**This will be in the 3rd Person View**
In the dark murky swamps where it does not show any transparency, no clarity, nor purity. Only blight, obscurity, and toxicity.
In the patch of land lies a large black dragon having a face resembling a skull, bloody red eyes, and the body covered in spikes and thorns tinged with poison.
That dragon's name is Melnulru. The Obsidian Pestilence Dragon. Capable of causing pandemics with his presence while melting his enemies with his corrosive breath. Many armies, kingdoms, and adventurers alike came to kill this dragon, but all of them either died by the swamp or in worse cases, died by Melnulru's breath by slowly dissolving their bodies.
Around him is a swamp littered with corroded weapons, armor, and skeletons of his enemies for those long deceased or recent.
However, that is not the only territory he controls. The other one is the ruins of a fallen kingdom that fell victim of his intentions. What once lies in there are weapons of great value used for what conflict it takes them.
Yet, it led to futility in the face of Melnulru. Immune to curses, poisons, scales harder than any forged armor. All of these treasures are in the clutches of Melnulru.
However, this time he is frustrated. Frustrated that two Hellkins stole his weapons and the one particular human in pink stopped him. What's worse is that they've been deemed irrecoverable according to Za'taranga.
"Damn you human Outworlder...! How dare you deny my reclamation?" Melnulru seethes in anger. He emits a dark aura in his anger, making is proclamation. "I will revel in your screams of pain and despair as I slowly dissolve your flesh down to your very bones!"
The swamp's water trembled in the wake of Melnulru's rage, frightening the monsters underneath.
"In the Age of Dragons, I pillaged and crushed establishments for their treasures. Only to lose them. Decades after recovering a fraction of my treasures only to lose them!? AGAIN!?" Melnulru growled.
Then, he remembered the previous meeting where Za'taranga mentioned about an oni slaying the two perpetrators.
"The Oni named Kain Void...he destroyed the thieves but along with my treasures. Once he comes to me, I'll give him a task. If he is worthy, I'll let him be my henchman." Melnulru thought to himself.
Melnulru smiles as he also have a skill to manipulate the minds of others. If he manages to manipulate him, he can have an easier time to retrieve and protect his treasures.
He could fly to where Kain is located, but after the events that has transpired, he cannot risk his treasures being stolen again. Additionally, his henchmen that are immune to his poisons are already dead by that same Outworlder.
Moments later, he senses a threat coming his way. He looked up and see a barrage of bubbles coming his way.
Melnulru exhaled toxic green flames at the bubbles.
*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*
The bubble exploded on impact, dispersing his breath. Then a giant bubble came down upon the ground and also exploded on impact.
The shockwave blew away all of the noxious gases, the sickly green smog, and the reprehensible smell.
Those bubbles let him know that it was that same Outworlder who impeded him.
"We meet again, Melty!" Says in a squeaky tone of voice.
The Outworlder is descending along with three other Outworlders protected by the giant bubble. A giant bubble that the girl made.
The girl wears a pink frilly dress with bright white and blue accents. She has pink hair and a sky blue hairpin in the shape of a bubble. She wields a pink wand adorned with gemstones and a heart at the very top. She has pink hair with fluffy pigtails and a bright beautiful smile.
The one on her left is a guy in a green robe and green pants with ocean blue designs, brown hair and brown eyes. He wields a bow with glowing green gemstones.
The one on the right is a large that is guy clad in heavy white armor. He wields a greatsword that is tall as his body.
And the one behind him is a woman in a dark purple dress with a staff. She has long black hair with her bangs covering her left eye.
As the bubble touched the ground, it wobbled and became still as glass.
Melnulru's anger and frustration came from that one colorful individual that is expressive and always smiling.
"Long time no see, Melty!" She said, waving her hands. She then gracefully spins around on her toes and faced Melnulru again. "Your cute and bubbly magical heroine Arisa-rin has arrived once again!"
She gives off a beaming smile, showing a double peace sign as to make any person to see her smile as well of her bright and comical personality in attempt to brighten a human child's day. Or rather, any child in this world.
But Melnulru is no human nor child. He is a elder dragon, the Obsidian Pestilence Dragon. In his mind, Arisa's appearance is that of maggot-filled excrement whereas her voice is that of claws raking on glass.
In the end, it only fueled his anger towards her.
"You..." Melnulru growled with contempt. "Detestable Outworlders wants to take my treasures again? And deny me my reclamation?"
Melnulru's aura leaked out from him, darkening the air around him. The companions along side Arisa broke out cold sweat.
Yet, it didn't affect Arisa. Arisa puts her hands on her hips and puffs her cheeks at him.
"Hmph! Grumpy as always, huh Melty?" Arisa huffs. "You know why we're here."
She points at Melnulru.
"We're here to turn the people's frowns upside down!" Arisa proclaimed, winking at him.
Melnulru spewed hot acid at Arisa and company. His goal is to watch his enemies suffer in agony as the acid melts their flesh down to their very bones.
Yet, he heard no screams, no signs of resistance in this acidic fog. Melnulru wondered if he killed them too quickly.
Another explosion and scattered the acid and the gas surrounding it. Arisa and the three are untouched.
"You know spitting at people is a big no-no, Melty!" Arisa scolds at Melnulru, waving her finger.
Melnulru gives out a roar out of pent up fury, shaking the environment around him. His rage has exceeded the breaking point and wants her dead.
He raised his black claw and imbued with powerful Black Poison Magic. A type of poison capable of melting materials such as Adamantite.
He swung his giant black claw down upon them to crush them.
The ground quakes from the mighty strike, the waters jump in shock of his power and trembles before him. However, Melnulru knew something was wrong. He felt that his claw did hit something that is not the ground.
It was that same bubble.
The bubble exploded, knocking Melnulru's claw away. This shocked Melnulru as he remembered that Arisa's magic couldn't even withstand his roar and those bubbles did nothing but distract him.
"Those bubbles...they're stronger?" Melnulru wondered.
"Uh-huh! You're correct, Melty!" Arisa said rising above his head. "I'm ready for episode 2 of Arisa-rin's Magical Adventure~!"