Sun rises again and we woke up to see Gris and Noire sleeping together. I found it cute seeing those two together.
I look for Hyoran and I see her sleeping next to Fennec so soundly. Fennec's ears twitched and turned to me, noticing I'm awake.
Fennec jumped from her bed to mine and started nuzzle on my chest with her soft fur and tail. I petted her head gently.
"Morning Fennec." I said. I lay upwards, shifting the covers around me which wakes both Gris and Noire from their sleep.
"Morning Gris, morning Noire." I said to them. I pet them both.
"Morning..." Hyoran said groggily. Hyoran clumsily steps off her bed and stumbles slightly. She happened to be so excited that she couldn't sleep a wink.
Gris walked to Hyoran and brushed his fur around her legs in attempt to wake Hyoran's near-sleep state.
"Huh?" Hyoran snapped out of her daze and looked at Gris. She smiled and petted him.
We went to the kitchen to greet our parents, but when Ezo and Tuya saw Gris, Noire, and Fennec. Especially when Gris and Noire are bigger and in different color.
"A Silver Gale Wolf, a Black Shadow Wolf, and a Flare Fox?" Ezo said, dumbfounded.
"Yeah, they evolved as we're fending the bandits off." I said.
" did you..." Tuya was trying to ask me how did I get the monsters like this, but Ezo cuts in.
"Honey, we'll talk while we eat." Ezo said.
We sat down on the table to eat breakfast. Tuya served us breakfast of eggs, bread, and butter.
"Kain, you named the two wolves Gris and Noire?" Tuya said.
"Yeah. The Flare Fox over there is Fennec." I answered.
"With the dragon done away with, Noltia is collecting the dragon to process it. No significant damage was done. If you want, you two can go back to Noltia to upgrade your rank." Ezo said.
"That's great. But later, we're going to Valtuz." I said. Ezo and Tuya freeze in place of my statement.
"Kain, Valtuz is very different than Noltia. Where the current lord is lining his pockets and favors the rich. Of course there were rebellions, but then it was quickly suppressed. Too quickly." Ezo warned.
A rebellion suppressed unnaturally quick, huh? The skill Force Order is where it is exclusive to people who is ruling a city and have enough authority to do so. Upon using it, every inhabitant in said city will be forced to obey and quickly resolves any internal conflict. However, it got downsides to it. It's useless to those who have a higher ranking, for example, an emperor is immune to it. Next, it's useless to those who works under the higher ranking. Third, it's useless against people outside of said influence, even if they're inside said city. Fourthly, it has a cooldown of 24 hours and it CANNOT be sped up. It's a skill meant to be a last-ditch and if a rebellion happens before 24 hours, you're on your own.
"Is it the bandits?" Tuya said.
"Yeah. I have a feeling it's much bigger than what we saw." I said. "So, we'll find more monsters to get rid of them for good."
"But Gris and Noire are powerful monsters, don't you need just two?" Ezo said.
"They can only do so much. I can't let them take 'em on without knowing how many." I said.
"Then when will you head out after your preparations?" Ezo said.
"When we get enough." I simply answered. Hyoran and I finished eating our breakfast and began heading out. Gris, Fennec, and Noire followed us.
"Oh, Gris. I need you to stay here and wait for Mom and Dad prepare the supplies. Once they're done, bring it us." I said.
Gris barked and walked into our room and laid there to wait for us to come back.
"We'll prepare supplies for you and have Gris carry them." Tuya said as she waves to us as we head out.
We ran to the route we went there before, crossed the bridge and continued ahead.
"Schwarze, Paura, Viri, to me." I said and they all came to my command.
We continued walking to find a bear type of monster, a monster meant for power and defense. To get one to my side, I must offer food to the bear. Be it fruits, veggies, or meat.
The forest here has some lakes where fishes are present. The river under the bridge is too shallow for fish to swim.
We began to head to the location where the goblin camp used to be until a mage done and destroyed it...and attracted a Forest Guardian.
We continued on ahead to see a large lake with many different monsters like Blue Fish, Green Frog, Leaf Deer, Wood Bear, and Sporefly.
Seeing the fish inside, I could pierce it with a spear. I summoned a spear out of Earth Magic. This appearance is equivalent to a sharpened stick. Simple, but much more durable.
I raise my spear and something splashed in my face. I looked to the side to see Hyoran grab two fishes out of the lake with her bare hands. She looked at me and smiled gleefully as the two blue fishes struggle to shake off her grip.
I thrust my spear into the water and swiftly lifted it to see I have pierced a Blue Fish.
[Rank J target slain. 100 EP acquired.]
"What are we going to do with the fishes? If you don't mind..." Hyoran's deep blue eyes glimmer at the sight of the fishes wriggling in her hands. "I can eat them here." Hyoran said, licking her lips as she intends to eat them.
"We're here for the bear. You can have them later." I said.
"Aww..." Hyoran's ears drooped down in disappointment.
Noire's ears twitched and quickly turned around to see rustling sounds. Only then for her to see a hulking mass walking towards us.
It appeared before us as we are holding the fishes, its thick brown fur, long claws, and sharp teeth as it opens its mouth.
"Check it."
As I am looking at it now, it's just as big back on Earth. When it stands on its two feet, it could reach at least 7 feet tall.
Brown Bears in the game in general aren't aggressive like Red Bears. They'll only attack when threatened or have their territory being invaded. They're also intelligent enough to know who's good or bad to them.
If you're friendly to them, they'll be friendly to you back. It's possible to build trust for a Brown Bear to follow you wherever you go. Like I will do right now.
"Hey buddy." I said. "Are you hungry?"
I pulled the fish out of the stake and tossed it in front of him. The bear sits on his rear picked up the skewered fish and began eating it down to the bone. I looked at Hyoran who is holding two Blue Fishes.
Hyoran reluctantly gave the two fishes to the bear. The bear immediately eats the other two as well down to the bone.
The bear walks towards me and presses his nose around me. It likes me.
"You want to go on a adventure?" I said to it. The bear licked me.
"I will name you...Steinberg." I said.
[Brown Bear is now named Steinberg.]
Steinberg is let out a celebratory bellow and licks me again. Covering my face with his slobber.
"Want another Blue Fish?" I said to Steinberg. He nodded and picked up my Rock Spear and stabbed another easily.
[Rank J target slain. 100 EP acquired.]
I tossed it to Steinberg and he quickly ate it down to the bone as well. We began walking from the lake to find more monsters for aerial support.
That's one down, three to go.