Holding the Line


Hiiro and his friends walk along in the plains of Velizar, set to find the vampire running amok.

"Hey, did you find the vampire?" Ryohei said.

"No, my Lightning did curve, but that could be anything." Saya replied floating down to ground.

"Big brother, you're here to find the vampire Tyrant?" Arisa said, holding Hiiro's arm.

"Yeah, he once put a church under his control and became stronger down the line." Hiiro said. "He also became a Tyrant too."

"With me and my friends around we'll defeat the Tyrant together, riiiight?" Arisa said, looking at the three behind her with a bright smile.

"Y-yeah! We're in this together!" Daichi stammered, Todo, and Natsumi nodded rigorously. Ryohei who was suspicious of the three talks to Amehime.

"Hey, Ame-chan, any idea why those three are following Hiiro's sister?" Ryohei whispered.

"Your guess is good as mine. Those three were bullies to him and turned to her servants. I'd ask Arisa about it when we got the time." Amehime said.

Amane walks along with Hiiro and soon notices a red and purple glint in the distance. Her instincts made her rush forward.

"INCOMING!!" Amane yelled, alerting the entire group. Amane slams down her shield and summons a screen of light.


Hiiro quickly stabs his sword downward and deploys a barrier of light as well and then converged into a bigger and stronger shield.

In a short moment, impact.




I see the red and purple flames engulf the barriers, meaning that I hit the mark. However, I saw the barriers form up and possibly blocked my shot.

At the very least, I slowed them down. For that, I'm gonna do it again.

I jumped out of the crater and found a small pile of corpses with blood. I pulled the blood from there and formed into another arrow and crystallized it. But this time, there is five.

I used my Blood Vision and see the red lights in the distance. They're obviously alive.

I angled my bow upwards and I fired my arrows to rain upon them.


The arrows darts into the air and soon became red stars shooting across the sky. While my arrows are flying and run to the next corpse and conjure more blood from them.

I then made a bigger arrow with the thickness and length of my arm. I draw my bow again and scanned those guys again.




"Is everyone all right?" Hiiro said.

"Yeah...nobody's hurt." Ryohei said. "What was that?"

"An ambush attack." Amane replied. "The enemy already knows our location."

Hiiro soon see more glints in the sky that are smaller and possibly weaker, but are lethal regardless.

"Incoming!" Hiiro yelled. "There's more!"

Arisa waved her wand and formed a large bubble around the group.



The arrows whistle in the air, hurdling towards its targets grouped together trapped inside the barries.

*Bloop!* *Bloop!* *Bloop!* *Bloop!* *Bloop!*

The arrows hit the bubble barrier, and the arrows stop dead in its tracks by the bubble. Arisa smiled as she managed to stop the arrows.

However, a larger arrow came forth and struck the bubble.

*Bloop!* *Pop!*

However, the arrow pierced the bubble and began to glow fiercely.



*BOOM!!* *BOOM!!* *BOOM!!* *BOOM!!* *BOOM!!*

The larger arrow exploded, breaking the bubble barrier and the smaller arrows explode in a chain reaction. The group was soon engulfed by the flames as well. However, the golden barrier behind the bubble protected them.

But its integrity has been compromised.

"We need to retreat. Whoever it was knew our location and is pinning us down." Amane said.

"My thoughts exactly. We can't suffer any losses. Also, our magic can't hold out." Hiiro said. "We'll wait until the sun comes out."

Hiiro and the group began retreating back to the mountains.


I stay within the craters and see the group in the distance moving in the opposite direction. It must mean that my attacks forced them to retreat.

I looked at the sky and assumed that I have brought them a few hours at best. When the sun comes out, I have to use the trees as shade.

Also, I have to use the bow more sparingly.


[Incoming message from Za'trika.]

["Andre, I found the wooden building and placed him on the bed. Where are you?"] Ashley said.

["Still in Velizar Plains, but I managed to fend off the Heroes."] I replied. ["How is he?"]

["No change, yet. Did you hold them off?"] Ashley said.

["Yeah, for now. We got until sunrise so I'll place traps until then."] I said.

["Okay, don't get too close."] Ashley warned.

[Transmission ended.]

"Alright, time to get started." I said.

I shifted my Sanguine Explosion into a Longbow and began to fire arrows in random places, outside of the aftermath of the battle. I make sure they don't explode on impact.

Next, I place the arrows inside the craters I find and inside the corpses. During my time finding the corpses, I see two massive arms that looked like Alden's arms.

"Just how did he gain extra limbs in the first place?" I wondered. I picked up his arms and put these over my shoulder.

I then collected the blood from all of the corpses, condensed it, and crystallized it to make it easier for me to carry. All thanks to the bow.

All of this lasted for about an hour. Most of that time was spent in setting traps in a wide open field.

I looked to the sky and see that the sky is getting brighter after I made traps.

"Time to go." I said and used Shadow Sneak to disappear into the forest.


I travel through the shadows and tried to find the wooden house as well. I used Blood Vision again to find Ashley and Alden together.


I jumped out of the shadows and see the hidden base that Alden is talking about. A two story wooden building showing signs of overgrowth and moss.

I walked inside and it has a table with two chairs, a fireplace, a wooden bench, and some windows.

I looked around and see the stairs to my right. I walked upstairs and found Ashley tending to Alden.

I see Alden is covered in types of herbs to stop his bleeding and promote healing. I also see the arrows and blood littered on the wooden floor. I also see the right leg that was hanging by a thread has fallen off.

"How is he?" I said.

"I stopped the bleeding, but his insides are a mess." Ashley said. "As for his left leg and right eye, it's a lost cause."

I use Blood Vision and see that the red light inside Alden is getting dimmer.

"Move aside, I'll handle this." I said. I approach Alden and put both of my hands on his torn torso.

"What are you about to do?" Ashley said.

"I'm gonna heal him by using his blood via Blood Arts." I said. "By moving his blood around, I can put the blood back where it supposed to be while putting his bones back in place."

I also looked at his severed limbs and back to Ashley, "Well, whatever bones that are not severed off."

For that, I activated my Blood Vision and begin my Blood Arts to save my friend. Even though Alden can resurrect himself, the sight of him dying when I have the power save him won't sit well with me.

I will save him, even if I had to drain myself dry if I have to.