POV Alejandro
It was difficult for me to make the decision to make the trip, but my brother is right, if I do not take advantage of the opportunities that are presented to me at this moment there will not be a second time to do them, I hope Ismael and my grandma take care of each other, I will not I would like to arrive after graduation and find out that I lost one of the two. We have been traveling for almost two hours, I am bored, my phone has internet but I would not like to spend it, in case of any emergency, now that I think about it I must find a job to be able to pay for the apartment in which I am going to stay, the bad thing is I have literally never worked in my life so I don't know what I can apply for, however I have a point in my favor, I come from specialization and if I'm not wrong I have a better chance of being chosen in a job. Concentrating on the things that I will have to start doing, I don't realize that the bus has already stopped and most of the other guys have gotten off.
-At last, my legs were starting to go numb -says one of the boys.
-I didn't know how else I could continue to entertain myself in that vehicle -said another
The instructor who accompanied us on the trip tells us to lower all our luggage and make sure that nothing has been lost, after I checked my suitcase they began to take our lists and told us that we must queue to register at the university , and that once we have done that we could start looking for the apartment in which we would be living. Now came the rush to register, we were approximately 200 students, of course they all came from different high schools; from my high school we were about 50, it was 2 hours for all of us to be admitted. After this each of the boys went on their own to find a place to live, some had it easy, they came from families with money and they only had to find the building that their parents had told them, give their name and they would immediately give them His appartament. However, for guys like me, we had to travel half the city to find the cheapest apartment, I was lucky that I found one at a good price and that it was located about 5 blocks from the university, transportation would be easy for me because of its proximity, And I could even walk if I go out at a good time.
~In the apartment~
-And how much would the rent be? -I asked the landlord
-Well .... considering that you are a student, I will take pity on you and charge you $ 200, it is the cheapest thing I can leave it to you -he said a little irritated.
-Okay, but you will have to wait for me, since I just got to the city, so I still don't have a job, the first month I will have to give it to you later, but I promise you that from the second month I will deliver your pay on time -I said smiling.
-Aish ... okay boy, I'll let you pass this month, but if later you get late with some rent, you go away, do you understand? -He said sentencing.
-Yes, don't worry, I assure you I won't be late -I said cheerfully.
-Well I'm going, here are your keys, enjoy it -he said as he left.
I can't complain it's cozy enough to be 2 years until I graduate, I must admit that this man has very good taste when decorating, the colors are very soft and contrast quite well with the furniture. Well, I already have one less thing on my list, now what follows is to get a job, the good thing is that I was reviewing some of the companies that are in this city and there is one in which they require young boys who have at least studies of high school, so I'm going to apply, if it weren't for Ismael I wouldn't have a good resume, he helped me to do it and well, I hope they accept me, because I need to start paying for the expenses, plus I need to buy an internet package for the apartment . So I should start now, I have 3 days to organize myself well and get the job since classes start on Monday, so let's get to work Alejandro.
~At the University~
POV Gabriel
-Hey guys, you saw the newbies that came, they looked so innocent, hahaha -Jonathan said mockingly.
-Hey Gabito, you've already set your eye on one of the new ones -Miguel asked me in a mocking tone.
-You still don't get over "that" right? What happened in the past stays in the past, you really think I'll make the same mistake again, after the lesson the director gave me, HA! Not even being crazy -I said a little irritated, although I must admit that there is a boy who calls my attention a lot and not because he wants to do something to him, but that he has something strange ... I will watch him closely.
-Hey, you are on the moon or what, the bell has already rung and we must hurry if you do not want the teacher to scold us again -he said hurrying me.
-Okey okey, let's go to the classroom -Grab my backpack and together with Jonathan we go to the course.
POV Alejandro
At last I was able to put my resume in the job for which I want to apply, they explained to me that I should wait, that if they called me again it would be for me to do the interview, the secretary who attended me advised me to apply in other places since she told me This year they received a lot of applications and it is very likely that only some will be chosen and that it would be best to have other backup places in case they did not accept me in this one. After leaving that office I went to my apartment, but not before going through a store to buy some food to prepare dinner, I don't have enough money to afford to order food ... the good thing is that my grandmother He taught me how to prepare various meals so starving will not be an option in this place. I think I'll call my brother to see how they are doing, I looked for my phone and dialed Ismael.
-Hi...Alejandro, how are you? How about the city brother?
-Hi...hehe I'm fine don't worry...how is my grandma?
-Hehe well very well...you know that she is a very strong woma...and have you already found a place to stay ???
-I'm glad to hear that...well, I got an apartment at a good price and I already put my resume in a job to start paying for my expenses.
-Aw and to think that you were a child who loved to draw and play with airplanes ... now you are quite a man ..... I give you some advice, don't waste the time you are there at parties .... yes I'm not telling you not to go out but try to do everything first and then have fun.
-Hehe of course brother don't worry...well take care of yourself and send my grandmother a say hello...goodbye.
-Bye-bye, little brother, take care...see you.
I hung up the phone and went to bathe, after getting out of the bathroom I made myself a salad and watched a bit of television, I went to bed a little late but luckily I don't have to go to college yet, I hope I'm lucky on my side and be able to graduate, but for now I will retire to the world of dreams to start another day tomorrow.