What Grundel see is Gris bigger than before.
Gris's silver fur became longer and have slightly more luster than before. His eyes showed a silvery green color, his claws are longer and became silver instead of black, his tail is now longer, his body is now bigger, and his teeth are sharper.
[Evolution complete. Gris has now evolved to Silver Wind Wolf.]
[Due to evolution, Gris's rank has risen to S.]
[New Skills acquired for Gris. Wind Magic-VI, Wind Nullification, Earth Resistance, Water Resistance.]
[New Unique Skills acquired for Gris. Wind Walk, Wind Dominance-I, Earth Ward-I, Water Ward-I.]
"That's...that's a Silver Wind Wolf...in the flesh." one bandit said.
"Those wolves are extremely rare locally in the Noltia region. Especially for Silver Wolves in general. They're known to be nightmares to those who specializes Wind Magic." another bandit said.
"Hmph, I've defeated those runts before. I'll do it again." Grundel said, unfazed from seeing the evolution in person. That's where you're wrong, buddy. I have more monsters who joined my family.
Noire walked into the cave entrance and sat there, but none of them noticed her because of her Concealment skill.
"I'm evolving Noire. Black Shade Wolf."
"Noire. Evolution!"
[Acknowledged. Now evolving Noire.]
She howled for impending evolution and scared the same bandits as well. A black shroud surrounds Noire before them and began swirling. Although it barely causes wind, but it shows a ominous feeling to them.
"We have another wolf evolution that quick!?" one of the bandits said.
"Rrrgh...What the hell is going on!?" Grundel yelled at the unknown variables of the situation.
Moments later, the black shroud dissipated showing Noire a new look. Purple eyes, purple claws, jet black fur with a sheen of purple on there.
Noire in the darkness with the light behind her is a black mass looming over, emitting a dreadfully dark aura, blocking the light from the tunnel. She growls at them, but not as loud as Gris, but more menacing.
[Evolution complete. Noire has evolved to Black Shade Wolf.]
[Due to evolution, Noire's rank has risen to A.]
[New skills acquired for Noire. Dark Magic-VI, Dark Nullification, Menace.]
[New Unique Skills acquired for Noire. Shadow Sneak, Curse Resistance, Dark Dominance-I, Traceless.]
Noire's purple eyes flashed at some of the bandits. When they look at her, they were frozen, trembling in fear.
"I c-can't move."
"Sc-scary...! So scary!"
"She's gonna eat me, we shouldn't have come here...!"
The bandits are starting to panic and tremble, draining their morale. Grundel could no longer tolerate their cowardice.
"WHY ARE YOU LITTLE SHITS SO SCARED OF TWO LITTLE FUCKING MUTTS!?" Grundel roared. His voice echoed throughout the mines, forcibly silencing their panicking. Hyoran covered her ears as it rang in her head.
"The way I'm seeing it, you shit stains are shaking in your boots to two little wolves. Are you scared of the two wolves more than me?" Grundel said, looking behind him.
"It's that..." before one bandit answers, a fist went straight to his nose.
A fist landed on his face, making a cracking sound. Blood spewed out from his nose and mouth and knocked him on the floor.
Orcs have higher strength than any average human and by me looking at him, he could've crushed a man's skull if he wanted to, the reason that bandit lived is because Grundel held back.
He became dazed for a brief moment. As his vision cleared, he sees Grundel visibly angry.
"I don't wanna hear weak-ass excuses. If you're scared of these mutts instead of me. I'll make sure to fix that." Grundel said. Grundel being less scary than anything will make him think he's lower than a monster, thus taking that as a sign of disrespect.
I'm gonna jump in for a bit to make it more dramatic.
"Keeping them in check by using fear? It can only go so far, buddy." I said. Walking out of the shadows.
Grundel hears a voice and turned to look at me. My height is minuscule compared to Grundel as he is at least 6 feet tall. Hell, maybe 7 feet tall.
"So, you're the little shit that destroyed one of my camps near Noltia." Grundel said.
They knew? There were more? Neither Gris or Paura sensed anyone else. Even if I did, the guards in Noltia would've come and made my situation complicated. Oh well, my Perception has a limit in range.
But no use crying over it, I'll act stupid first and tie off loose ends.
"I don't know what you're talking about. A bandit camp? There was a bandit camp?" I said, feigning ignorance. Grundel didn't fall for it.
"Don't act like you didn't know! My guys saw you at the camp using Lightning Magic and your mutt's Wind Magic." Grundel said, pointing at me angrily.
"Lightning? I don't have that. Why would a kid like me be near a camp full of guys smelling like Orc poop?" I said mockingly.
Hyoran covered her mouth to muffle herself from laughing.
"Hehehe...you like to run your mouth, huh?" Grundel said with his anger rising. Then remembered that he came for me.
"Here's how it'll be. Give yourself and your pets and we'll let the other two beastkins go." Grundel said. The other bandits let out a sinister chuckle as expected to screw me over. I saw this coming a mile away.
"No." I said. Grundel didn't like my response.
"Listen runt, you have no choice to accept or you're gonna be in a lot of pain." Grendel said. I had enough playing with him so I'm gonna wrap this up.
"Here's my deal. One, you walk away and I'll pretend this never happened. Two--"
"I don't think you understand your situation, kid." Grundel said, walking towards me. "If I can't ask nicely, I'll take it by force. Starting with your mutt right here."
I sighed at his stupidity. Well, I'm at fault too expecting for him to take a hint since I'm in a 10 year old body and does not look intimidating in the slightest. It's time that I tie up some loose ends.
"Okay, your funeral. Now, Schwarze." I said.
"Who's that? Another pet? No matter, I'll take my time with you." Grundel said.
At my command, Schwarze flew inside the mine. He flapped his wings in the mines, but due to his feather structure, his flight is silent, not even a whisper.
Even though he was inches above them, they could not hear him come in.
As he flew by, black feather shaped snowflakes drift downwards onto the bandits behind. And in an instant, their vision becomes dark.
"Huh!? Who turned off the lights!?"
"I can't see!"
The bandits become panicked as Schwarze robbed them of their vision. Grundel turns around to see that their eyes are completely blacked out.
"What the, you bring another one!?" Grundel said, turning to me.
"Yep and do keep in mind, orc." I said. I then gave off a intimidating aura at him and his lackeys. Although my standard Intimidation won't work on Grundel, even he should've taken a hint.
"I've gave you a chance to walk."