Flying Flame & Thunder

We move further in the forest to find more monsters for aerial support. Schwarze can inflict curse and deal more damage against enemies with Dark Magic, but he can't take on many people at once. Gris and Noire can't afford any lucky hits even if their ranks are V. Viri isn't strong enough to take on many yet.

I need more eyes in the sky. And I found it. A Ember Crow. I remember when I was playing as one where I can launch huge AOE attacks from above, far above the range of adventurers.

"Check its stats."


A Ember Crow noticed Noire looking upwards at the crow. The Ember Crow caws out to her and Noire barks at the crow. They're having a conversation between monsters. Wolves and Crows trusts each other for many, many years. When a wolf hunts, it leaves crows to have the leftovers.

[The Ember Crow requests that you kill a Leaf Deer.]

"You want a Leaf Deer?" I said to the crow.


[It said "It doesn't matter how you do it".]

"Noire, hunt the Leaf Dear!" I said. Noire barked and became a blur as she ran. And within moments, a message appeared.

[Rank F target slain. 10,000 EP acquired.]

Noire killed a deer that quick. Noire returns to the crow with the dead deer in her mouth and drops it in front of the Red Crow.

Noire and Steinberg began eating the deer for sustenance as they are hungry. The flesh of the deer was being torn and ripped apart right in front of us. I then realized that Hyoran was traumatized by the aftermath of the massacre of the bandits.

"Hyoran are you--?" I said as I quickly turned to her to see that she is mostly unfazed.

"Hyoran, you're not traumatized?" I said.

"After I saw what you did, the stench overwhelmed me and the sight of it too. I was more surprised than scared to be honest." Hyoran said.

Hyoran is only 10 years old and saw a massacre that makes any normal human have second-hand PTSD! I think Beastkins are slightly numb to the violence, but I think I made Hyoran even more numb to it.

After Noire and Stein are satisfied, the Red Crow began eating what's left of it. Until it found a mana crystal. It showed a green glow from the Leaf Deer and the Red Crow began eating the crystal. The crystal shattered and wisps of magic flowed into the Red Crow. I'm sure it made it stronger.


[The Red Crow is grateful for completing the request. It wants to join you and give it a name.]

"Alright...I name you...Vampa."

[Ember Crow is now named Vampa.]

Vampa flies over to me and I bring my arm out for him to land on me and rubbed his head against mine. His feathers are warm.

That's two more on our team. I need two more to complete.

That was until another crow came to me, landing on Steinberg. But this time, it is yellow.

"Check its stats."


Another crow already? This speeds things up. I wonder what does she wants.

"Hey there. What you need?" I said to the yellow crow.


[The Spark Crow wants you to kill a goblin so it can have its crystal.]

"Simple enough. Noire, go kill a goblin and bring it to us." I said to Noire.


Noire barked and became a blur again. Within a few moments a cry of death was heard and a message appeared.

[Rank F target slain. 10,000 EP acquired.]

Noire comes back with the corpse of the goblin in her jaws and drops it on the ground. I summoned a Earth Dagger and cut open the goblin and pulled out the crystal and gave it to the yellow crow.

The yellow crow flapped its wings and began absorbing the crystal. The yellow crow cawed in satisfaction.

[The Spark Crow thanks for completing the request and wants to join you.]

"I shall name you...Burya."

[Spark Crow is now named as Burya.]

That makes three. I can say that the preparations are almost done. I need a bull to plow through the ranks.

"Let's head back. Mom and Dad should be finished." I said.

We began walking back to the Nolten Village to get the supplies we need. Although walking to Valtuz will take hours, but we have to watch our fatigue doing so. We'll take in more monsters fit for the job of taking out the bandits along the way if I have to.