13. Runaway and Family issues


The two weeks ultimatum my dad has given me was already run out and I know that sooner or later he is going to start searching for me and uncle Tony, I have to leave England soonest and find Tony before he does. I don't want to see whatever plan he has in store for us come into action.

We had managed to convince an anonymous businessman to get through to him and feed him a little bit of information just to keep our heads on our necks for a little while, time is running out and Alejandro is not known for delay- in whatever he does. it's either he wasn't willing to meet the man's terms or he could see through the lies that were added to the information given to him whichever way it went, a report came that a well-dressed man was shot just outside of days cafe - how ironic...

Am going to California to lay low for a while, until I hear from Tony, it's still risky because diacom is in New York...not too far from Cali, but by the time he gets to England and realizes am not there I would have gotten further instructions from tony.

To think that I love and respect won't more than my dad is just crazy- but unfortunately, I do. I packed my bags and headed for the door, I still had a house on cali where I could stay d tension and perhaps get a job a very low-class job that doesn't involve me drawing attention to myself perhaps a janitor I have to constantly remind myself that whatever I am doing right now it's for the greater good and the safety of humanity.

My phone's ringing on the counter and I know just who it is...

"Uncle Tony"

"Hey Jase, how you doing?"

"Am fine uncle, I'm preparing to leave England though"

"I suppose you're going to cali"

"Yes uncle, the man we sent to speak to dad ended up dead in the pavement just outside days cafe"

I could hear his intake of breath...followed the sighing. I felt his pain too...another life lost, how many more to come?

"Getting cold feet son?"


"You don't have to be a part of this if you don't want to"

I rolled my eyes and snorted... like I could back out now, I am already part of this. I have to see how everything will turn out to be...whatever the outcome is, I am going to see it to the end.

"Uncle I am already a part of this, I've come too far down the road to even consider taking a stroll back, it's a long-distance, and even if I could I don't want to."

"Okay fine, I just don't want you to feel compromised or anything like that".

" Am all in..trust me"

"Okay safe journey Jase, I love you so try not to die"

...The so many reasons why Anthony is more of a father to me than Alejandro.

"You too uncle, stay safe"

As I ended the call, I left the house locking the doors tightly.

I have a flight to catch.


I knew that eventually my past and the wrong mistake I have made in my life catch up with me, what I didn't realize is that it would come so soon when I walk into the class and I saw him- my heart raced a million volts per second, he'd grown so big I almost couldn't recognize him, it been a really long time...he hasn't changed at all...same grey eyes and dark hair.

I could see the way he was staring at Ailthia and I could feel their connection, this is bad - really bad. If he recognized me I won't be able to stay in Cali...the guilt will kill me before he does.

Urghhh!!!.. what's that noise?...my darn phone on the counter, this is the reason why I hate cell phones...so noisy and disturbing.


"Hey, Athan?"

My ears must be deceiving me right now...


"What's up old, man?

" Am not that old fair face...God, it's been so long...how've u been?

"Been good, I heard you back in town"

"Came in yesterday"

"And you didn't think to contact me..ouch!"

I laughed heartedly, I miss the good old days"

"I'm sorry man I was just caught up in settling and stuff"

"Yeah, we should do a reunion and stuff..."

"That would be nice"

"And there's something you should know"


"That kid you told me to look after?"


"His dad left"

The phone fell from my hands as my palm started shaking....

Richard was probably still on the line but I couldn't hear him anymore...I can't believe I left that kid with a goat-like human being.

Nicholas always had issues with his wife, but he assured me that whatever happens, he would always be there for his son, but Stella still with them ~ I hope, I have to reach out to him...he'll not want anything to do with me but I still have to try.

I glanced at the clock on the wall and it was almost past 3, the school closes by 2:30, which means I have to go pick up Ailthia from school, there's a chance I'll run into him there considering the fact he's in the same class as my "daughter".


By the time I got to school, they had closed already...as I presumed. Ailthia was in front of the block looking nervous and stuff...this kid is weird, best to annoy her a little.

I waved my hand for her to see...as I got out of the van.

" Hey Princess"

"What took you so long?"

"Good afternoon to you too"

She rolled her eyes...sassy much

"Good afternoon athan... it's sooooo nice to see you, please can we go now, this sun is killing me"


She practically ran inside the van..I don't blame her though, this sun can kill...summer in cali is beyond terrible. As I got into the van I could see how sweaty she was and her hair was all messed up...somebody did not have a good first day.

"How was school, did you make any friends?"

She looked at me like I had grown a second head...okay! no friends then

"No, athan...i didn't they're all so weird."

You don't say...

"I bet you didn't even make an effort"

"Nope I didn't...there was this boy though..."

I kinda like where this is doing...i quirked a brow..

"Boy huh.."


"I didn't even say anything".

" Do you want to hear what I have to say or not?"

The corner of my lips were twitching a little, but I know that if I done stop teasing her she'll probably close off...and am actually trying to build a communication bridge with her.

"Do carry on"

"He was the weirdest...he kept staring at me"

"Interesting...what's his name?"

"Knight...I think"

We almost had an accident just now from the way I stopped the car.

"Geez dude, what's your problem?"

I can't breathe right now...my fears are coming to pass..much more quickly than I expected.

"We're home"

"Thank God, I could have sworn I died in the road".

I lost it now...

" No swearing"


"Listen ailthia or whatever you call yourself, I'm helping you by giving you a life, a house...school!!., not too long after you destroyed mine, so if I were you I'd show some respect"

"I didn't ask you for anything"

"Of course you didn't, you're no important that the kids on the street begging for food, but I decided to at least take you as a godamn charity case...you should be thankful".

She was crying now as she ran into the house and locked herself in her room, I know I hurt her by the things I said...it wasn't right for me to take out my frustration on her but I couldn't not help it, am such a failure.

I can't even raise a kid properly, they all end up hurt..congrats Athan, the streak has started again.