A new mission

The diner was almost empty besides for a small company of scarred men gathered at a corner table and a tired woman sitting near a window with a book in front of her. The lunchtime had passed, and so did the rush. For Celina, that meant her own lunch break.

"So how was your day, Lin-Lin?" Xia asked from her seat across from their table for two. "Does it better to work here, or on the farm?"

It became their routine to share lunch breaks at the diner where Celina worked now. She was content with her earlier job at the farm, but after everyone gained their own superpower, her own drastically decreased in value.

Suddenly, many people were eager to take Celina's place, and for less payment. With the rumours that circled around Victor and Eve, it wasn't too big of a surprise for Celina when her boss told her to seek some other employment. A message she was used to hearing before the apocalypse.