Pricilla part1

Two hours had passed and the little girl started to regain her consciousness.

She blinked her eyes numerous times rubbing her eyes with her hands, 'why does it feels like I'm moving' she thought to herself, taking a look at her surrounding she noticed that everywhere was dark but there were little light's coming out from the holes in the punctured truck.

The little girl found that her hands, legs and neck were bound together by a chain, the girl tried to pull it in an attempt to break it, but her tiny strength was no match for the chains that was on her.

She looked around again to find that she was not the only one kidnapped but there were many other girls with her, and they were much older than she was, taking another look she saw that some were quietly sobbing at a corner.

'Could this have been my aunt's doing? No! It isn't possible.., how can she go to the extent of killing her own sister, they must have forced her to do it, yes! She was forced', that's what the little girl wanted to think but that was the only explanation she could come up with.

Holding her kneels up to her chest she started to cry within herself 'why did my aunt do this to me? Why would she do this to my mom.., to me? Because of her I'm all alone in this world my dad left me, my mom..., she's gone, and I'll never see her again all because of my aunt, if I ever cross paths with her in this life or the next I'll kill her , I'll make her suffer for what she did ,SHE WILL PAY !!!!! '.

Zoe was sinking deeper and deeper in her thoughts of pure revenge when something snapped her out of her thoughts, a voice.., it was calling her name ,"Zoe" she turned but saw no one talking to her, it seemed like It came from the rear end of the truck,


'I thought I heard my name', she could feel something swirling in her chest, like as if she had found something that was gone…, like she was closer to something she had lost, but not minding any of it, she continued to think of possibilities of attacking her aunt, 'I'll kill her slowly with a sickle …, no a rake !!! She's old so I think I can pick a fight with her, I'm sure she'll fall with the slightest hit'.

Zoe thought of all possible punishment for her aunt; but right now the thing she needed to know the most was where they were taking her to, she started to crawl from the place she was and sat at the end of the truck where the punctured holes were, taking a peak from one of the holes, she saw that they were really far away from her home town.

She saw that the sky had gone dark and gloomy with only the stars and moon to light the way, the road looked different compared to her hometown, where the grounds were mushy and muddy, making travelers who had to cross their town wear thick long leather boots to avoid the mud getting on their legs.

"stop that if you get caught you'll be punished!", She flinched immediately when she heard a voice behind her talking, Zoe turned back to look at the person who was talking, trying to observe the person behind her she squinted her eyes in an attempt to see through the darkness but all she got was the color of her hair and dress.

a girl with a brown and an untidy hair sat behind her, with a green dress that looked torn out showing off her bare skin which only made her look half naked, she tried to examine her face but couldn't see it because it was dark and the light wasn't enough to see her features, sighing in relief 'it's not a goblin, thank goodness at least she's human', patting her chest, zoe could swear that she knew her some were but couldn't conclude to that because they were surrounded in darkness, "who are you?" Zoe questioned the girl but she sighed and said, "Don't ask questions just…," the girl looked around to see if anyone noticed they were talking, "come sit here next to me and keep quiet, you'll understand when you listen".

Zoe was skeptical and hesitated, how can someone she just met tell her to sit with her, 'is she scared or need's company, or is it that the men who kidnaped them are really dangerous' Zoe thought to herself, "stop hesitating it's for a good cause" Zoe narrowed her eye's at the girl in a form of suspicion "hmp!".

She turned to continue her looking routine until the wheels of the truck drove on a humped stone making the truck bend almost horizontally and forcing Zoe to sit back,…. quietly crawling Zoe bent her head in shame noticing how stupid she was to not listen to the brown haired girl, 'my curiosity is going to be the death of me, I better stick to someone, she might be of help to me, it'll be best if I can squeeze some information out of her, and I can't keep this up forever'.

For a person in her situation, not knowing anything about the town they crossed into Zoe figured that it was the best option right now to stick to someone who knew about what was going on. She finally sat down right next to the brown haired girl, 'how dare her, who does she think she is *hmp*, bossing me around like I'm her little sister'.

~ ~ ~

Minutes passed, as Zoe slowly got lost in her tiny imagination of thoughts, the little girl was so focused on the incident of her mother's death that she didn't notice the brown haired girl watching and monitoring her every move.

The girl watched as Zoe was slowly getting into a state of depression, as she slumped her shoulders down at the thought of never seeing her mother again, she was the one who cared for her when she was sad and depressed but now she was gone, "what are you thinking about" the girl asked but Zoe was too lost in her thoughts to answer "hey! Little Girl are you listening to me" the girl said finally snapping Zoe out of her thoughts.

She turned her head to look at the girl who called out to her and said "huh? - oh I'm sorry I wasn't listening", "what are you thinking about?".., sniffling Zoe tried to hold the tears that were in her eyes as a lump slowly grew in her throat, swallowing hard Zoe replied "it's nothing.., I'm just going through old memories" "(sigh) if you say so" cleaning a tear drop Zoe turned her head away from her , she faced the opposite side and started looking at the end of the truck, she relaxed her shoulders and rested her back against the walls of the truck, 'it's not what I expected from the world, but no matter what life throws at me I'm ready and I'll throw It back.

The truck stopped moving which caught everyone's attention 'why did the truck stop moving'.

Silence filled the air for moments as everyone in the truck also wanted to know why they stopped moving but, Zoe decided to break it (whispering), "hey! You haven't answered my question yet, who are you.., where are they taking us to" the girl didn't answer but continued to stay silent, suddenly the truck doors were opened and the man with scars came down from the front of the truck, standing up the brown haired girl turned to Zoe and said, "now shhh... Don't say a word unless you are being asked to speak.., bow your head always and make no eye contact", 'tch says the girl who ignored me', Zoe didn't understand why she was telling her this but only nodded in response. Right now she wasn't ready to look up, not at the girls or even the brown haired girl, she didn't want to die before her revenge even started.

Then the man ordered his men to take all the girls out of the truck, all the girl's started to scream in fear as they were being pulled out of the truck mercilessly, Zoe was scared but it didn't mean that she would be as stupid as to start screaming.

"GET OUT!!!" the men shouted for all the girls in the truck to get down while leading them in a queue, reaching the entrance Zoe bowed her head so she wouldn't look at anyone, walking and minding her steps Zoe walked cautiously, she raised her head slightly to see some guard's standing at their posts, trying to think of all possible escape plan in her head, she looked at all the places and corners they passed through, so she would know the way out when escaping.

She made sure to not look too much or make any eye contact while capturing the doors in every turns they made, but how was she going to get passed all these guards her eye traced round all the corner's to see if there was any hope getting passed them, in her effort of looking she caught the gaze of a guard, but Just before their eyes could meet, she fixed her eyes ahead of her appearing as harmless and innocent as a little girl trapped within the slaves. When unsure, the wisest decision would be to listen to those who were sure. Zoe took the brown haired girl's advice seriously. Having lived like this year's longer before Zoe was brought here and in worse conditions, she seemed quite sure of herself.

Looking from the corner of her eyes she saw the man turn around and leave, his shadow soon disappeared from the hallway and was out of sight, leaving the slaves in the hands of the guard's, they were all led away from the entrance and into another door were They finally reached a long hall, it had the minimum of eight doors on both side. Some of the girls were separated in a groups and led into their cells only Zoe remained standing 'does this mean's I'll be all alone in the cell', Zoe and the brown haired girl were separated into different "Follow me," the man said gruffly, not bothering to hear a yes or no from the young girl.

He led her down the stairs already binding her hands with chains. Reaching the last cell door, he took her into the cell and locked her chains with another on the wall which looked larger than one's on her hands, she had seen with the blacksmith when passing by in the market of her town. The cell had only one window but it was a small one that was too high up for Zoe to reach 'that's too high, how can i escape from something so high and I'm scared of height's', Zoe shivered at the thought of falling from such a height, . There was one thing she noticed, up until now during the time she had walked passed doors and halls, not once had she seen a guard over his thirties.

She turned to see the guard locking the door, leaving her all alone in her cell, the little window wasn't giving enough provision of light, fear griped her all over from head to toe making her run towards the door to only stop at half way , "arg! Stupid chains" she murmured under her breath.

Running back in fear Zoe quietly sat at the corner of the room shaking like a leaf, looking into the pitch dark room she figured it would be best to close her eyes tightly (breathing) 'breath Zoe, just breath there's nothing to be scared of, their just monster's that feed on human flesh and blood, goblins can't eat any one, right?'.

Her thoughts were only making it hard for her to fall asleep, then she closed her eyes in an attempt to fall asleep…, minutes of thinking she started to fall asleep 'keep it together Zoe you can do this just- five ... (Yawn) more hours to go', resting her head on the floor she slowly drifted into sleep.

~ ~ ~

When morning arrived, the sky retained its cloudy gloom. A metal bar rattled on the iron bars of each cell, alerting all slave's to start their morning routine. All the cells were unlocked for the slaves to step outside and complete the work assigned by the warden and his guards.

Rubbing her eyes, Zoe woke up to see the door of the cell pulled open by cell guards, Zoe sighed in relief, she could have a chance of escaping, there was a glimmer of hope, and for a girl at her age with no strength to fight, a glimmer of hope could be enough to be a big relief in her little mind. For now, she was still ignorant of her surroundings. It had become obvious that what she learned about this place when she was outside was insufficient and inaccurate. It was time to gather information!