"Andre...? Is that really you?" I said, shocked from finding that Azaron was indeed Andre.
"No way...it's actually you." Ashley gasped with her hands covering her mouth.
"I can't believe it...you're all here..." Andre sobbed, he clutched his chest as if his heart was aching. "For all these years, I looked for you, clinging on to the hope I find you."
I hugged him. I didn't say anything else and hugged him. Ashley as well. Andre responded in kind.
"Man, look at y'all. Ashley's a Dragon and you're an Oni?" Andre happily exclaimed. Then his smile faded.
"What's wrong, Andre? Aren't you happy?" Ashley asked, placing her hand on his shoulder.
"Yeah, I am, but...I have something to tell you and...you might not like it." Andre said with a regretful look.
"Tell us. We're here for you." I said, encouraging him.
"Alright...I'll tell you what I know." Andre said.
Andre began telling us that after the war, the fanatics for Timothy were greatly reduced. However, they've went into hiding and many people have gotten homeless. Later, he got married and have a son. Next, my siblings also got married.
This lets me know that he has gotten much older after the war and became a father.
"Even after all that, my life back then without y'all was rough...but it wasn't to that extent." Andre said.
"How did you die?" Ashley asked.
"I was shot in the head by a fanatic of Timothy, and most likely Danny as well." Danny said.
Our eyes widened from the news. After the war, those fanatics should be scrambling and fighting among each other if not resigning themselves.
"When did this happen after the war?" I said.
"Fifteen years...and they killed you for kicking out a corrupt president?" I growled. "And your wife and kid will never see you again!?"
Anger rose from within me, "15 years and they still have that resentment to take revenge for a guy who tried to make your life worse!?" I said.
Dark purple aura raged, causing the loose objects to rattle and making the air tense. Andre understands my anger when people who kept doing the same things multiple times
"Alden, some people don't change even if years or decades come by. Hell, they'll take their ideals to their grave, that applies to us too. If I learned anything from this is that you can bring a camel to a river, but you can't make it drink." Andre said.
Ashley placed her hand on my forearm and I glared at her.
"What's done is done, we've already died once. Let's focus on what's in front of us." Ashley said.
My aura faded. I knew that my rage won't do anyone good at this point.
"So, how'd you find me? My fortress has a concealment spell I used along with my Concealment skill." Andre said.
"Soul Master." I said. "It allowed me to find you once you're in my radius and it increases as my rank increases."
"Isn't that for Hellkins in the Gold Eyes?" Andre said.
"Yeah, but I got it with EP and pushed all my magics to Tier XCIX." I said.
"I used almost all my EP to reach Adult-III, now I'm Adult-VII." Ashley said.
"I evolved to Blood Count. It wasn't easy at first, but I had to get other means to get stronger, like that church." Andre said.
"We know." Ashley and I said simultaneously.
"You...knew?" Andre said, raising his eyebrow, confused.
"Islero." I said.
Islero appeared in black flames, causing Andre to flinch.
"Hey, you called?" Islero said casually. "We meet again, vampire."
"It's you...you protected that Arkaon until they got here." Andre said.
"Not exactly, I just stalled him and left." Islero shrugged.
"The thing is, I told him to. Besides, Arkaon was trying to summon Ignyesa." I said.
"Ignyesa? The Demon Empress, Ignyesa?" Andre gasped.
"Yeah, had she been summoned, we wouldn't survive." Ashley said.
I gestured Islero and he vanished and we continued our conversation.
"Damn...if I had known, I would've killed him along with the church." Andre lamented.
I changed the subject to about Danny's and Suzana's whereabouts.
"Since you reincarnated, do you have any clue on Danny or Suzana?" I asked.
"Nah, man. I looked through every corner of Nyctala and the places near it." Andre said. "But I did notice about a Outworlder Hero appearing in Felexin."
"Yeah, we heard too." I said. "I assume they ain't too far from here."
"Since you lived in the previous world longer than us, what's the state of Evolutionism?" Ashley asked.
Andre scratched his head. "Well, I have been playing it, but not as frequently, so I might be off." Andre said. "The most major updates it has is..."
[Warning! A Level 3 Hero has been detected.]
[Your Tyrant Aura is reacting.]
Level 3 Hero!? That's higher than Erzibolt! Seeing the fact Andre is not a Tyrant yet, we'll have to focus on getting him out of here.
"Andre, we have a Hero on our tail and it's a strong one. And it's still day time out here." I said.
"I know. I felt it too." Andre said as he grabs his Blood Core and his weapons and places them in his coffin. "See the chain?"
"Yeah, need me to hook it on something?" I asked.
"It's already hooked, but you can pull it around, right?" Andre said.
"I have Extreme Strength. Of course I can." I said, grabbing the chain.
"We're gonna fight them?" Ashley said.
"No, we don't know of the Hero's skills or if the Hero came alone or not." I said.
"My real stash is in Nyctala, take me there and I can prepare better." Andre said.
"Miura, Espada, Islero, Saeva, Mirtis!" I called.
Four Hellkins appeared in black flames while Mirtis rose from the shadows.
"That presence, that's a hero, huh?" Miura said.
"Yeah, and it's a Level 3 at that. We'll have to distract the hero and I will evolve Mirtis." I said.
"You want us to be bait?" Miura said.
"Just long enough for them to escape." I turned to Ashley, "Can you carry it?"
"Yeah, you'll be staying behind?" Ashley said.
"I gotta get information on who we're dealing with." I said.
Andre climbed into his coffin and closes it. Ashley grabbed the coffin and the chains and lifts it over her head. She then runs out to the entrance and began flying away.
I bring my monsters out of the fortress and I stayed inside. I then used Soul Projection.
I phase through the fortress and the trees to go higher so I can get a better view.
I see a group of five people walking through the trees and obviously heading towards the fortress.
I checked their stats while I am in my spirit form.
Oh...oh fuck.
Things are ramping up.