"I'm sorry, sir Rhazon!" said a woman's voice. "I didn't mean to startle you."
"Oh, it's you Claire." Rhazon stopped walking, dispelling the sword of light "Did you find any suspicious activity?"
"Aside from drunken individuals, no." Claire shook her head. "I have a question. What do you think about the Outworlders?"
"They have potential. However, they're too dependent on their skills. They have to take into account where their skills either does nothing to their enemies or sealed outright." Rhazon answered. "For what I see so far, their power did not go to their heads as of yet."
"You have the potential to become a hero. Once you do, you can fight alongside him." Claire said with optimism.
"Being a hero requires tremendous responsibility." Rhazon said bluntly. "Also, we have to check the weapons inside the church to see if they're still secure."
Ah, the church. Just where I needed to be. They say that they'll be checking the holy weapons, but they'll also check the cursed weapons instead.
Claire nodded and followed Rhazon to the church. I give them some distance as to avoid having them to get suspicious of me.
But first, I must place my portals.
[Isolated Portal detected. Select individuals.]
"Mirtis, Mavros, Gris, Noire, Miura, Espada, Islero."
I peeked out of the bush and still see the two in the distance. I hopped over the bushes and followed them in the distance. I looked around to see that no one is batting an eye.
I continue to follow the two and began to take a look at Claire's stats.
Shadow Sense, huh? That's a skill when she senses people using Shadow Sneak specifically in her own shadow. So, as long as I am not inside her shadow, she cannot sense me.
Continue to follow them to the church. I look at the church glowing in the moonlight as if it was a beacon of hope and prosperity in the dark times. The stone statues shows Arukatha wielding a sword where Arukeza wielding a shield.
To be honest, I haven't seen Arukeza in person yet. But she went to the Infernal Realm to prevent Ignyesa from escaping. In a way, I did her a favor by preventing the ritual from happening.
I inch closer to the church where knights wielding spears guard the open gate. The guards salute at the sight of them.
Rhazon nodded at the both of them and Claire bowed slightly as they walk by and I gave them the middle finger to each hand. Yet, none of them have noticed.
I follow them to the inside of the church to see the ivory white pillars, golden ornate armors and ceremonial halberds, swords, and maces. At the very front, I see the statue of Arukatha and Arukeza again, but in gold.
In the game, it was known to have tens of thousands of visitors every day and night. Now, it's only guarded by a few paladins.
Despite it being almost empty, the windows and floors have a faint reflection, the armors and weapons retained their shine. There are also large pictures with golden frames showing people who was once in charge of this church throughout the generations.
I see the two turn to the right and head into a hall. I also followed them and see a lift. That lift is where they'll go underground.
I picked up the pace, going toe first to catch up to them. I used Shadow Sneak and went inside Rhazon's shadow.
The two went inside the lift and Rhazon pulled a lever down. The lift soon began moving, giving me time to relax a little.
I look into my system and began to call for Andre and Ashley.
[Connection established.]
"I'm in, guys. I'm heading underground." I said with telepathy.
"Did you put the portals there?" Ashley said.
"Yeah, I made sure I'll use them as a last resort." I answered.
"How'd you make it inside the church?" Andre asked.
"Shadow Sneaked on someone." I replied. "I gotta go, I need to focus."
[End of transmission.]
I waited until the lift comes to a complete stop and the gate opened. What I see now from the shadows is an underground tunnel system with multiple paths. It was tall and wide enough to have 100 people go to go side to side.
I peeked my head around to see the tunnels are paved with stone, illuminated by the lantern's white lights.
The two exited the lift and I continued to follow them. So far, the system didn't alert me yet, but since I am in a very secret area, I can't rule anything out.
They turn to the left and see a golden door with glowing white chains and a lock. I instantly remember this door and what's inside.
It cancels any stealth related skills and transformation skills. Meaning, I'll get kicked out of the Shadow Sneak, my Concealment, and Camouflage would get sealed, along with Polymorph. It even
However, that room is completely soundproof and blocks out any presence in there. However, there is an alarm where if a Tyrant, Undead, or Hellkin was present, it will start blaring.
Claire pulls looks to her right and pushes a brick. The brick goes inward and another brick goes outward below it to give her a wooden case. Claire picked it up and opened the case to find a golden key with jewels.
She puts the key inside the lock and the magic circle unraveled itself along with the lock.
The golden door began moving and rose upwards. The two walk inside the room and along with me. Inside, there is a shining white room. Completely blinding from the outside as if they're going into the Celestial Realm.
They walked inside, bringing me with them...unknowingly.
As soon as they went inside I was forced out of my Shadow Sneak, standing behind them.
They looked behind to see me stand behind them, they were confused.
"When did we have a person behind us?" Claire said.
At that moment, Claire and Rhazon realized what they've done.
"Good evening." I smiled.
The door soon descends and the system notified me.
[Warning, upon entering the room, your following skills will be sealed until you exit.]
[Shadow Sneak, Polymorph, Camouflage, Concealment, Dark Magic, Curse Magic, Inferno Magic.]
"Who are you!?" Rhazon yelled. "How'd you get here!?"
Claire pulled out her rapier and Rhazon summons a sword out of Light Magic. When they blinked, I move right behind them.
When they opened their eyes, they see that I was gone.
"Where did he go?!" Claire yelled, looking around frantically.
I placed my hands and used Lightning Magic to electrocute them.
They fall to the ground, unconscious from my attack. Even though they have armor and rank, but none of them were enough to stop me when my Lightning Magic is at Tier LCIX and me at Rank Z.
I turn around and see the entire room. Everywhere I look, I see myself in different angles and more of myself behind my first reflection, and then the next and so forth.
In front of me, I see 10 gray metallic pillars. This is where the holy weapons are at.
Yet, I am not here for those.
I am here for Andre's weapons. I wish I could bring Andre out here so that he can sense his weapons, but his presence alone could trip the alarm.
I remember Andre saying that behind the fifth pillar in the center has a secret mechanism. I went behind the fifth pillar to find the secret mechanism.
Also, the system began to alert me.
*Beep!* *Beep!*
[Attention! Your Soul Master skill has been compromised.]
[Due to your rank, the alarm will be set of in 5 minutes.]
Damn, now I'm on the clock now. One thing to do.
"Guys, I'm here." I called them.
"You're in the place where there are 10 pillars, right?" Andre asked.
"Yeah, I need your help right now." I said. "I got five minutes before the alarm goes off."