as he always beat them to a bloody pulp when someone tries to fight back.

Grundel readies his fist to punch Gris to teach who's above.

"I'll make a rug out of you!" Grundel yelled.

"Gris. Evolution." I said.

[Acknowledged. Now evolving...]

With my command, Gris's eyes shined, gaining more power than before.


Gris howled loudly and a cyclone surrounded him instead of the wisps. His howl reverberated throughout the mines and then the wind howled as well, swirling violently.

Grundel was slowly being pushed back by the wind where the others hunker down to prevent getting blown out of the mines.

"What's happening!?" said one bandit.

"The Silver Wolf is evolving!"

"It can't be...that Silver Wolf is evolving!? Here?!" Grundel said.

The cyclone then exploded, finally knocking Grundel off his feet, kicking up dust and debris around. The burst of wind soon dissipated. Grundel got up and could not believe his eyes.

" that mutt?"