"You...you healed all of us..." Zherk said, trying to process on what just happened.
"Yeah." I said. "Anyone else that is injured?"
I hear no answers from the orcs.
"Then, I'll be heading to Exor now." I said.
Without hesitation, I transported myself to Exor's cave entrance. I only went to his entrance only because I must find any surviving ogres laying around.
"Exor! Where are you, buddy?" I called out to him.
"Little Kain!? I hear you!" Exor shouted.
I ran inside the cave, seeing extinguished torches, burn marks, loose rocks, claw marks, craters, and dried blood.
It's completely dark compared to where I first came to the entrance with Friis and Zala. That is until I see a faint light in the corner.
As I went to the corner, I see dozens of ogres patching Exor up. Besides them are the piles of used bandages stained in blood.
Exor is now missing his left arm, his left eye, and the left side of his face and body is severely burned. His bluish green skin is charred black and I can see his exposed jaw.
"You're not human. Unless, you're an Oni who can change into other species." Exor said.
"You can say that, but are you feeling alright?" I asked.
"Oh, I couldn't even feel the heat anymore. But I do smell crispy, right?" Exor chuckled.
"Yeah, but some foods are best being crispy." I said.
I put my hands out and used my Healing Magic upon the ogres.
A pale green light flooded the large cave, making it brighter than the torches that gives off some light.
The burns on his body, the scars, the severed arm, and the missing eye, it all began to heal and mend itself.
As for the other ogres, they also have their injuries healed as well.
"Wow...it's as if I wasn't injured in the first place." Exor gasped in astonishment. "That's some mighty fine healing!"
"I'm good at magic that is other than healing." I said.
"Then I hope you're good enough to save Onizakura and Yakumo. They took it way harder than me." Exor said in a serious tone.
Although he is no longer injured, those burns and severed parts made him lose a lot of water. Since he is in a forest with abundant water, ogres like him don't have to worry. But if he's in a desert, he'll be lucky if he find any ocean out there.
"Alright, but you need water, lots of it. You'll get more than just headaches." I said, warning him.
"I'll keep that in mind." Exor waved.
I transported myself to oni village where it suffered the worst amount of destruction. The gate entrance was reduced to rubble, the huts and yurts were destroyed.
Corpses of onis were littered in every corner I see. I even see a few lizardmen and seakins laying there, dead from their wounds.
I see them, stuck upon poles, left there to die and rot, I looked down and see corpses that are shriveled up to a point where it is nothing more than a unrecognizable skeleton covered in skin.
But the only thing that the corpse is an oni is because of the long horns.
"This is far worse than the destruction of Friis's village." I said.
My priority is to call out the names of the onis I've met.
"Metsuka! Gourai! Onizakura! Yakumo! Kiri!" I yelled their names, only to have silence to respond back.
I used Soul Master to find any of the people alive. I looked around and see clusters of light ahead of me. They're inside or near the cave.
I rushed my way there. Corpses, burnt trees, destroyed huts and tents, and broken weapons. Thomas and the vampire twins did a number on the onis.
I continue to run and the onis that guard the cave entrance recognized me as their own. Well, I am an oni of course.
"Onizakura and Yakumo are in the cave, right?" I said. They nodded and let me pass.
I rushed inside and called out their names to the onis I know.
"Metsuka! Onizakura! Gourai! Yakumo! Kiri!" I yelled, trying to get their response.
"Over here!" a voice called out.
I run towards the voice and see Kiri with a bandage over his right eye, bandages going over his chest and arms; stained with blood.
Next, I see Metsuka on her knees, caressing Gourai's head with her one arm. Gourai is unconscious and riddled with wounds.
But as for Onizakura and Yakumo...they had it the worst.
Onizakura is covered in bandages as well as Yakumo. I can faintly see their chests rising and falling, faintly breathing, yet clinging to life.
"They were tortured...they were cut so many times until their entire skin were stained red." Kiri said. "I could hear the battles and then their screams. Even the children weren't spared."
Kiri's hands began to tremble from remembering the haunting event.
"With these type of injuries, no oni out there would survive." Kiri's voice began to tremble. "I-I and the other onis tried to heal the injured including them, some died instantly, some died in our care."
I clenched my fists hearing the news. Thomas and the twins invaded Onizakura's village and massacred her people. The damage is much worse than Oumetsu did.
For these two alive is nothing short of a miracle. But given the sadism of these twins, they usually inflict a Blood Curse upon their victims.
But I must check their conditions.
Seeing the fact I don't see the Blood Curse means the twins are dead. I can heal them.
"Alright..." I said.
I put my hands out and used my highest Healing Magic.
A deep green light flooded the cave, engulfing the onis inside. Soon, the onis outside the cave were now caught into my AOE Healing Magic. Metsuka's missing arm began growing back, Gourai's wounds began to close up and heal almost instantly.
Finally, Onizakura's and Yakumo's wounds began closing. The burns, the lacerations, their internal organs, all of them are gone like a bad memory.
"My arm...it's back?" Metsuka said, looking both her hands.
"I can see again. Kain, how did you--" Kiri balked as he unravels the bandages on his head.
"I used Healing Magic. The highest one." I replied.
"Ugh...what happened?" Gourai groaned as he slowly gets up. "Did we win?"
Metsuka then hugged Gourai's tightly, bringing him to her chest. Gourai's face became squished by Metsuka's soft breasts between her rigid muscular arms.
"My son...I thought you'll never wake up...!" Metsuka said. Tears running from her eyes.
"Can't...breathe..." Gourai groaned.
The onis outside who were also caught by my Healing Magic has their wounds healed in an instant.
I begin to check on Yakumo by putting my right ear over her mouth. I listen carefully and heard her deep breath.
"Good, she's breathing soundly." I said.
I go towards Onizakura and did the same. I put my ear close to her mouth to at least feel her faint breath.
Yet, there was nothing. I assumed that her breath was so faint that I could not register it. So, I placed my ear to her heart.
Nothing. The heart did not beat. Not for a few seconds.
In an instant, I used my Soul Master skill to find Onizakura's soul. I scanned the interior cave and see the wisp floating upwards.
[Onizakura's soul detected. 5 minutes until disappearance.]
Shit! She was alive for a moment and my magic healed her. I was probably too late when I was out of commission after the fight with Thomas.
Even if I catch that soul, I have to return it to her body before the soul disappears to either the Celestial or the Infernal Realm.
"Kiri." I called out to him. He looked at me. "Before Yakumo wakes up, don't let her see Onizakura."
"What?" Kiri said, confused. But I didn't give him the chance to ask why.
I teleported myself to the top of the cave and see Onizakura's soul flying up to the bright blue sky. If it ever disappears, Onizakura will stay dead.
And I will not allow that to happen.