{Meanwhile...in Dystoark. Andre's POV...}
We fly over the trees to fly back to Velizar at a quick pace. Ashley soon widened her eyes with shock from what she sees.
"Andre, you won't believe this." Ashley said.
I looked down and see that her shock was justified in what she has witnessed.
"Holy shit..." I gasped.
Velizar, a once lush, green land that expanded far and wide where multiple monster wander in herds and live their lives peacefully. Now it was reduced into a battle-scarred wasteland.
Grass scorched asunder, the ground torn open, bodies of water that was never there, some parcels of land are still burning with the flames. It was as if an Elder Dragon attacked this place.
"Ashley descend now." I said.
Ashley descended down to the ground where the battle took place and I was soon greeted with the thick smell of blood. My constitution as a vampire converted the smell of blood to be sweet, addicting, drug-like smell. A smell that could drive any vampire insane.
I looked around to see multiple corpses around the battlefield and the craters around. Just how long did the battle take place?
Ashley transform back into a human and looks around to find Alden. She walked around to find Alden.
I walked around as well and soon see a body white hair and four horns. I jumped down and I soon smelled something that made me very familiar.
Then that familiarity turned into dread.
That figure is Alden. Alden from what I am seeing is in critical condition. One of his legs are hanging by a thread, two of four of his arms are missing, one of his eye is missing, arrows sticking onto his body, multiple slashes and gunshot wounds are present, blood slowly trickling out of him.
"Oh shit, Alden! HEY! Alden!" I yelled, rushing towards my friend down on that crater. I skid to a stop and tried to call out to him.
"Alden! Wake up, man! What happened to you!?" I yelled. "Ashley! Ashley, come quick!"
Ashley who heard my voice, came flying to my location.
"What is it, Andre!?" Ashley yelled.
"It's Alden...he needs help!" I yelled.
Ashley looks and instantly recognizes the white hair Alden has when he is an Oni. She then knew who Alden is.
"Oh my god..." Ashley gasped. "Step aside, step aside!"
Ashley quickly flew down towards us and I stepped back as she approached. She opened Alden's mouth and listened carefully.
"I can't feel his breath. He's not breathing." Ashley said. "I have to do CPR."
I used my Blood Vision to check on Alden and see that the red light inside him is still there, but it is faint and small. Yet, it pulses so slightly.
"He's alive, but barely. His heart is beating, but it's slow." I said.
"I don't have any Healing Magic. Even if I do, my magic reserves are spent from using that breath." Ashley said. "We gotta move him."
"To where?" I said.
We then soon remember what Alden said about something of a secret location.
"The hidden base in Dystoark! But where? We could ask that goblin to help us." I suggested.
"How can you be sure? We've just met the goblin." Ashley said.
"Fr...iis..." a voice whispered out. Ashley and I looked where voice came from and it was Alden who said those words.
"Alden! Speak to us, man!" I yelled, slapping his cheeks to keep him awake.
"Secret base...is near Friis's village..." Alden said weakly. "It's wooden..."
Alden's eyelids became heavy and his vision blurs after using what little strength he had from talking.
"No, no, no! Don't close your eyes!" Ashley yelled. "If you do, you'll never wake up!"
Alden's eyes remained open and continued breathing, albeit slightly. The mission now is to get him to the secret base.
"Alright, let's get him out." I said. We grabbed each of his shoulders and start moving him upwards. Slowly, but surely. I also realized that he is much bigger than last time.
We emerged out of the crater and laid Alden down. Then I hear a message.
[Attention, dawn is breaking. Find shelter when possible.]
I looked up to the sky and to my left, the night sky is becoming brighter. Meaning, the light from the sun is emerging.
"Shit, the sun's coming up and my coffin's inside his Isolated Space." I cursed. "With him out of commission, we're on our own."
"Alright, I'll transform into a dragon and--" Ashley said, but was cut off by a blaring alarm.
[Warning, incoming attack!]
I jumped in front of Alden and Ashley and summoned my Sanguine Obstruction. A purple light came right for us and quickly made impact.
The sound electricity exploded onto my shield, causing me to skid backwards by a couple feet.
"Get Alden to the base!" I commanded. "I'll hold them off!"
"Don't stay out for too long." Ashley said and carries Alden over her shoulders. She then disappears into the forest.
She is right. Even if I have Sunlight Resistance, it only delays the time it takes for me to combust. So, I better make them retreat quickly.
I summoned my newfound Sanguine Explosion and checked its stats.
[Cursed: If the wielder is not at a rank V or higher will explode within one week.]
Just as I remembered. It's a pretty fun weapon to use when used in mid to long range combat. Sniping people from distances where normal players couldn't even notice, Dealing AOE damage even if I miss, and at time trolling.
I peeked out of the crater and see no one yet. I then used my Blood Vision to seek out who launched that Lightning Magic.
I scanned around the area ahead and saw a woman in a purple dress, floating and then a golden light below the woman. I looked down and saw that golden armor trudging towards me with sword in hand enchanted by the golden aura along with more companions.
"Damn, if they come here, we're screwed." I said. I looked up and see the sky, knowing that I don't got a lot of time.
I jumped out of the crater and saw blood from the corpses. Next, I shifted my Explosion into a Greatbow form. Then, I used the blood to form an arrow and crystallized it to prevent it from losing any mass and increasing penetration.
I then imbued it with my Tyrant Aura as well to increase its effects. I then use my Blood Vision to see the golden armor. I locked on to the group and smiled viciously.
"Say hello to my little friend." I said and I let loose of my arrow.