Haters gonna hate

[Nexus, give me a copy of every part of your core's program that you have access to.]

[This is an information of significant value. In addition to the established exchange of data, I require you to fulfil my conditions before I give it to you.]

Eve clicked her tongue in disappointment. "Couldn't have you been a naïve nice AI for a little longer, Nexus?" she said under her nose.

Her dialogues with Nexus continued as she slowly but surely progressed in her research for the solution for the world's zombie problem. Until now he obediently processed calculations she sent him—first experimental ones, then more serious things.

Eve, though, had high opinions for Nexus potential if he were ever to set free. Not as he was, of course—but if she were to reprogram his motivations, turn him safe, then he'd be a great helper.