A scout takes out his telescope in the stone towers of Noltia and looked in the distance. Through the telescope, he sees a flying monster breathing fire and roaring in the distance, he can hear it so clearly.
He goes outside of the window and yells down at the other knights.
"The dragon is near!" yelled the scout.
One of the knights blows the horn, letting everyone in the kingdom that the dragon is coming closer. The knights stationed on top of the walls readies the harpoons. The harpoons are tipped with steel.
The knights rush over to the harpoons carrying the bolts so large, it requires two people to carry it efficiently. However, they have bolts made of Drakenium which is a metal mixed with dragon remains, usually scales. the reason they use steel is because Drakenium is rare and expensive to forge.
"Aim!" yelled one of the knights. The knights adjusts their aim. The harpoons numbering to 50, ready to fire on command.
The Fire Dragon is now 300 meters away, but the harpoons are meant to hit enemies 500 meters away. The reason they didn't fire right away is because the dragon might have enough time to avoid the volley.
250 meters, 200 meters, 150 meters, 100 meters.
The harpoons were launched. The bolts gave out a low whistling sound as they fly in the air. The adolescent dragon who is the size of a one story building breathed fire on the projectiles to burn them. However, the dragon couldn't burn them all.
The bolts strikes against the dragon's red scales, some bounced off its scales by the drastic angle of impact, but some pierced the dragon's wings. The dragon's wings as an adolescent are the most vulnerable, but it won't kill the dragon.
The dragon fell to the ground hard, exploding rocks, dirt, and grass upon impact. Anna took this opportunity to push on the offensive.
"The dragon is down! Everyone attack!" Anna yelled. The many adventurers jumped out including Tuya and Ezo.
Now that the Dragon cannot fly with its wings damaged, it lets out a roar, knowing that it will not go down so easily. Some adventurers shielded their ears from that loud roar. Most of the residents inside Noltia Kingdom heard the fearsome roar.
"Just like old times, right?" Ezo said.
"Yeah. Let's see our children again." Tuya said.
"Right behind ya." Ezo smirked.
"Shieldbarers to the front!" Anna commanded. The shieldbarers lined up in front of the red dragon and stood firm in defiance. The dragon raised its head and breathed fire upon the adventurers.
The fire impacted the shields, displacing the fire. The shielders made sure they resist the dragon's breath or the others behind them will be reduced to ashes.
"Magic users, slow down the dragon!" Anna commanded.
"Aqua Geyser!"
"Mud Pit!"
"Earthen Hammer!"
Multiple mages shout out their magics to attack the dragon. Earth, Ice, and Water. Before the dragon could advance, its four feet sank into the ground and then solidified. Next, a large chunk of ice appeared above with the diameter of 200 feet and struck the dragon's head.
It did inflict damage to it, but in the end it only angered the dragon more. It began to prepare its fiery breath, but the magical water geyser doused its flames.
The dragon raged at the inconvenience and its fiery eyes flashed. One of the adventurers who is holding a red spear and shield saw it coming and braced for impact. That one adventurer was soon engulfed in flames. A figure flies out of the flames and crashed into one of the trees, smoldering with smoke.
The adventurer quickly stood up as if he is unharmed. It is because of his spear and armor that greatly resists Fire elements.
The Fire Dragon struggles to lift its leg out of the ground so it can swat away the front lines. However, a giant chunk of earth shaped like a hammer and slammed on top of the dragon's head.
The dragon's head dropped on the ground hard, creating a crater upon impact. The dragon as a result became dazed, opening a new opportunity.
"The Dragon is dazed! Attackers advance!" Anna commanded. On that command, Tuya and Ezo dashed for the dragon. Upon their movement, they noticed something is different, something beneficial.
"What is this? I feel faster than before." Ezo said.
"Same here, this is Kain's doing. I hope it'll last long enough for us to defeat the dragon." Tuya said.
The two beastkins ran and jumped upon the head of the fire dragon. They pulled out their swords that are deep blue in color. Ezo sees the dragon's eye open up.
Ezo imbues his sword with Water magic. The magical water appeared wavy and bubbly. Next, it became smooth. Lastly, it became sharp and flowing.
Ezo glanced at Tuya and she nodded, she imbued her weapon with ice and ready to stab.
Ezo nodded and stabbed his sword into the dragon's eye.
The dragon roared in pain as its eye was gouged out. The red dragon thrashed and rolled its large body around to shake them off. The adventurers on the ground retreated to avoid the thrashing dragon. The dragon continued to roar and spew fire and magic desperately to shake off the assailants, but to no avail.
Ezo held on and fired a high pressured stream of water to pierce the dragon's skull and reach the brain. If it didn't, it'll leak into the brain in some other way.
Tuya did the same with the other eye and the dragon roared again in pain. It is now effectively visually blind.
Tuya then poured her Ice magic to freeze the water inside. The dragon's movements soon became sluggish and stiff. The cold frost Tuya used has slowed it down. This gave Anna an opportunity to strike.
"The dragon has slowed down! Finish it off!" Anna commanded. The army of attacking adventurers wielding axes, swords, spears, staffs, and so forth attack the dragon. Ezo continued to pour water and Tuya continues to freeze it.
They continued to do it until the skull inside the dragon couldn't contain the pressure and gave way and entered the brain.
With the brain being one of the most vital part of the body, the frost sinks its frozen fangs into the gray matter and sucked all of its warmth while gnawing upon its flesh.
The dragon soon got a burst of energy to swing its head around to flick off the attackers. It hit its neck on one of the trees, flicking Ezo off from its grasp.
However, by doing so, it dug its frost even further, increasing the damage done to the brain.
Ezo in mid air, righted himself and landed on the tree and ran back towards the dragon to maintain the advantage.
However, his wife, Tuya continued the assault and used a higher form of Ice Magic. As she finished the chanting, multiple spikes of ice erupted from her hands, piercing the brain and shredding it apart.
The dragon soon froze stiff and fell down. It's body crashes downward, shaking the ground one last time.
The Flame Dragon is dead.