Chapter 6

POV Alejandro

Today is my first day of classes at the university, and the truth is I am very nervous...I find it a bit difficult to get together with people and sometimes I prefer to be alone, Karla and Sebastián became my friends by chance, but we really formed a very strong bond, even so, in a new place with new people and new opportunities, making friends will be a bit complicated, but I will do what my brother told me I will try to focus on my studies and maybe I will find a friend along the way of the semester. I was already at the entrance of the building and when I registered they told me that I should look for a stand where the president of the student council, who would give us the main directions to start classes and also give us the number of the course where you should be

-...Emm hi, were you the student president?? -I asked kindly the girl who was sitting in a small stall

-YES!! Nice to meet you, I'm Allison Poveda, if you are one of the newbies I need you to give me your name to give you the number of your class -she said while she smiled vigorously

-I-I'm Alejandro Rodríguez .... and could you tell me which floor it is on, this place is quite big and I wouldn't want to be late for my first class -I said a little embarrassed while smiling nervously

-Haha of course ... you are from Class 5A, you are lucky, it is located on the first floor you just have to walk down the hall until you see the sign where it indicates the number of your class, take this brochure, it has a few rules, you I advise you to read them so that you do not commit some kind of serious offense .... a pleasure to have met you Alejandro -she said while he stretched out his hand, shook it and I went to my living room

~In another part of the university~

POV Gabriel

-HAHAHA What's up nerd...maybe your mommy didn't teach you that you should respect your elders...Come pick up your crap from books and go -Jonathan said as the little boy walked away, don't get me wrong, I'm not from those typical abusers but the truth is if I am of the ideology "Survival of the strongest"...also Jonathan is only a conceited one, since his build is quite muscular so it is easy for him to intimidate other thinner or weaker boys that he

-Hey what's up Gabito...I thought you liked to annoy the newbies with us, maybe now you're're a hen HAHAHA -Jonathan said while he moved his arms referring to the wings of a hen

-Tch~, stop bothering Jonny, I'm just trying not to screw up this year, you know that the director has it for more mistake and for out...also without me you would be just a strong man smug -I said making fun of him a bit

-HA! not believe so much Gabito, I could survive without you being there and in the same way I could survive if you left...I also have Miguelito to keep me company...- he said confidently The last thing he tried to whisper it but still managed to hear it

I rolled my eyes and we went to the classroom, while we were going to the Finance class I noticed that a boy who was walking in the opposite direction from us was distracted looking at the room numbers, when he passed by me I noticed that he was the one who It seemed suspicious to me the day the rookies arrived...I wonder what class it will be...although I have to worry about more important things...and no it is not the is the search for "El Elegido"...maybe you do not believe me but I am a marine guardian, however I have the ability to be a human because my father, who is also a marine creature, was together with my mother a human, in fact I was born as a human but at 15 I began to experience strange powers, I could feel a high attraction for the ocean, in addition to that on one occasion I understood a sea, no joke...Anyway, that boy seems strange to me...I feel like I already know him but I don't know where. Well I'll worry about that later, now I must pay attention to the classes or I will fail


POV Ismael

Almost 4 days have passed since Alejandro left, I wonder how he will be...I really miss him, it is hard to be away from your family and that when you have the opportunity to be together again, they are the ones who have each other. to get away from you...I guess this is the way in which karma takes revenge for what I did in the past, I still don't know Ale's class schedule, so I don't know what time he is free, so at night I will take the opportunity to call you and catch up. I still have to continue working 2 more hours, I want to get home, my grandmother has been feeling bad again...I think the moment is approaching...but it still can't happen, I must try to keep her here until I know whether or not Alejandro is the next in line...I feel that he is not ready yet, despite being almost an adult, he does not know the great power he can possess and worse now that he has gone away...if he continued here it would be easy to get his powers out by force, if he has them...but if it turns out that if he has them while he is far away and without anyone to explain things to him, it may be difficult for him to assimilate things. Let's hope things stay calm for now...aish I would like to have inherited those powers so I can carry that stressful responsibility, if I am not "El elegido" I am scared by what may happen, imagine Alejandro at the moment to tell you the great responsibility you have

-Oh...Mr. Rodriguéz, the race director is waiting for you in the conference room -said Karina, my secretary, he was so involved in my things that I had forgotten, I must hurry or else I will review a scolding from my boss

-Okey, I'm ready, let's go Karina -I said as he left with my papers for the presentation

-Okay sir, don't forget his USB -she said smiling happily

I must stop worrying so much, I have not yet considered the fact that Alejandro simply has not inherited the powers either and neither of the 2 is the chosen one, I hope I can talk to him at night, for now I must arrange myself in my work

~Several hours later~

POV Alejandro:

I'm finally home, I didn't think the classes at the university were so exhausting...although I really liked them, there were quite a few boys in my class although some seemed to come from the same high schools since they were in various groups sitting down, I just related with a very nice girl, her name was Mirelly, she was also new to the university and she had come to the city to look for a better study opportunity, in the break we spent together talking and getting to know each other better, she was really very good, we exchanged numbers to Keep in contact. So far everything seems normal, although all the time I felt as if they were watching me, maybe it was my invention but I had that feeling. Well now I need to take a good bath and start doing my homework so as not to be late, I was about to go in when I heard my cell phone ring

-Why the people around~... never Wanna kiss me~? -don't judge me I like romantic songs

-Hi...?...Ismael...How are you brother !? -I said happy

-Hehe hello little brother...very good and how are you?

-Pretty well, a little tired from the classes, I was just going to take a bath when you called...and how is grandma?

-Don't worry, she is fine, affectionate as always...she just wanted to know how everything was going

-Hehe, thanks for worrying about me...well it's not because I'm bad but I have to do homework, so when I have free time I'll call you ok?

-Quiet Ale, go do your homework, we'll talk another day...see you I love you little brother

-Goodbye... -I hung up that phone-

-Ha~...I think now I will go to shower...RING~ RING~...aish now is the landline, what do you have against me doing my personal hygiene? -I said a little tired

-...Hello? -I said a little annoyed

-...You are Alejandro Rodríguez... -the voice was hoarse, I assume it is that of a man

-Ehh~...excuse me who's talking -I had no idea who it was, but how do you know my it some kind of STALKER!?!, it's unlikely, just a few days ago I got to the city, someone can't get obsessed that fast...can they?

-...I... -the signal is cut off and the sound of static from the phone begins to be heard

-...Humm how strange...who was it... -I put the phone in its place and now if I could finally go to shower

I was in the shower for about 10 minutes and once I got out I started to do my homework, I am still not calm with the mysterious call I received, what disturbs me the most is that he knows my will be someone from the university that I do not remember...well tomorrow I will worry about that, for now to be responsible with my duties