Later in Noltia at night time, a pair of knights outside the castle doors holding halberds are talking about the recent topics occurring.
"I heard 300 Red Claw bandits went to invade Nolten Village only for them to be slaughtered. It was one-sided. Olken was there when it happened." one knight said.
"Fredrick and Grundel has also been killed, but the injuries at the Nuen Mines have bite and claw marks. Then again, it makes sense that Ezo killed them since he is a Lycanian." another knight said.
"With all those bandit activities, adventurers are becoming less active understandably."
A crow cry is sounded out, causing the knights to end their conversation and look above to see a yellow crow fly above them.
"Oh, a Thunder Crow." the knight said. He then notice a piece of paper fall in front of them. The knight picks it up to see the letter wrapped in red and gold and the knight noticed immediately.
"This is a letter from the Ergex empire." one of the knights said.
"With this letter during the bandit outbreak, it should be obvious that it has gotten worse."
"We should inform the king."
The two knights has taken the letter and the Thunder Crow inside the castle. One knight on the other hand who is wearing heavier armor along with a green cape noticed the two knights walking briskly.
"Halt! Why are you two deserting your posts?" the green caped knight asked with authority.
"Captain Lann, we have received an urgent letter from the Ergex empire from the Thunder Crow." one of the knights replied.
"Ergex empire? Give it here, I'll inform the king." Lann said, taking the letter and the Thunder Crow with him to the king.
There lies a castle where there is the signature red banner for the Ergex kingdom. A young man in a red noble suit is sitting on a chair where a maid stands by him.
He sighs as he looks on the star-filled sky as a way for him to relax, even if he hasn't any form of stress.
That is until a Flare Crow called out to him. He looked up to see the crow is holding a letter with a green ribbon and dropped it onto his table.
"A letter from Noltia?" the nobleman said. He took it and unraveled it to see the contents.
This letter reads as follows:
A feudal lord named Alphonse Yulix has shown inappropriate actions to govern the city of Valtuz and resulted multiple rebellions. However, it has been repressed multiple times thanks to an Ultimate Skill called Absolute Order and later implemented a system meant for the rich. Alphonse has been apprehended as of today since he has blatantly abused power.>
The nobleman is shocked upon the news. He knows that Alphonse is needed to put Valtuz under order as it has no real ruler, but for him to rise into power and implement a system meant for him is unthinkable. He never knew about a skill Absolute Order as well.
"Unbelievable...this could severely damage diplomatic relations between Noltia and our kingdom!" the nobleman gasped. "Worse case scenario, a war could break out."
"What should we do, young prince?" the maid asked.
"Wait, there's more." the nobleman said to read more of the contents.
And the letter ends there. The name of the recipient is not shown, but he doesn't care. Many lives are at stake and lower ranked adventurers are too intimidated by the presence, thus leading to a shortage of high ranked adventurers.
"Annette, is my father awake?" the nobleman asked.
"He is awake." Annette replied.
"He must know of this now. Annette, take the Flare Crow with us." the nobleman said, taking the letter.
"Right away." Annette replied as she bowed.
A nobleman, older in appearance is sitting in a office, writing documents with a shiny red feather and ink to finish the requests for diplomacy for multiple kingdoms, cities, and laws.
Until a knock on a door breaks the silence in the room.
"Who is it?" the man called out.
"It's me, father. It's urgent." the young nobleman replied through the door.
"Enter." he said. The young nobleman opens the door to have a letter in his hand.
"Father, it's a letter regarding the Red Claw Bandits and Alphonse." the young nobleman said.
"Give it here. Where did you get this letter?" The father said to his son.
"I received it from Valtuz, one of our cities. What delivered it is a Flare Crow." he replied. Annette, the maid, walked into the office with a glove holding the Flare Crow.
"That crow is usually within the Nolten Forest, no matter. According to the god." the father gasped, shocked at contents of the letter. "What Alphonse is doing or about to is an act of war!"
The man slammed his fists down, rattling the objects and cracking the wooden desk. Angered by Alphonse's actions that could bring unnecessary conflict than it already has due to the civil war.
"Is Noltia aware of this as well?" the man said.
"Seeing the letter say that there is another one, it's certain." the young nobleman said, nodding.
"Then we should act now. Since the Red Claw Bandits are in the Valtuz Mountain, we should block their escape route if we are to make it in time." the nobleman said.
"I will write a letter to Valtuz. Ezron, you are to inform the generals and come back to me." The nobleman commanded.
"Yes, father." Ezron nodded and briskly exited the office. Ezron's father quickly began writing down the letter of Valtuz.
{Few minutes later...}
With the letter completed, he gives it to the Flare Crow. The Flare Crow carries it by its feet and began flying. Annette then opened the window, allowing the Flare Crow to fly out to its destination.
The nobleman clenches his fists in anger imagining this his efforts of improving his empire may crumble due to one powerful and corrupt nobleman.
"Damn you, Alphonse. I don't know how'd you got the so-called Absolute Order skill, but if you aren't killed by the rebels, I will kill you myself when you beg for it!" the nobleman declared in his mind.
{ Noltia Kingdom...}
In the kingdom of Noltia lies a man sitting on a chair in front of a desk in his office, until a knock is heard.
"King Nikkonvas, it is I, General Lann Silvent." Lann announced through the door.
"Enter." Nikkonvas said.
The door opens and Lann enters the room and bowed before him while there is a Thunder Crow standing on top of his armored shoulder.
"I got a letter from Valtuz from the Ergex empire. It was brought by a Thunder Crow who flew here." Lann said.
Lann gave the letter to Nikkonvas and he opened it to see the contents. He was shocked to see that a noble from Ergex is colluding with the Red Claw Bandits and trying to expand his influence by conquering villages and becoming a bigger threat.
"My god...many villagers would be killed, sold off, or displaced. Assemble the troops immediately, we are to attack the Valtuz Mountain tonight!" Nikkonvas commanded.
"Yes your majesty!" Lann shouted in agreement.
"Oh, and leave the Thunder Crow here, I need it for delivering the letter." Nikkonvas said. Lann placed the Thunder Crow on his desk and left Nikkonvas' office, closing the door.
Nikkonvas quickly began writing the response letter to promise that he will be sending forces to Valtuz and travel there as well.
After a few minutes, he gave it to the Thunder Crow and said a few words to it.
"Get there safe." Nikkonvas said. He opened the window and the Thunder Crow flew off into the night.
Little did the two kings know...that the crows, the letters, was sent by a child.
{ Valtuz}
[Notice. Flare Crow, Vampa and Thunder Crow, Burya have received the letters of response and are returning to you.]
[ETA...6 hours.]
I nodded to the fact that Vampa and Burya will be heading back and looked at Alphonse all tied up.
"Well then...let's have a chat for a little bit before I call it a night." I said to Alphonse.