{Alden's POV...}
A circus of clashing elements swirling and roaring in front of us for a good moment. I expected for it to take some time since I did evolve them multiple times in one sitting.
I look at the pillar of flames where Fennec is at and soon it turned into a icy blue color.
Then the blue lightning where Groza is at gained a silvery gray color.
*Breeep!* *Breep!* *Breep!*
[Attention! Mutation detected!]
[Attention! Mutation detected!]
[Attention! Mutation detected!]
While the monsters are evolving, I change myself into an Elf as before in order to move myself more covertly unlike my Oni form. I wore my previous clothing as I acted as Lucius Eldfern, but I gave myself white hair instead of blonde. I put on my cloak and exited the Isolated Space.
I looked out to the kingdom of Felexin and used Shadow Sneak on my way there while the night is still there.
With Shadow Sneak, I can reach Felexin is a shorter time without rousing suspicion. My Space Magic an do this in an shorter time, if not instant, but I could alert them if I do that.
I looked up and noticed that there are knights instead of guards in front of the gates. Usually, there were supposed to be 10 guards to inspect along with 5 knights in case of unruly individuals.
I look to see that there are no trees in for a few miles. Yet, I place Zala and Taudera close enough so that the knights don't have too much time.
[Isolated portal placed, select individuals to send. The portal will stay hidden until you decide to activate.]
"Zala and Taudera."
I move on ahead and see 20 knights and no guards in sight. They have no doubt beefed up the security ever since the Ignyesa summoning debacle.
"Ever since the scandal, security has increased considerably and sent men to kill the vampire. Including the Outworlders." one knight said.
"Curfew became stricter too. It's as if we're preparing an invasion." another knight said.
While they are talking, a knight felt a slight chill and turned around to see where did it come from. He scouts around, but only see a city devoid of people as they are inside sleeping.
He shrugged his shoulders and kept continued the conversation.
I continued my Shadow Sneak to enter the kingdom and went into the remote areas where people don't usually go to. However, there are knights patrolling the streets.
I continue inside the outer circle of the kingdom and saw a few trees and bushes close together. I went inside bushes in the middle of the street and opened a portal.
[Separate portal detected. Select individual.]
I go to the other places where there are multiple trees beside the houses, across the streets, and sometimes clustered together. I went up to the tree and opened the portal to one of the trees that is away from buildings.
[Separate portal detected. Select individual.]
I remain in Shadow Sneak through the kingdom until I reach a gate. 10 knights guard this gate instead of 5 guards. Easily enough, I sneak through the knights without getting spotted or any of them catching wind of me.
Except that one guy who did, but he thought it was a random chill.
Head to one of the wooden buildings and reached the roof of one of the houses. I scan the surroundings and saw a large roundabout with paths leading to four different directions. In the very center of the roundabout, trees and bushes were laid about.
Also, there are more knights roaming around that reached fifty in number. All of which are coming and going on carriages.
I used Shadow Sneak again to find the roundabout where one path lead to the very center of the kingdom. Once I go there, I will release Santrasa, Dichrome, Stein, and Flammen there.
I leave my Shadow Sneak and crouched down to make sure no one sees me despite my Concealment and Soul Master.
[Isolated Portal detected. Select individuals.]
"Santrasa, Dichrome, Steinberg, Flammenberg."
I peek my head out of the bushes to see anyone was watching. Knowing that nobody's watching, I used Shadow Sneak again to reach the very center of the kingdom.
With that very center, knights, paladins, and clerics are most common here and will move at the moment an Undead or Hellkin comes knocking at their doorstep on the center. While they would come running if there's any at all, they have to stay and ensure the safety of the civilians as there are times where vampires or demons can just slip through the cracks.
As I go further inside, there is a stone gate guarded by more knights. Yet, I soon pass by them ever so easily. Inside the center of the kingdom, the buildings are taller and more colorful despite the night sky.
Also, the lights from the lanterns illuminate the streets. But this time, guards and knights are numerous there. Yet, I heard no voices of concern, non-compliance, or dissatisfaction.
Well, that's to be expected since King Ferdinand led an army to stop that one church from summoning Ignyesa. I don't know they'd put out a grand parade for that since I'm not here in that kingdom for some time until now.
I reached the very center of the kingdom where there is a plaza with trees. Small markets where they sell snacks, flowers, and clothes.
As soon as I reach the trees, I exited my Shadow Sneak and laid flat on the ground to avoid any suspicions.
I used Soul Master to search anyone that is nearby so that I know who and when will they walk away. I limited my range to the entirety of the plaza so that I can find people who are heading this way, not checking on people who are asleep.
[One individual found. Located on your left.]
I look onto my left and see a man fully clad in white and yellow armor. However, the strange part is that man is not holding a weapon. He must be a Paladin but with high magic reserves.
I use my Appraisal to check more of that guy.
So this guy is a Saint. Also, he has Arukatha's Blessing. Additionally, he has Evil Seeker, it makes him more sensitive to anyone with a malicious heart. Especially Tyrants.
Yet, I have no reason to fight him. I'll just observe him and let him pass by.
I peek underneath the bushes, laying flat and see him walking by and soon make distance away from me. I keep my breath faint, yet steady
That is until Rhazon stopped walking and snapped into my direction.
"Who goes there!?" Rhazon yelled.
"Shit, am I caught already!?" I thought. "I was prone the whole time."
I come with a choice. I show myself and act as a person who is lost, disguise myself as one of the elves from Gravius' kingdom, or knock him out.
If I want to knock him out, I better let him get close and then jump out.
Rhazon summons a sword of light in his hand and walks closer to the bushes I was at. I'm sure he sniffed me out one way or another. But he's only looking at the general direction.
If that's the case I'm being found out, I better put him to sleep quick. Turning into an Oni is no good as my arms and my strength could turn his helmet into a crushed soda can along with his head.
If you do happen to die for get crippled whatever reason, just know that it's nothing personal.