Different Void (Final)


In a flash of black and white, we were taken to what it seems is a coffee shop. A glowing yellow sign and the smell of coffee.

"No way...that's impossible." I gasped. "That coffee shop was defunct years ago across the globe!"

"Sunbeaks, correct? Your favorite coffee shop." Festeronova said.

"Yeah, but how? The last one to fall is in Germany." I said, trying to comprehend. "How did you find it? Or rather, how were they able to establish this in the void?"

Before Festeronova could answer, he was interrupted.

"I got us a table!" Nulloqin cheerfully called to us, excited for my story.

We approach the table where it has three chairs for us and we sit down. Nulloqin snapped her fingers and the rings around her vanished in an instant.

Soon, a figure appears behind her. It is a man in a suit. Smooth white hair, glowing green eyes, and pale green skin.

"Welcome back, Nulloqin, Festeronova. Who is this fine lady?" the green man asked after greeting them.

"Uloke, this is Kyozan. She is new here and met me." Festeronova said.

"A pleasure to meet you, Ms. Kyozan. Welcome to Sunbleaks." Uloke said.

"Sun...bleaks?" I said, raising my eyebrow. "Not Sunbeaks?"

"Sunbeaks? Is it some type of plant or monster?" Uloke tilted his head.

I thought he was once related to my previous world, but it seems that's not the case. Well, I'll just order something I always liked.

"Nevermind, do you have the iced mocha with whipped cream?" I said.

"Of course, would you like something on top of the whipped cream?" Uloke asked.

"Chocolate." I answered.

Ulocke nodded and pulls out a slab of rock. I assumed he'll have to use a pick to engrave the stone while avoiding breaking it. Instead, he used his finger.

*Vvvt!* *Vvvt!* *Vvvt!*

In an instant, his hand became a blur and clouds of dust followed after.

"Then, what about you, Ms. Nulloqin?" Ulocke said.

"I'll have the Duality Special, the usual." Nulloqin replied.

"I will have the Velvet Abyss, please." Festeronova added.

*Vvvt!* *Vvvt!* *Vvvt!* *Vvvt!* *Vvvt!*

Ulocke wrote down our orders and gave us a smile.

"It shall be done." Ulocke said and walked away, disappearing into the shop.

"So Kyozan, you love the guy named Alden, right?" Nulloqin said.

"Yeah...I always do. Our first date was a coffee shop just like this." I said. I continue to talk about my other later dates with Alden where it came to the theaters, walking through the parks, and to the beach as well.

"Fort Green? Coney Island?" Nulloqin tilted her head.

"Those are the places she once been to when she was alive." Festeronova explained.

Ulocke returns to give us the the drinks we ordered. And it was something I never expected.

"Iced mocha with whipped cream and chocolate syrup, Duality Special, and the Velvet Abyss." Ulocke announced.

My drink is a creamy coffee swirl with whipped cream, topped off with chocolate syrup. Nulloqin's drink is a cold drink mixed with black and white where the top have ice cream on top separated by two halves in perfect symmetry on top of a goblet. Lastly, Festeronova's drink is dark red, a dark crimson liquid that is still as glass despite the vibrations.

That drink must be thick for it to not move.

We began drinking our beverages. When I drank mine, a wave of nostalgia hits me. The cold creamy taste of mocha, the hint of chocolate along with the whipped cream made me remember it vividly.

I soon experienced bliss.

"So, I understand that you and Alden are a romantic couple." Nulloqin said. "I have one question."

"Go ahead." I said and continued drinking.

"Did you two fuck?" Nulloqin asked.


I shoot a stream of my mocha out of my mouth at Nulloqin from the sudden question. This projectile of mine hit Nulloqin directly.

The mocha falls to the ground and reveals that Nulloqin did not get a single drop spilled onto her because of her barrier. Festeronova on the other hand was unaffected.

"What did you say?" I asked, wiping my face.

Nulloqin smiled and repeats herself "I said, did you two--"

"No we did not!" I yelled. Where did that question come from!? Where did it even come to this!? I got to change the subject.

"Festeronova, how did you get here?" I said.

"I was part of a hive mind called the Elder Brain. In other words, I am not from here or any realm." Festeronova said. "Unlike any Mindflayers, I already have individuality, albeit limited."

"So, I used that trait I have to form up a plan to escape until the Elder Brain died. How it died is because there was golden figure who slew it." Festeronova said.

"By golden figure, you mean the God of War, Zeres?" I said. "He's the one with shining golden armor along with his giant sword."

"Yes, he even introduced himself while many of my kind was either separated or killed. I had to take refuge here." Festeronova said.

"Did you find a way out?" I asked. "As in appearing in the Material Realm?"

Festeronova nodded. "I have since the Age of Undefined. But I had to flee since Zeres begun attacking."

"In the Age of Undefined, what happened when it started?" I asked.

"A white tentacle monster with many eyes led the way by opening many portals. Just by seeing that thing even after becoming a Fallen still gives me the creeps." Nulloqin shuddered. "After that, never saw it again since."

"Do keep in mind this occurred thousands of years ago." Festeronova said.

I began to think as I drink my mocha. Seeing that there are no rifts appearing anywhere. What if there is one appearing on its own? What would happen if I cross into that rift?

"If you're thinking about trying to get to the Material Realm, you'll have a hard time because that white creature went back to the Primal Abyss and remained there for at least 1000 years." Festeronova said. "Even if you do find one, we cant guarantee you'll be at the realm you seek."

"Also, if you do, the Deities will come running. Once you encounter them, they'll use any means to send you back to where you came, if not erase you completely." Nulloqin warned me.

And there are more factors that include that it could span throughout the void layers, including the Primal Abyss. I don't know if I'll wind up running into a monster that could kill me in an instant.

There's too much variables and I just evolved.

"You're right, I was going too fast." I said. "I should at least enjoy some form of nostalgia."

"I'm glad that you found reason." Festeronova nodded.

"Besides, you have ALL of the time needed to enjoy here." Nulloqin smiled.

Yeah, all I need is time. Since the sense of time and space are irrelevant here, I can think positive that I can have all the time I can get.

One day, I will meet Alden again.