POV Alejandro
-You missed me....-said the person who was in front of me at the entrance of the house.
-...-My eyes began to wet from the tears that were coming out of them, I thought I would never see Ismael again, I threw myself into his arms giving him a hug-...I missed you too much, brother.
-Me too little brother, but don't cry anymore, you know I hated to see you cry when you were a child...-my hug reciprocated, I could feel him clinging to my body, after so long I felt relieved lying on his chest .
My dad and Ismael fought a lot when I was little, after my grandfather died, they said very hurtful things to each other and Ismael made the decision to continue on his own, at that time he was 18 years old and had been accepted to a university. that was far from the place where we lived (that's another reason why I stayed under the care of my grandmother), my dad gave him enough money to pay for the 6 semesters of studies and the day he went to Italy before going to the airport I left him in the city where the university was located. I was very young and I felt very bad that my brother was leaving, he loved him very much, he was my best friend in the whole world.
-Ismael, when are you going to return from your trip? -I asked innocently
-Baby...I'm sorry, I'll be gone for a long time, but I promise you that I will return and as soon as I do, the first thing I will do is look for you, okay...goodbye baby -he hugged me tightly while kissing my cheek, then He walked out the door to head for a better future.
From that moment on, the only person I had by my side was my grandmother, I never lost hope that he would return and he was willing to wait as long as necessary to be with everyone again.
~Flashback's end~
-And how was high school brother? Do you already have a pretty girl for a girlfriend? -he said teasingly while he laughed.
-Haha very funny, but no, I have no interest in any woman at the moment, I am concentrating more on taking care of grandmother and studying to get into university -I said seriously- I was surprised to see you here, I'm not saying I'm not happy about Seeing you again, but it means you have a job nearby or you're just traveling.
-Well, in part yes, I am working in an office that is here in the town, but I am also here because the grandmother explained to me that in a few months you have to go to the city to continue with the university, she knows that you were considering not go to stay to take care of her, so she asked me to move here to the house -he said explaining the whole thing.
-Ah it makes sense...wait, if she asked you it is because she already knew that you were back, because you never tried to contact me again, you did not promise that it would be the first thing you would do when you got back -I asked a little annoyed .
-Hehe I wanted to surprise you, although I have been watching you from afar, those friends of yours seem to be good data and the girl you know how to talk to is very pretty -he said with a mischievous look.
-You mean Karla, she is my friend, also Sebas likes her, so not in a million years will I have something with her, I appreciate my friendship and I would not like her to get lost for something as silly as that -I said with a tone of pride.
-Ah~ you have changed so much, now you are a man, but for me you will always be that tender boy who liked to pinch his cheeks -he said annoying me while showing a smile.
The truth is I am very happy that Ismael is here, if he is going to stay in the care of Grandma, I will be able to concentrate better on the subjects for the university exam. Although I am still worried, he also has to work so he is not going to spend the whole day with Grandma either, but at least he tries to help, I think I should stop stressing and get some rest, I still have a lot to study on the weekend.
~Two days later~
POV Ismael
I feel as if I go back in time, my little brother getting ready to go to high school, my grandmother making a breakfast for both of us that guarantees a full stomach without wanting to repeat, being together makes me feel so good, the 7 years that I was away from Alejandro hurt me a lot, I really missed him and although I knew he was in good hands, I would have liked to have seen him grow up, as he went from being a beautiful little boy to a handsome boy about to become a man, it still surprises me that he is still single, With that face, I would have already conquered half a school.
-Goodbye grandma...goodbye Ismael -Alejandro saying goodbye.
-Bye, little brother -I said, giving him a smile.
-Bye, darling, take care -my grandma said as she kissed him on the forehead.
-Hehe, I'll see you later -she said and left in the direction of the bus stop.
-I was still cute, don't you think -my grandma mentioned as she went to the kitchen.
-Yes, it's just as cute as when I was a little boy -I said happily-...it's time for you to take your medicine, grandma -I said when I saw that the clock read 7:30 am.
-Okay okay, I'm not as useless as you think -she said as she looked for her pills.
-I never said you were, I know you are still as energetic as when you were young haha -I said in a slightly mocking tone.
-Hehe -she laughed slightly and took a sip from her glass to swallow the pills.
-Hey, grandmother, did you not consider that you are like this because it is time for you to return and finish what you left unfinished? -I said questioning her a bit seriously.
-I don't think so, besides, you are not the heir and Alejandro has not shown signs of having powers like those of your grandfather or mine -she said completely seriously.
-Hmm...but have you already mentioned the matter to him? Maybe he has not shown the signs because he is not aware that he has those powers and not having knowledge of them, they are repressed -I said pressing her.
-I haven't mentioned anything to him yet, I was waiting, I thought that when he turned 18 his powers appeared but now I'm not sure, I think there is no way that he does not have the powers and even less that he is not the heir -she said while cleaning some ornaments on the mantel
-He will go to the university in a few months, how do you intend to help him if his powers arise when he is away from us? We will not be able to explain him, nor teach him to control them, Alejandro needs to know now -I said a little upset.
-Hey, you don't have to go to work, you're late darling, I think you should go now -she said, completely changing the subject.
She was right I was a few minutes late, if she didn't hurry me I would be late for the office, I went quickly to get my bag and my briefcase, I said goodbye to my grandmother and I ran to get the car. I can't believe she hasn't mentioned the powers to Alejandro yet, he needs to know if not later it will be too late.
~In high school~
POV Alejandro
We were about to finish classes, today was quite calm, I found out that Sebas and Karla started, you could say a "relationship", the truth is they are still confused, apparently a lot of things happened in the bar they went to on Saturday and They are afraid that something will happen and ruin the friendship they have.
-Very good guys, you can go now, remember to check your names in the exam schedules so that you know what days you have to come to give them -said the teacher as he left the course.
-Hey Andro, what if we take advantage of the fact that we don't have homework and play play at home for a while, what do you say? -said Sebas cheerfully, who still uses that nickname, and sadly I think I'm getting used to it when he does.
-I would like to, but I think it is better to take the opportunity to study if we want to enter the university, maybe another day -I said giving him a slight smile.
-Well, you miss it Andro, because my short and I are going to play play -he said while blushing a little.
-Hehe then have fun, but don't go overboard haha -I said mockingly as I was on my way home.
I took the bus and got to my house, my grandmother was sitting in the living room mending a shirt that belonged to her, I approached her, greeted her and gave her a kiss on the forehead, I went to my room and started doing some workshops that I did not finish in classes and begin to develop the topics for the entrance exam. Later my brother arrived and my grandmother served us all food, we talked about the things we had done, Ismael told us a little about his independent journey, I felt like I was with my family again, I felt that everything is beginning to improve for well...or so it seemed...