"IMPUDENT!!" Melnulru roared, annoyed by Arisa's short speech.
Melnulru takes flight to match the elevation of the Outworlders and imbues his claw with Poison Magic again.
"DIE!" Melnulru yelled.
Melnulru swung his claw at them inside the bubble. Arisa smiled and waved her wand. Her wand glowed and created bubbles within the bubble.
As Melnulru's claw struck the bubble, it soon became a bomb.
The shockwave pushed Melnulru back due to his wings. He then sees the Outworlders in their separate bubbles.
"Even though I am stronger than before two years ago, that dragon is still a threat." Arisa thought to herself.
"Even with my Bubble Magic being increased, I can only push him around at best. I need him to open his mouth without him firing his breath." Arisa wondered. "Although, I can have these three buy me time."
"Daichi-kun~! Use your sword." Arisa said.
"But that dragon's aura and his scales..." Daichi said with reluctance.
"I'm sorry, can you repeat that?" Arisa said with a bright smile, tilting her head slightly.
Daichi's blood froze from her seemingly innocent question, his body is telling him to do what she says or suffer the consequences. He knew what lies behind her smile.
"Haaaah!!" Daichi yelled and flew towards Melnulru, driven by fear and desperation.
Melnulru sees him and swings his claw at Daichi to swat him out of the sky.
Melnulru's claws did hit Daichi, but the bubble surrounding Daichi slipped away at his claw.
Melnulru found out that his strikes were indeed hitting them, but the bubble barrier is redirecting his targets, not his claws.
"Todo-kun, Natsumi-chan, attack!" Arisa said.
Todo summoned a large green energy arrow and unleashes a volley at Melnulru. It all numbered to be 30 arrows coming at the dragon.
The arrows explode on impact on Melnulru in a green flash of light. However, it only annoyed Melnulru at best.
Natsumi summoned a Earth Golem that is bigger than Melnulru. The golem throws a punch at Melnulru.
Melnulru dodges and drops down upon the golem with his whole body.
The golem was reduced to rubble in an instant by Melnulru's body. He finds Daichi rushing towards him with his sword alight with his orange aura.
"GO TO HELL YOU BLACK LIZARD!!" Daichi yelled.
Melnulru swats Daichi out of the sky, breaking the barrier and slamming him into the dead trees. Daichi coughed up blood as his internal organs were damaged from the impact despite the barrier and his heavy armor.
"If it weren't for that...I would've been paste by now." Daichi thought.
Melnulru readies his breath to spew acid at Daichi to finish him off slowly, but notices a large amount of power rising above him.
He looks up and sees that Arisa has prepared a large spell that can decide the battle.
A giant bubble was formed above her head and it is different among the rest. It is a solid white ball and yet it showed no light.
"That Outworlder filled the bubble with Wind Magic." Melnulru thought.
Melnulru soon feels dread washing over him, but it is not because of the spell coming to hit him, but his treasures would be scattered if not destroyed. All of his work ever since the Age of Dragons will become for nothing.
And it is something that he would not allow as long he draws breath.
"No...you will not...!" Melnulru growled. Black aura began surging forth from his body.
"And you dare stand above me!?" Melnulru roared.
Melnulru angrily flapped his wings and ascended above Arisa. Far above to signify that he is a higher existence than any race, especially the Outworlders.
Natsumi and Todo grabbed Daichi and hauled him away to safety, knowing that this attack could kill them.
Arisa completed her spell and look at Melnulru above her.
"I will make sure that your skeletons will be a fine addition to my swamp!" Melnulru declared.
Melnulru began inhaling large amounts of air, inflating his chest with each passing second. Arisa began her announcement.
"My special move! Pretty Bubble Bomb Attack!" Arisa yelled while winking at Melnulru.
The bubble rushed towards Melnulru at a terrifying speed since it has been fueled by a dense pocket of air.
Melnulru released a giant stream of Toxic Fire and Acid with extreme pressure, capable to dissolve everything in its wake.
The two opposing forces rush towards each other, both able to cause total destruction if it hits anywhere.
A deafening explosion rips through the sky, releasing a devastating shockwave that sent even the much larger creature Melnulru.
The clouds, trees, and the swamp was blown away like dust in the wind. And yet, it is not the end. The giant bubble releasing that much air has scattered the mist in the swamp and the clouds in the sky.
Soon, a tornado ensues in a sickly toxic green, tearing and dissolving everything in its wake. The monsters caught in it that survived the tornado were flung out in varying distances.
The clouds that was normally pushed back began to come together and darken from the accumulating moisture.
As the tornado dissipates, heavy rain followed. A torrential acidic rain pours down upon Melnulru's territory, dissolving everything it touches be it rock, plant, or creature.
Melnulru flies around his territory to search for Arisa and company. He wanted to chase them down, but his treasures are his top priority.
He flew back to the swamp and traveled to his treasuries. He dug into the ground that once had a deep water level that covered his feet, but now it was shallow.
He shortly found out that his treasures of cursed weapons, armor, and fortunes has been left untouched. He covered the treasures again.
"Good...the treasury remains untouched." Melnulru sighed. His rage was soon quelled, knowing that his stash has remained despite the destruction and the intensity of the fight against Arisa.
He sits down next to the shallow swamp and began sleeping in the sound of the acidic rain falling and dissolving everything around him.
Arisa and her company fled from the blast and reached to a safe distance where Melnulru's detection cannot reach.
They finally stop to take a breath.
"What a monster...even after all that, he was barely hurt!" Todo gasped.
"My golem couldn't even stand up to that dragon...we're in way over our heads." Natsumi said, looking at her hand, lamenting her weakness.
Arisa clenches her fists, trembling in rage. Her chance to subjugate Melnulru was thwarted again as he was too powerful.
"Forget the dragon..." Daichi wheezed, "We must get Hiiro's help..."
By that name, Arisa clenched her teeth and her anger exploded.
"RRRAGH!!" Arisa screamed out and swung her wand furiously.
After swinging her wand, massive bubble formed and struck a stone wall at a blistering speed. The three flinched.
Rocky debris were scattered and as the dust settled, the stone wall was left with a huge crater.
"That would be a great idea, Daichi." Arisa said in a cheerful tone. And then she turned to the three to show her face burning with anger and hatred.
Teeth in full display, veins bulging from her neck and face. Her hands crack and snap with tension as she wants to strangle Daichi with her bare hands.
Their blood froze from her gaze and tremble in fear.
"Have you forgotten what you did to him? Do you REALLY think I have forgotten what you did to Hiiro!? MY BROTHER!?" Arisa roared, releasing a dark pink aura tinged with bloodlust.
"You are the ones responsible for my brother's attempted suicide from bullying. Even after coming here, you haven't changed." Arisa growled.
Natsumi tried to speak, but her words get stuck in her throat. Even if the three have anything to say, Arisa will only see it as an excuse.
"The only reason I haven't killed any of you yet is because of my brother is still alive and smiling." Arisa continued. "If I find him dead for what cause, I will make you wish you died to that black lizard."