Morning Conflict

Hiiro and his companions continue to travel along the forest to hunt for the Blood Count.

"Hiiro, we should worry about the two Tyrants and that Red Dragon." Amane suggested.

"I know, but we must defeat the vampire before the night comes." Hiiro said. "Vampires are most dangerous at night. Even more so when a--"

As Hiiro was talking, he noticed a presence above him and pulled out his sword. He then charges his sword with a bright light.

"Shining Ray!" Hiiro yelled.


Hiiro fired his Light Magic at the spiritual being.

"I missed." Hiiro said. "Everyone, I found a--!"

Amane soon noticed something and jumped in front of Hiiro. She then slams her shield down.

"Holy Shield!" Amane yelled.

A giant shield of white light appeared and multiple projectiles of Dark Magic came at them.


The projectiles exploded on impact, cracking the shield. Then a giant spear imbued with Dark Magic came hurdling towards her.


The spear clashes with the shield, shooting black and purple sparks. The shield cracked even more and then...


"Ugh!" Amane was pushed back as the magic shield was broken. The spear broke through the shield, but struck the ground, missing Hiiro's head by inches.

Hiiro looked back and saw a deathly white spear buried into the ground.

"A spear out of bone?" Hiiro said and the bone spear trembled and removed itself from the ground.


The spear landed back to where it was thrown, but it is not in the hands of a human. A being in dark armor with skull decorations and a torn cape on its back.

"No way...a Death Knight Baron!?" Ryohei yelled.

"And it's not alone, look!" Saya pointed.

Three horned individuals walk in front of the Death Knight Baron.

"Three Superior Archdemons!? All of them are named!" Amehime yelled.

"Oi, oi, are you serious?" Ryohei said, stepping back. "All of them are at Rank Z."

"Don't Despair! The Demons and Undeads are weak to Holy and Light Magic!" Hiiro yelled and brandished his sword.

"The Hero, huh? An Outworlder at that." Miura said.

"So, we gotta distract them, huh?" Islero sighed. "Let's give 'em a scare."

"I wonder how cute their screams will be like last time." Espada giggled.

"Last time? So, that Blood Count knew of the other Outworlders before us." Hiiro glared at the four.

"Oooh~ I like the look in your eyes." Espada licked her lips and gives off a wicked smile "It makes me want to distort it so bad."

Hiiro's companions shiver from Espada's expression as her words is not a bluff. Miura rolled her eyes.

"If you just turn back now, we won't chase you." Miura said, shooing them.

With four monsters ranging from island destruction to transcontinental destruction standing before them, giving them a chance to run.

Hiiro, being the Hero that he is wouldn't allow it. He knows that the Tyrant is still nearby and will cause destruction elsewhere.

"Run away and let the Tyrant roam free? I will not allow it!" Hiiro said, brandishing his radiant sword. He then releases his golden Heroic Aura.

"Well, I tried..." Miura sighed, shrugging her shoulders. "Your funeral."

And with that moment, it gave me an opportunity to scare them.

[Death Knight Baron > Death Knight Lord > Death Knight Prince > Death Knight King]

"Mirtis, Evolution!" I said.

[Acknowledged, now evolving.]

In the distance, Mirtis' pinpoint eyes glowed briefly and began trembling.

"Grrrrrrgghh...!!" Mirtis growled from the incoming surge of power flowing through him and causing the black mist to form around him.

"Oh, looks like the skeleton is getting an upgrade." Espada said.

"What's happening? That Death Knight is shaking." Amehime pointed out.

"Careful, he might attack us at any moment." Hiiro said.

Mirtis continued to tremble and grabbed his weapons tightly.

After the moment passes, Mirtis's eyes raged in a blazing inferno.



Mirtis lets out a deafening roar in the middle of the forest. The multiple monsters that were nearby fled out of fear where some were paralyzed or died on the spot.

Mirtis was soon covered in a dark mist.

Hiiro's companions cover their ears as the roar pounds their eardrums where Hiiro himself stood firm, but his hands quivered from the pressure Mirtis is exuding.

"I can't believe's evolving!?" Hiiro said in disbelief.

"Despite our time here, we only saw weaker monsters evolve." Ryohei said.

[Attention, mutation has occurred for Mirtis.]


In the distance, I see a pillar of darkness flare into a pillar of flames. However, that flame is not a typical orange flame, it is a color of ghastly green and blue.

"That flame's a Spectral Variant! If it continues, Mirtis could attain Spectral Weapon to completely bypass armor!" I said with excitement.

For a skill, Spectral Weapon, it completely ignores armor and attack the flesh directly. Additionally, it's effective against Spirits.

However, it has weaknesses. The skill itself does poorly against magical armor imbued with Light and Holy. Also, it is ineffective against Undeads, Hellkins, Tyrants, Heroes, Heavenkins, and Deities. With those mentioned, that depends on the user.

Since it is not a Inferno attribute, it will not burn continuously.


The spectral flames dissipated and I get to see Mirtis' glow up.

Mirtis' armor is now pitch black, but instead of purple, it gained green and blue. His helmet that has horns now turned into a black crown. Additionally, The skulls that were there before soon began emitting the same flames, but smaller.

But for Mirtis' head, it emits the largest flames around his angry skull.

The knights that are behind them appear and stop at the sight of these four monsters.

Ryohei takes a look and is shocked to see.

"Oi, oi, oi...isn't this very bad?" Ryohei said. "It's a..."

"Spectral Death Knight King." Hiiro and I said the monster name simultaneously while in different locations. The monster I named Mirtis.

[Evolution completed, Mirtis has evolved to Death Knight King.]

[Mutation completed, Mirtis has mutated to Spectral Death Knight King.]

[Due to evolution and mutation, Mirtis has risen to Rank X+5.]

[Skills Acquired for Mirtis. Phase Shift, Spectral Weapon, Weapon Ki-XX, Aura-XX, Curse Magic-XX, Dark Magic-XXXIV, Soul Eater, Soul Attack Resistance, Soul Regeneration, Ultraspeed Regeneration, Hyper Strength, Extreme Endurance, Super Resistance, Concealment, Necrotic Aura, Spectral Summons]

Even though, this makes him much stronger, he's still below Hiiro, but with the knights here, I can use his sense of justice against him.

Mirtis, grabs Lionheart and the weapon became engulfed in flames by his touch.

"Miura, Espada, Islero, Mirtis." I said, running away. "Give 'em one hell of a scare."

With my command, Mirtis' pinpoint eyes raged along with his ghostly flames.

"WROOOOOAAAAAAAAAARRRRGH!!!!" Mirtis roared, instilling fear onto the knights and the Outworlders.


Multiple skeletal ethereal hands rupture the earth from below and began emerging from the ground by the dozens.

They rise with various swords, axes, spears, and maces. They also wear armor despite their ethereal bodies. Mirtis points his greatsword at his enemies and the skeletons charge while many more rise and join the undead army.

"Hiiro, we can't waste time here! That skeleton's roar must've alerted the Blood Count and escaping." Saya said.

"WRAAAAAAGH!!" Mirtis roared and turned into black mist to strike Hiiro first.


However, Amane used her shield to block his greatsword.

Hiiro jumped high in the air and imbues his sword in a golden aura to take down Mirtis.

"Not so fast." Miura said, rushing in with her scythe out of Dark Magic.


Hiiro lands on the ground hard and the three Hellkins land in front of him.

"The battle's just getting started." Miura said, twirling her scythe.

While they're distracted, I soon catch up with Ashley and Andre by riding Xydrid's back. Once I gain enough distance, I'll let them know when to back out.