Different Void (Part 3)


The tornado exploded, scattering the rock and debris. The rocks dart at Festernova like bullets that could perforate his body.

*Bzzing!* *Kzzzt!*

The rubble bounce off of Festeronova's psionic barrier. Despite Festeronova's expression being neutral, he intrigued.

"Such a violent reaction. This must be her Chimera race involved along with her being an Outworlder according to her memories." Festeronova thought. "Yet, I did not see her race being an Outworlder. Well, if she is accepted by the Deities, then Outworlder would apply to her."

I opened my eyes and I began to see the Void Realm much more clearly. I look at my hands and my skin has turned into the color of cold steel. My white nails that was once short and dull has turned into black daggers.

I tried to reach for my back to feel any of those spines that remained. I felt nothing. I reach for my head to find the horn on my head.

Yet there is nothing.

"I have no doubt changed." I said.

"That you have." Festeronova said. "You are now no longer a Chimera, but an Undefined."

[Evolution complete. You have evolved to Abyssal Voidflayer.]

[Mutation complete. You have mutated to Undefined.]

[You are no longer weakened.]

[Due to evolution, your rank is now XZ+9.]

[Skills acquired. Wind Absorption, Dark Absorption, Light Absorption, Wind Magic-C, Dark Magic-C, Light Magic-C, Extreme Regeneration, Ultimate Strength, Ultimate Endurance, Ultimate Magic, Ultimate Resistance, Demi-God Speed, Ultimate Body Refinement, Night Vision, Nullite Skin, Null Absorption, Dark Authority, Light Authority, Magic Severance-L, Chou Kihou-XC, Kibuki-XC, Kihou Projectile Mastery, Void Domain, Sky Severing Blade, Null Tempest Aura, Astralite Pierce, Void Magic-XX, Void Nullification, Erosion Nullification, Soul Concealment.]

That's...a lot of skills...no amount of evolution could give that many skills. The most skills I got from evolving in the game is ten.

But...I have yet to see my face.

"Mirror, I need a mirror." I said.

"I was wondering where did that tornado come from." a female voice rang out. I looked around to find where did that voice come from.



A twister of black, white, and gray appeared in a space besides us, black and white lightning danced ferociously.

Moments later, the figure emerges from the portal. A woman with a glowing white halo with four diamonds floating around it. However, the inside of the halo is pitch black. It's a Fallen.

A Fallen is when a Heavenkin commits a sin such as opposing a Deity, revoking their status, attacking a Hero, and so forth. But with that halo, she was once a high-ranking Angel.

"Kyozan, this is Nulloqin. She is a Fallen." Festeronova introduced her. "I met her before the Age of Undefined. She is a good friend."

I looked at Nulloqin and her attire. She wears a black and white cocktail dress that is black and white, but the colors are designed in a swirling, abstract manner. Is she wearing a design meant to hypnotize people?

I look at her fingernails are long, but not shaped into weapons like mine, especially that her fingernails are painted black and white alternatively.

When I looked into her eyes, they're black, but have sparkles inside.

"You're a Throne." I said.

"Oh my...how did you know?" Nulloqin gasped, blinking her eyes rapidly. She then chuckled. "Of course you do, you saw my halo."


*Bwing!* *Bwing!* *Bwing!*

Nulloqin snapped her fingers and three large black and gold rings appeared around her in a black and white light. What I also noticed is that these rings have countless eyeballs on it. Additionally, it has the same eyes as Nulloqin.

Wait...why am I fascinated with this? Any Angel that is a Throne or above inflicts paralyzing fear upon them, regardless of race or rank. So why?

Let me check her stats.

Wow, she has plenty of skills. She is built to be a menace towards Hellkins and Heavenkins alike. Also, this is the first time I managed to see a Fallen in person.

"So, you're Kyozan, right?" Nulloqin said, with her face very close to mine. The three rings that she is inside in stopped moving before any of them hit me.

"Y-yeah, I am." I said, moving backwards.

"Ah, you lied~!" Nulloqin said in a sing-song voice, waving her finger. "That's not your name. Your real name is Suzana Silveira."

"Of course it's my real name. I'm not from here." I said, agreeing with the latter.

"Oh my gosh, then you're an Outworlder!?" Nulloqin squealed. "I've heard stories about Outworlders since my time here!"

"Yeah, I would be if I was actually sent to the Material Realm if not here." I shrugged. "I was expecting it to be more...you know, a no man's land? Like, actually a Void."

"Believe me, it was worse back then. In the Age of Undefined, it lasted for 4000 years. Countless people died including the Heavenkin, Hellkin, and the Deities as well." Nulloqin said.

Nulloqin then sighed, showing a disappointed face.

"Well, I did warn Arukatha, Arukeza and the others that a great calamity will befall them. And what I got in return is banishment from the two realms." Nulloqin said. "When the time came, they suffered heavy losses."

"How did you know of that?" I asked. Nulloqin placed her index finger on my mouth to silence me.

"Enough about me, you should tell me about yourself." Nulloqin winked at me.

For her to do that, she doesn't want to delve into more details. For the events that happened to her, it changed her forever.

Now, I began to tell my side of my previous life.

"As Festeronova told me before, I am an Outworlder. I come from a place called Earth." I said.

"Oooh, what's it like?" Nulloqin asked with eagerness. She then lay on her three rings that is still floating under her. She then places her fingers under her chin and playfully kicks her feet behind her.

"Is it like paradise or a wasteland riddled with despair?" Nulloqin continued.

"Neither, but it was mostly peaceful and has a lot of people." I answered.

"She was part of a rebellion that froze the nation called 'United States' to its foundations. Inevitably, many people died during that rebellion." Festeronova said.

"A part of it...are you a leader?" Nulloqin asked.

"No, but I was close to him." I replied. "Alden Gray is the leader."

I smiled warmly to myself thinking about him. His leadership, his decisiveness, his bravery. And most of all, his kindness. Just saying his name puts my mind at ease.

"Oh, what's this? You're blushing." Nulloqin pointed out. "You're in love with, huh?"

She's right, I am in love with him. Even before this rebellion started.

"Yeah..." I replied.

"Oh, before we go any further, I know a place where we can talk about it." Nulloqin suggested.

"A place?" I tilted my head.

Nulloqin snapped her fingers and everything flashed white and black.
