Divine Impatience

{Meanwhile...in the Ascendant Realm}

Inside the garden where the water flows, yet is still like glass. Arukatha looks at the multitude of golden orbs with a golden aura around each one, indicating the names of these orbs. A type of surveillance to each individual.

Arukatha looks at them with vigilance as she has sent a number of individuals herself. People from different timelines, dimensions, histories, she brought them here with one mission.

Slay the three Tyrants. She has also given them her blessings and also to one certain individual that greatly piqued her interest.

"I see that you have history with Alden, right?" Thomas said. "He is dead and reincarnated here, right?"

"I have banished him and yet he was found again in Dystoark, so I sent Solufreya there." Arukatha replied. "Still, the heroes are still being killed and two more Tyrants emerged, both connected with that man."

"Now, he's probably here again. Possibly stronger." Thomas said. Arukatha nodded.

"Please, make me a Demi-Deity under you and let me handle Dystoark." Thomas requested. "It does have traces of a Tyrant being there."

"Also, I do have history with the three, including Suzana. So, it's a little personal for me." Thomas said.

"I understand your past the four individuals and Timothy, but I cannot make you a Demi-Deity." Arukatha said. "However, I can give you the skills needed and change your appearance. Remember, find the traces of the Tyrants, especially that hidden Tyrant."

Arukatha watches the many heroes she has sent onto Velizar Plains and smiles that after the death of the certain Tyrant is realized, everything will be put back into order as she saw fit.

Until it wasn't.


One of the golden orbs that was floating lost its color and glow, subsequently falling onto the floor.


The orb hit the ground with a dull sound and then another fell and one by one soon became by the dozens.

"What is happening!?" Arukatha stood up from her lounge chair and continuing the see the orbs fall.

"All of these heroes were at Level 2-4 and our strongest one is Thomas...why is he not doing anything!?" Arukatha yelled.

Arukatha has seen individuals who has caused untold destruction to the Material Realm, but the significant events like Dragon Age, Dark Age, The Great War, Ignyesa's Revenge, all of these pale in comparison towards the events where the Undefineds entered into the Realms.

That very event where the Undefined emerged, many Deities and those who worshipped them perished. Especially the Heavenkins that followed her also fell victim to the aberrant beings.

Arukatha grabs the orb that says 'Thomas Wrightown' on it to see the perspective the individual.

"Thomas, you must endure so that Timothy knows how to beat that thing." Arukatha said.

Yet, in the end, Thomas too fell victim to the monster. Two people who has the potential to reach Demi-Deity is dead. When she saw in Thomas's view, is what made her impulsive.

The monster held the head of Thomas Wrightown and roared to the sky, surrounded by the mountain of corpses. It's roar that is a declaration that it cannot be killed so easily or something that is directed at her.

"Two...two Demi-Deity candidates dead. And that...thing is taunting me?" Arukatha began seething as she has sent multiple heroes out to find him and guided them to Dystoark only for them to die in a short time.



Arukatha crushes the orb in her hands in a fit of rage as she viewed that monster's roar as a sign of defiance to her.

"No more." Arukatha said. "No more will I tolerate this thing's existence! Solufreya!"

Arukatha throws her lounge chair and her hands began to glow a pale blue and red.

A golden light flashed behind her and Arukatha looks back to see that Solufreya has arrived, kneeling.

"You have beckoned, Lady Arukatha?" Solufreya said.

Solufreya looked upwards and see Arukatha's angry expression, hands clenched, and the blue and red energy radiating from her hands. Behind her are multiple orbs that has lost its color.

"You told me that you killed that said anomaly, Solufreya." Arukatha said, glaring at her.

Solufreya's face became pale from her statement. She then slams her head onto the floor to emphasize her sincerity.

"I swear on the honor of all Valkyries that I did what you have ordered! I also witnessed that anomaly's soul vanish before my eyes!" Solufreya said.

"Then why is that being still alive?" Arukatha said.

"I...I don't know...I saw it dead, I confirmed it!" Solufreya replied.

"Fine, I will deal with it myself." Arukatha declared, walking past Solufreya and then teleporting out of her domain. Solufreya followed her out of concern.

"Lady Solufreya, you can't! You've already committed Divine Intervention twice! Committing a third will cause heavy consequences upon the realms!" Solufreya said. "That monster will die of its wounds soon."

"I am done waiting! I tolerated the deaths of these heroes and remained here, but not one has ever slain a Tyrant! Not even the Pseudo-Demi Deities has slain it!" Arukatha yelled.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you." a male voice rang out.


A pillar of golden and red fire erupted in front of Arukatha and Solufreya, interrupting their conversation.

"That fire...!" Solufreya gasped as she turned around. The golden fire dissipated and revealed the golden armored figure, shining from the light.

"Step aside Zeres, that anomaly must be removed." Arukatha demanded.

"If you go to the Material Realm, you'll cause disasters for the mortals there." Zeres protested. "That goes against what you stand for, right?"

"Its very existence goes against what we Deities stand for!" Arukatha yelled. "If left alone, it will bring more chaos!"

"This is unlike you, Arukatha. You are a logical Goddess who is strict upon upholding order in these three realms. What you are doing is impulsive." Zeres said.

"You, who is known to jump head first into battle have no right to call me impulsive of all Deities, Zeres!" Arukatha yelled.

"Please, Arukatha. Seek reason. What has happened was unexpected, but we have interfered with the Mortal Realm for too much. Whether the monster lives or dies, is only up to that monster." Myridermas then continued. "Your sister, Arukeza left this realm to keep the Hellkins from invading. Especially that Ignyesa."

"Do you wish to make your sister's sacrifice go in vain?" Myridermas said.

Arukatha gritted her teeth that by letting that monster live would mean more chaos will come in the future, but by intervening directly will undo what Arukeza tried to hold back.

Soon, her clenched fists were released and the energy faded away.

"Fine, I will stay my hand." Arukatha sighed and turned around. "But if that thing happens to transgress the people that follow me, I will no longer be idle."

Arukatha then looks at Solufreya and relaxed her expression.

"Return to your realm, Solufreya." Arukatha said.

Solufreya nodded and disappears in a golden light. Arukatha soon teleports away.

"Arukatha is still traumatized from that war long ago. The Undefineds..." Myridermas said.

"She's becoming more impulsive as time goes on. However, 130 heroes dying is but a fraction from what we truly put out." Zeres said.

Myridermas sighs with a sad expression, looking up to see the infinite expanse of the Ascendant Realm.

"I just hope my wife Arukeza can return be with the children. Ever since her absence, Arukatha changed." Myridermas said. "The Undefineds, the deaths of many Deities, Heavenkins dying, becoming a Fallen...even Nulloqin."

"Hey, she will be back." Zeres assures Myridermas, patting his back. "If she ever tries to cross over, I'll be there to stop her."

"I won't let her efforts go to waste."

Zeres made a promise to Myridermas that he will make sure Arukatha does not do anything that it will cause untold complications. Myridermas smiled.

"Thank you Zeres."