I dashed forward towards Solufreya without hesitation with all my Ice Swords following me.
I imbued my halberd with my blood with the use of Blood Arts to the highest tier it could muster and then my aura.
As I closed the distance, I began my assault. My blood soaked halberd imbued along with my aura and my Kibuki at my other hand soon became a crimson storm, threatening to tear everything in its path.
I struck the shield with great force that it caused a shockwave on impact. I hoped it could at least distract her until I find a way out of here.
As I expected, the shield is intact, unscathed even. The white shields of hers and that sword are made of a material that is nigh unobtainable in Material Realm is called Divinium. A pure white metallic substance that can only be found in the Celestial Realm.
Divinium is stronger than Mithril in terms of sharpness and lighter than Orichalcum. Just by making a basic weapon out of it can make its rarity no lower than Mythical.
One of the special traits of this weapon that this material deals double to triple the damage to Undeads and Hellkins. Another one is where the material glows when there is a Hellkin nearby.
My weapon is made out of steel and if I don't imbue it with anything, it'll break.
But for magic, the higher the tiers, the sharper and more durable it gets, and if I were to compare them without the aura, it's comparable to Adamantine.
"So it's that weapon granting you Blood Arts. But it won't work." Solufreya said.
"I know." I said, grinning. The frozen blades rushed behind her.
[Thought Acceleration activated.]
[Elemental Armor-Lightning activated.]
The two shields reacted and blocked my swords of ice.
"Futile." Solufreya said. But I also expected it as well.
I summoned both Wind and Lightning Magic at Tier XL, fusing into Tempest Magic thanks to my Elementalist skill.
The magic in my hand is a mixture of yellow and green cyclone swirling violently, shooting serpentine lightning out of it.
"Say cheese!" I said and the light soon flashed.
A cyclonic explosion occurred, engulfing us whole. A massive tornado was formed similar to a EF5 that could destroy every building in its path.
I dashed out in my Lightning Armor and watched as the tornado darkens the sky, flashing lightning inside the vortex.
But I am not done.
I summoned 30 spikes of Earth Magic at Tier XL at the same size as me and began spinning them rapidly, creating heat from friction.
Inside these spikes, it had Plasma Magic at Tier XXXV to fuel the tornado.
I shot the spikes at Solufreya with the intent to destroy completely. Each spike I shot went just below Mach 1 without adding my Wind Magic. With these same rocks, it is used to deal even more damage to her or should I say, distract her.
Space Magic appeared in my hand and I put it forth to escape from Solufreya's trap.
I created a rift, but it is the size of a dime. I cannot fit my pinky finger in there, let alone my entire body. Not even insect monsters are that small!
[Solufreya's Space Magic is at Tier L, yours is at Tier X.]
"I know that, but I need more time. When am I able to use EP again?"
[It is unknown, due to the interference of Holy Law of Dominance Aura. It's effect causes your Compensator to restore skills randomly.]
[The most probable actions is to survive long enough to be able to use Polymorph, Tyrant Aura, or be able to increase your Space Magic Tier.]
"Then I'll have to survive then." I said to myself, putting all of my magic into the rift with my Tier X Space Magic. The miniature rift slowly grows in size
"Chantless, Multicast, and Thought Acceleration. As I thought, you are dangerous." Solufreya said.
A streak of light shot through the tornado and cut my right hand clean off, interrupting my spell. I looked to see that white fragment is the same fragment from Solufreya's sword.
[Warning! Your right hand has been severed.]
[Damage detected, now regenerating.]
A blinding pillar of light shot through the vortex, dissipating it completely and the clouds above it. Solufreya emerges from the light and I noticed that she used one of her sword segments to cut one of my hands off.
The fragment flew right back to Solufreya's sword and latched itself to its rightful position. I looked at the stats too.
Tenth Requiem...a Artifact Longsword where its blade is segmented into 10 parts via Segmentation-X. In the game, each segment is just like the weapon in a single piece, dealing just as much damage would it in its single form. Usually, the skill itself does sound good in paper, but it only divides base physical damage depending on how many segments. But for this, it doesn't have that problem due to Requiem.
With that skill, the demerits from Segmentation are gone when it comes to damage, making it much more dangerous. Without it, this sword would be at least a high-level Mythical.
I picked up my severed hand and put it back on for it to quickly reattach itself and heal.
"Do not resist, anomaly. For I must slay you before the world fall into chaos." Solufreya said as she gently floats down to stop just a couple inches above the grass.
"Oh, I'll resist, all right." I grinned. "And I'mma resist real good."
I slammed my hands onto the ground and caused an earthquake in the isolated space. Obviously it doesn't affect Solufreya since she is levitating, but I wasn't planning on that.
I created hundreds of stone spikes from the ground and spread them out. Then every other spike spreads out like an umbrella to hide me even without Shadow Sneak or Concealment. I know that she has Perception, but even just a little, these stone umbrellas should at least deflect them.
[Compensator activated.]
[Shadow Sneak activated.]
I summoned a Tier X Lightning Spear and threw it at Solufreya.
The floating shield blocked the incoming attack effortlessly and Solufreya's expression remained stoic. She then closed her eyes.
Atop of the rainbow clouds of the Celestial Realm, Solufreya sees 10 Angels surrounding an Archangel in the distance, discussing about something.
Along with other angels and valkyries being wary of a situation that has befallen in the Material Realm.
She goes up to one of the angels to ask a question.
"What is happening while I'm in the Ascendant Realm?" Solufreya asked.
"A Hellkin has evolved into a Demon Lord." an angel replied. "The Archangel named Arex needs Angel Primes to assist her."
"Arex...the Heavenkin that has evolved to Archangel recently and have been frequently travelling between realms lately due to a certain Celestine." Solufreya thought to herself.
Then she remembered conversing with Arukatha.
"A Hellkin has just evolved into Demon Lord in Dystoark. However, there is a possibility that there is a Hero Slayer within the same location." Arukatha said. "If you find the Hero Slayer, kill it. It's an irregular existence that must be removed before it gets too powerful."
Then the part where Arukatha gives her a skill.
"I will give you an Ultimate Skill called Holy Law of Dominance Aura. This will compliment your Space Magic to isolate the anomaly while weakening it." Arukatha said. "I will handle the rest."
A large magic circle appears above Solufreya and a massive ball of light followed after.
[Danger! Potentially fatal attack!]
I looked at the large ball of light that is bigger than me and Solufreya combined that could annihilate everything in its path.
The mass of light soon flashed brightly and I quickly created an Earth Wall with the spikes, created a wall of ice to refract the light at the innermost layer of the scattered spikes. Then behind the ice, I created a wall of earth to block it.
I repeated the process 11 times until the twelfth wall is earth. I soon switched my Elemental Armor from Lightning to Earth and imbued myself with Aura with Tyrant Spirit.
All of these defenses are at the highest tiers I can muster; Tier XL. My walls and my Elemental Armor are at Tier XL whereas my Aura is at Tier XXV and Kibuki at Tier XXX.
Lastly, I made a shield out of Earth imbued with my aura and Kibuki combined to make it stronger.
Although Solufreya's Light Magic is at Tier C(100), I did it to reduce as much damage possible.
"Your resistance is futile." Solufreya, unimpressed by my preparation. "Perish."
The ball of light exploded. The force of the explosion shook the ground violently, the deafening sound of the explosion ruptured my eardrums, and the light soon began incinerating everything in its path.
[Warning! Your eardrums have been ruptured!]
The walls that I made began collapsing one by one and the spikes are being reduced to dust. I couldn't hear anything as my eardrums are no longer functioning, but I can feel the ground shake violently.
But I braced for impact nonetheless.
I looked around to see that everything has turned blinding white, the walls and the spikes casts dark shadows in contrast of the blazing light threatening to burn everything.
But the dark shadows soon fade to white.
The force of the explosion was devastating. I leaned forward to prevent myself from being knocked of my feet, but even that didn't keep me in place. I ended up breaking a bone from the magic alone.
[Warning! Your left arm is fractured!]
"Rrrrgh!!" I growled, struggling to repel the explosion and put more strength onto the shield.
[Warning! Your shield is being destroyed!]
The shield soon began giving way, quicker than usual...far too quick.
"Not on my watch!" I yelled, putting more magic into the shield to repair it, but the light is destroying more than I can repair.
Shortly after, my shield shared the same fate.
The force pushed me back. It felt like I was trying to stop an army of speeding semi trucks from a highway despite my build as an Oni Warlord.
The armor quickly began to crumble away as well. I held nothing back in magic to maintain the armor to protect myself, but it was also futile.
If I die here, what will Hyoran do if she's trapped in Dystoark? How will Gris, Noire, Xydrid, Paura, Zala, Arex and the rest react if I'm dead? All those things I have found in this world and known, even before I reincarnated, I felt like I didn't even scratch the surface!
Just thinking that I'll lose those things because of the minuscule Deity Threat level...fills me with anger. Anger knowing that Arukatha and the others are sitting comfortably in their little homes, possibly laughing at my futile resistance like they know it all.
"No...I refuse..." I growled.
The armor soon gave way and my flesh began to tear and burn. Despite my eyes being closed, I the light pierces through my eyelids.
[Warning! You have gotten blind!]
"I refuse!" I yelled, even though the explosion silences my voice, but I want it to be heard. I wanted it to be heard before I can no longer speak.
"If you're gonna kill me, you better hope I don't come back!!" I yelled louder as my body continues to tear apart from the blast.
Soon, my anger hit its peak.
"YOU HEAR ME, ARUKATHA!?!? ONCE I FIND YOU, I'LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU'VE NEVER BEEN BORN!!" I roared with all my might until my arms are blown apart.
But with one final push, I roared again before I can no longer roar.
I roared again until my voice faded into silence.