Healing (Part 1)

I go down the stairs with Ashley and Friis. Andre followed us to the front door of the hidden base and stopped before the entrance. Friis looked back and sees Andre standing there.

"Is your friend not coming?" Friis said.

"Someone's gotta watch out for this house, you go on ahead." Andre said.

In other words, Andre can't be out in the sunlight. Despite his resistance, he'll burn if he stays out too long. Also, he has something to do as well anyway.

"Use, your Space Magic to send out your monsters. It'll make things easier for him." Ashley said.

I nodded and sent out all of my monsters.


I opened the portal and sent out all of my monsters out. However, I did not bring out Xydrid as his size and presence could alert the heroes.

"Oh, I guess my magic's all good." I said. "Guard the base, but don't go outside of the forest."

Then I realized that if I meet them with my new form that has four arms, I'd be some kind of freak to them.

I better use my Polymorph to before I encountered Thomas.


In an instant, I transformed into a Oni Warlord.

"That way, they'll have an easier time recognizing me." I said.

"Are you sure? They've only saw you as a human, including Zherk and Exor." Friis said, worried for them.

"I'm sure." I said, reassuring him.


I transported Friis and I to his village and see a large number of goblins limping around from their injuries. Some are limping, some couldn't even move, and some writhe in pain.

"That damn Thomas just likes to play with their lives." I spat.

Those that are able-bodied are rushing to the gravely injured, trying to stop the bleeding, put the bones back in place, and using healing magic.

"Hurry! His arm is barely hanging!" one of the goblins yelled.

"We need more healing herbs and bandages!" a female goblin yelled, tending to the incapacitated goblins.

As I looked at the goblins laying down, multiple bones were broken, numerous lacerations, and missing body parts. And to the female goblin, part of her hair was scorched off and her right eye was wrapped over.

She is pulling through despite the pain.

I put my hand out over the injured goblins.

"Heal." I said.


A pale green light washes over the goblins. Their wounds began closing, bones fixing themselves, and the severed or destroyed limbs began growing back.

The female goblin who was tending the wounded blinked and unraveled the bandage. The hair that was scorched grew back to its previous state.

As for the other goblins, they sat upwards and looked at themselves with disbelief.

"The pain is gone..." the female goblin gasped. She then looked at me and Friis.

"Where are the injured?" Friis said.

The goblin pointed behind her, the one she is pointing is a type of hut. Or what is left of it. Inside were a high number of injured goblins struggling to stay alive while the other goblins that are able-bodied and trying to keep them from dying.

In the game, there is about 300 goblins in this village. However, with this amount of destruction, I assume at least two-thirds of the goblins were killed by the vampires and Thomas.

Also, they were just playing with their lives, if they truly wanted to, the villages would've been wiped. Especially the Oni Village where even Yakumo, who is at Rank XZ couldn't even fight against him or one of the twins.

Now I see that there are 135 goblins who are currently alive. However, almost half were children.

I put my hands out and performed an AOE heal on the goblins.


The goblins in this area soon have their wounds closed. The severed limbs, the burns, the lacerations, broken bones, and bruising has all faded as if they never existed in the first place.

"I...I can see."

"My legs grew back!?"

"Papa, you're awake!"

The goblins exclaim with joy as their kind are suddenly healed and moving around without worry for injuries.

"Which goblin evoked such a powerful healing spell?" one goblin asked.

"I did." I replied.

"An Oni? But how?" a female goblin gasped.

"I'm just an Oni who has a strong affinity with Healing Magic." I replied. "Where are the rest?"

"Dead, Young Kain. I was there before I met you this morning." Friis said. "Men, women, and children alike."

The goblins hold their significant others, friends, and children, crying in relief. Others try to comfort each other as they are mourning for their loss.

"I'll head off a different village, don't forget that the monsters are still around." I said.

"Of course." Friis nodded.


I opened the portal to the Orc village and witness the carnage worse than the goblin village. Almost every home they have is utterly destroyed. Weapons broken, shields shattered, spikes splintered, every defense and offence they have were trivialized by that same trio.

The lush green grass and the solid ground trails were stained with blood. Along with that, I see piles of corpses scattered around, some of which weren't in one piece.

"Zherk! Where are you?!" I yelled.


I hear heavy footsteps from my right and I see an orc that is wearing pants out of bear hide. I see the male orc limping, dragging his left foot, leaving a trail of blood. The orc is covered in wounds where I can even see a part of his ribs.

Moments after, he begins to fall over.

I rushed to catch the orc in my arms, preventing any more injuries.

"Hey, stay with me!" I yelled.

I used my Healing Magic to help the orc. His wounds began to close and the rib that is exposed is now back to where it should be.

"Where is he?" I asked, propping him up.

"Hurry, chief dying." the orc said, pointing ahead of me.

By his words, I immediately rushed to that direction, knowing that the situation is dire.

I see more orcs as I advance and see a large cluster of orcs surrounding something. Or someone.

"Who's injured?" I called out.

The orcs turned around with their various weapons ready to strike. I put my hands up to show that I am unarmed.

"Who are you?" one of the orcs yelled.

"Friis's friend. He calls me young Kain." I said.

"The chief told us that the boy is human." the other orc said. "You are not that boy."

"I know, I am that boy. Or was." I said.

"Let him in." a voice said.

"But chief Zherk! The oni is..." one of the orcs protested.

"Our healers are out of magic." Zherk said. "And our healing supplies are mostly used up."

The orcs reluctantly let me pass and I see Zherk lying on the ground. Both his legs are completely severed, bandages cover his large torn body and yet blood seeps through the bandages.

Zherk is in a condition where he could die at any moment. Yet he's acting like he's mildly inconvenienced. I remember he has Regeneration, but with injuries like that, it comes as of no surprise that it has been exhausted.

"You're Kain, right?" Zherk said.

I nodded.

"Then you said that you're looking for the injured. You're looking at one of many." Zherk said.

"I can heal you no problem." I said.

"Go ahead. The healers are exhausted." Zherk said.

I placed my hand out and used my Healing Magic.


A pale green light floods Zherk and the surrounding orcs around me. Their wounds began closing, bones began fixing, gashes being closed, and especially the severed limbs being restored.

The orcs, including Zherk was surprised, speechless on the spectacle that they have witnessed.