Nightly Interrogation

"Now, here's a question for ya. You up for it?" I said to Alphonse.

"Might as well since I am trapped in here with you." Alphonse replied reluctantly.

"For implementing your system, how come the guards from the other cities not catch wind?" I asked.

"I bribed them and promised bail when if they're arrested. Every guard and knight in this city works under me." Alphonse replied.

"Why did you whip out a system bogus as this?" I said.

"To gain power, money, and fame. Where the rich survives. Those who refused are either exiled, arrested, or even executed. It was not possible without Absolute Order." Alphonse said. I sighed after quickly thinking that for all that to work, he'd have to make connections, keep close ties, and what not.

"You know, that law right there won't keep your city afloat in the long run." I said.

"If I included other nobles, my Absolute Order will make them aware and turn against me when my skill is no longer in effect." Alphonse said.

So, if anyone is smart enough to avoid it and see it happen, that's when he's vulnerable.

"Last question before I call it a night." I said. I'm gonna give him something off of left field.

"Do you fuck elves?" I asked. Alphonse flinched and face went wide with bewilderment by my question coming from left field. He at first stammered and became angry later.

"Are you insane!? What kind of question is that!? No, I have not!" Alphonse yelled.

"Judging from your reaction, you were thinking of fucking one, huh?" I said, smirking at him from seeing him flustered at my question.

"How can a child say such vulgar words?" Alphonse said, shaking his head.

"Don't worry how I talk. Besides..." I put out pictures of adult female elves on the table. "I got some juicy evidence."

Alphonse became speechless on what I just displayed. Pictures of female elves who are wearing sexy lingerie, some clothes are nothing but string, and those completely naked showing their tits, ass, and pussy!

I never thought I get to see actual porn again. I downloaded over 30 gigabytes of Maiden Heroes porn before America went to shit. I tried to find newer porn, but the websites regarding it was wiped clean in America. That is until I used VPN, but even then, the artists have their own share of problems and I couldn't find the time.

"Even if you didn't really fuck one, this alone might put you on blast." I said.

"How'd you get those? You set fire to my mansion!" Alphonse said.

"Yeah I did, but it wasn't much. Besides, you were thinking about fucking Anna Zailhouse one day, right?" I said. Alphonse also jumped from hearing my question.

"What do you mean I was thinking about doing some vulgar things with this Anna person?" Alphonse said defensively.

"Heh, predictable." I chuckled internally.

"I found a sex doll looking like her." I said. Thompson walked inside carrying a life-like doll that looks just like Anna the elf. Except that the rubbery smell it gives off.

"Uh...that's not mine." Alphonse said.

"Bullshit." Thompson and I said, we looked at each other and Thompson gestured me to go ahead.

"There is a signature on the left asscheek with your name on it." I said and Thompson turned the doll over to show the evidence.

"So what? The elves will be looking at me funny if it were to be brought to light, so I don't care." Alphonse said, pretending it doesn't affect him.

"But you have bigger problems to worry about. Ergex and Noltia are heading to this city at this moment. Judging that they're bringing an army, expect them to come within 5 days." I said.

Alphonse's face became pale from my statement that the army from two kingdoms will be heading here and witness the rebellion. The consequences of attempting to cause chaos made him fall into despair.

"Oh no...what will happen to me?" Alphonse said fearfully.

"Well, conspiring to take over villages, killing people, bribing, and stealing money. So that'll possibly be treason, genocide, embezzlement, and bribery. And I hear them two empires take all those VERY seriously. Even more so on Ergex." I said.

Alphonse quickly went into desperation mode and tried to bargain.

", I don't wanna die! No death penalty, please! If it's money, fame, or power, I'll give it to you! No, to multiple people!" Alphonse pleaded.

"Nah, man. And besides, it'll be a miracle if you were to get life imprisonment." I shrugged and turned my back on him. Then...


I dashed and jumped on the table and put my hand on his head in a hundredth of a second. I was 10 feet away from him at the very least.

Alphonse and Thompson couldn't register until it was too late. I was within arm length of Alphonse's face. And I spoke to him with malicious intent.

"You will let the kingdoms do their thing and put you in jail. If I find out you trying to escape by using that Absolute Order bullshit. You better pray that some beast devours you first before I kill you myself." I said in a deep menacing voice.

Alphonse became paralyzed in fear as he knows that I can do more than just break his fingers. I used my Tier I Curse Magic, Hidden Seeker where it allows me to find out if he's escaping or being broken out. That way I can just torture him and them who did it.

"Lock the door, we're calling it a night." I said as I jumped off the table. Thompson led me out and closed the door and locked it with a key.

"Damn, Kain. Usually kids your age make adults react anything, but being scared. I also felt your killing intent without using Intimidation." Thompson said in awe.

"I was in a village where monsters and bandits are plenty. It's nothing new." I said nonchalantly. I mean, I led a rebellion, shot and killed people, and other crazy shit. Fighting monsters was new in the mix, but bandits are pretty much bottom-barreled bitch thugs in my old world.

"You gonna head into the tavern? We're still discussing about how to fend off the bandits in the mountain." Thompson said.

"Nah, I gotta get more monsters in the mix." I answered.

"Well, you have a good amount of monsters. Strong ones at that, but nothing wrong with bringing in a few more. You're a Beast Tamer." Thompson said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Is there a horse around here?" I asked.

"Sure, just go take a left when you leave the front door." Thompson said.

Thompson and I left the building where we imprisoned the guards including Alphonse and I began walking in the direction he told me.

Reached the stables that was mostly unaffected by the battle that was ended quick and see a middle-aged couple who runs this place.

"Hey, I'm here for a horse." I called out to them.

"You must be that child who took Alphonse out of power." the middle-aged man said.

"Yeah, I did. I got some money to buy a horse." I said, reaching in my pockets.

"Keep your money, hon. You saved a lot of people including us. Come, we'll show you the horse you have." the wife said.

I walked into the stables to see a variety of horses. Brown Horse, White Horse, Beige Horse, and a Yellow Horse. Imagine me riding a lemon colored horse through the land wearing black. How off putting.

Lastly, I see a Black Horse. A Black Horse with black eyes, long black hair, pitch black fur, the entire horse is a color so dark, it might as well be a silhouette.

"Check its stats."


Nice, just what I needed for it to go through the night finding monsters. And faster travel as well!

"This one's perfect." I said, pointing the dark horse.

"What is? The Yellow Horse?" the husband said, confused.

"No, the Shade Horse." I replied, pointing at her. I placed my hand on the Shade Horse and the couple recognized it immediately.

"Oh, her! She was a Black Horse from before and evolved a few months back." the husband said. "You want her?"

"Yep, she's perfect." I replied.

"Great! We'll get you some equipment and set her up." He said and the couple went inside the building.

"Can you give me one for two people? I'm not alone." I asked.

Few moments, they come back with with a large saddle meant for two fully grown adults, knowing I'd grow someday. They set it up on the Shade Horse.

"There you go, son. May I know the reason why you need a two-seater?" the husband asked.

"It must be that cute Lycanian Beastkin. She knocked out plenty of guards on her own." the wife said.

"Well, then again, we thank you for taking down that tyrant. I hope you'll be careful." the husband said.

"Thanks, but we're not finished yet. Can you hold on until then?" I said.

"We'll make sure, kid." the husband smiled as I jumped up and got on top of the Shade Horse. I waved the harness and the Shade Horse began walking outside the stables.

I waved at them and they waved me back.

"I'll name you...Zala*." I said to the horse.

[Shade Horse is now named as Zala.]

Zala and I began walking down on the road and I see the aftermath of the rebellion. A few buildings were destroyed, the ground was cracked, armor and weapons bent, dented, and or broken, and let's not forget the front gate being busted open by Taudera. Good thing I evolved him.

Before I set out, I need to check on Vampa and Burya to see how close are they now.

"System, how far is Vampa and Burya?"

[They are 5 hours away from your location.]

"Wow...Kain, what kind of horse is that?" Hyoran asked as she is in awe. I stopped Zala to talk to Hyoran and my fellow monsters.

"Hyoran, meet Zala. She is a Shade Horse." I replied.

"She's pretty. Where are you going?" Hyoran said.

"I am going out to bring in more monsters to fight the bandits." I answered.

"Can I come?" Hyoran asked.

"You have to stay here and let me know by telepathy. If trouble rises and things get rough, call me. Besides, you have plenty of monsters to fight alongside." I said.

"Oh...okay." Hyoran said as her ears drooped.

I jumped down and patted her head to comfort her a little. Her wolf ears went up and her tail began to sway.

"I promise I'll come running when you need me, okay?" I said.

"Promise?" Hyoran said as she looked at me with her deep blue eyes.

"Promise." I said.

I jumped back on to Zala and began my commands.

"Schwarze, Noire, scout outside Valtuz to find any Red Claw bandits." I commanded. Schwarze flew upwards and flies above the forest, Noire quickly ran towards the building behind her and took a huge leap above to reach into the forest.

"Gris, get on top of that building and howl to warn everyone if a large Red Claw army is approaching." I said to Gris. He barked and used Sky Strider by running across air to reach the top of the building.

"Steinberg, Flammenberg, Taudera, guard the front gate as soon as I leave." I said to them.

"Paura, Fennec, Viri, stay here and protect Hyoran." I said and they cried out in compliance.

"Mavros, you're with me." I said. Mavros nodded and dove inside Zala's shadow.

"Alright Zala, let's go. Hyah!" I yelled, whipping the harness. I have 5 hours before Vampa and Burya head back. So I better use what time I have left.


Zala neighed and began sprinting ahead through the street. Hyoran stayed and watched me gain distance rapidly while the rebels and citizens alike began dispersing once they heard Zala's cry.

Zala and I exited the gate and turned to the left where the bright moons shine down on me, Zala, and Mavros.

"Burya, Vampa, once you reach Valtuz, go find Hyoran." I said telepathically.

*Caw! Caw!*

They cawed in agreement and I looked upon the moons accompanied by the starry sky. I then suddenly see the image of familiar faces. Ashley was the first, next came Andre, then there's Danny. I also saw my two siblings smiling at me too.

Lastly, Suzana. Suzana is my significant other, my better half. I already came to terms of her death, but I still remember her like it was yesterday. I reincarnated into this world in a weird way, but I'll take on the world just like I did previously.

"One day, Suzana..." I said. "One day, we'll meet each other again." I declared to myself. Then her image quickly disappears.

I instantly refocused and continued running through the moonlight. My reunion will come, until then, I will live this life for now.