12. Newbie and Feelings


The previous day after cleaning the house, athan told me he had to get groceries and attend to things, he didn't come back till past 9 with hands full of groceries and a letter in his hand.

While he was away I toured the house he said he had lived before, it wasn't much to look at but I was bored and I saw a lot of interesting things first off was the furnace by the side of the TV with wood, and a bit of dry ash the big old Christmas tree with the light bulbs circling it, and the TV itself which was quite small, unlike in diacom where the television in the lounge what about 132 inches not like anyone really sat there to watch it- show offs but in almost every part of the house there was a picture of Athan with a lady and a cute boy, yeah he was cute with dark hair dark skin and grey eyes they all looked happy..

I had asked

Athan about it but he paled and looked like death that I told him to forget I hadn't told him much about myself so I'm not sure I was in the place to start questioning him about his past life.

I felt someone flick my forehead

"Earth to Ailthia"

"Geez dude what the heck?

He was laughing now and holding a tray in his hands with food I presume ....breakfast in bed huh I could get used to this.

"You zoned out princess and you're going to be late for school, if you don't eat your breakfast and get ready"

Ah did I forget to mention School, the lovely Athan with a good heart in just one day had gotten me admission- acceptance letter into a school with a weird name Blake whatever.. god i hated fitness school how am I going to cope with an actual school with actual people.. I pray for the love of god that no one crosses me, for their sake of course not mine

"I don't want to go to school"

He rolled his eyes and place the tray by the side of the bed..

"Stop being a whiny kid princess and eat"

"You're never going to drop that name huh?


Why do I even bother?

"Ok fine I will eat I don't suppose you have the school's uniform yet what do you propose I wear?

"I got some clothes last night the top might be a bit big but I'm sure the jeans will fit, you'll have to make do with that first until you get a uniform"..

This man...

I blow out air and frowned...

"Yu have this all planned out don't you?

"Indeed I do

Ok fine get out of my room and let me prepare"

He scurried out closing the room door behind him, I ate the bread and egg quickly and entered the bathroom... Athan had cleaned it of course and the shower was working, as I got out of the shower few minutes later I imagine if life will always continue like this frankly I don't want it to end.

Athan drove me to the school in his friends truck as we got out together he took me to the administration's office to get admitted.

I expected to do a placement test but there was nothing like that they only asked for my name and gave me the list of my class that I would be taking I was now officially miss. Ailthia Donovan, I liked the surname...it sounded odd and spooky, I was thankful that I didn't have to use the real name.

Athan followed me down the halls to look for my first class and he was getting weird stares from both students and teachers, some of the girls were practically giggling and blushing ....I made a mental note to puke later.

By the time we got to the first class, the teacher had already begun his lessons, Athan opened the door and then everyone started staring- God! I hate this kind of attention.

"What can I help you with?"the bald teacher was talking ...

"I'm sorry for interrupting sir, but my daughter is the new student and we're running a bit late from looking for your class"

Daughter??...okay this is crazy...

"Okay sir, I understand but such tardiness b

will not be tolerated again Miss....

Is he talking to me, Athan nudged me by my side...I guess he is..

"Ermm.. Donovan"

"Miss Donovan you're welcome to Blake's High ...Mr.Donovan you can leave now"

Athan looked at me, perhaps needing an assurance that I was okay, I mouthed am fine and he turned and left. The bald teacher turned to face me now as I entered the class.

"Well Miss. Donovan do you mind introducing yourself?"

Oh I mind..baldy..I mind a lot.

I raised my head high and smirked.

"Hi everyone, my name's Ailthia Donovan am a student and I live in San Francisco, California"

As I looked around the class, my eyes connected with a pair of grey eyes and the world stopped..

"Okay, Miss. Ailthia I am Mr. Stephen am your physics teacher and form master, you can seat on the empty chair in back of Mr. Knight"

Who was knight..and then grey eyes met mine again..


As I walked over to my seat, I could still feel him looking at me and I forced myself to look away, the girls were throwing glares at me and the guys were whistling, obviously staring at my ass- perverts.

I sat down on the empty chair at the back of the weird boy, he turned his head sharply to the front.

Okay... this should be fun.


I had dropped Caleb at school early somehow we both managed to get to school early which was the first in a lot of weeks it's nice getting to school early though chilling with Xander and Tyler before classes was formed we have physics first, and it is literally my favourite subject aside from it being so easy Mr Stephen is manageable teacher unlike some people we know.

We just begun the lesson when someone entered into the class woah Mr Stephen hated tardiness as much as I hated my dad... I couldn't really see who walked him because they were at the door I looked around the class and everybody was complete.

The man conversing with Mr Stephen was so familiar I know him, but I don't remember where I know him from.

Then a girl I suppose his daughter walke to the class and started to introduce herself I didn't realise until now but my heart was beating so fast I felt like it would jump out of my chest my sides were itching and I was sweating profusely it was the exact same feeling I got when we went to alana only that it was worse now ....what is going on with me?

Immediately our eyes locked I swear to God everyone else faded away it was like it was just us in the class and no one else... her eyes were so silvery, she said her name was Donovan something I was quite far away in her eyes to hear anything ..damn !!, she's beautiful but she looked out of the world and dangerous.

....You can sit on the empty chair in back of Mr. Knight.. wait Mr.Knight?... I have never hated Mr.stephen so much in my life as I do at the moment, I know if she gets close to me it's going to be really hard- considering the way I already am right now.

As she made her way across to the seats my eyes are still locked with hers, as she sat down I turned sharply to the front....

what can I say the board looks whiter this morning.

"Dude you ok?

I had forgotten that Xander was sitting by my side the entire time god! I have to control myself , I collected the kind of water by my side and gulped it down.

"I'm fine"

"You don't look it though"

I can't lie to Xanderr I just can't learn if I wanted to

"Youu remember the stuff that happened to me when we went to Alana?"

"Yeah I do you were in pretty bad shape that day"

"I know, it's happening again today'

"We've left Alanna dude what the heck is really going on with you?'

I wish I knew...

"I don't know man but I'll try to figure it out"

I might have let Alana but whatever it is that is responsible for what's going on with me followed me here..

Mr Stephen had been teaching for quite some time now but i was barely making out what he was saying, i turned slightly to glance at the new girl she looks focused on whatever was being taught.... good to see she's doing all fine while I'm going crazy..

I don't know who she is and why she is affecting me so much but what I do know is that she's trouble and I had a lot of experiences that tells me to stay away from trouble something tells me , that this trouble is going to be hard to stay away from- really hard