Pricilla part2

Zoe and the other slaves were ordered outside their cells to start their daily work. The guardsmen were not gentle when it came to handling the slaves. Everyone was pulled or dragged before being pushed to start working.

Zoe held a mop in her hands as she wiped the floor evenly.

She heard a voice behind her making her head snap towards the voice "is that how to use a mop! You better start mopping properly or I'll mop the floor with you", it was a guard and he didn't look nice either, he was like a gorilla ready to squash an ant under his feet. Zoe nodded her head as she wiped the floor's with even more force so it would satisfy the anger of the guard while trying not to look at the guard that stood with a long whip , 'scumbag, do you think it's easy. My back is nearly at the verge of breaking, if I continue like this I'll surely age fast', she looked around to see if anyone was looking as she slowly raised her back up relieving herself of the back pain.


Zoe flinched immediately when she felt the sting on her back trying to feel the spot where she was just whipped, she turned to look at the person who was responsible for the pain, "what are you doing slacking off!", Zoe glared at the guard to only get whipped again "get back to work", she didn't wait for him to speak again, she started mopping the floor again with all her strength. Drops of tears fell from her eyes, making her feel even worst about her situation but she didn't let the man notice, 'am I in hell?'...

She heard a girl cry next to her, her sniffs audible to her ears. SMACK! The other slaves who had been crying closed their mouths with their hands when the slave next to her was slapped across the face.

"One more sound and I will make every one of you regret living on earth, *tch* new slaves are always disobedient" by the voice, Zoe could tell that it was the same guard who had pushed her into the cell before leaving her alone in the cold empty cell, ignoring the scene Zoe peeked through the corner of her eyes looking into cells to see if the brown haired girl was kept in any of them, right now she needed someone who she could talk to.

"Hey! Little girl", hearing a familiar voice that came from behind broke her out of her thoughts, although she had her head bent down she knew who's voice it belonged to, it was the girl she sat next to in the truck, the brown haired girl.

"Why did you leave me alone yesterday" Zoe whispered but it came out through a sharp breath, "well sorry but I don't command guards to keep me locked up in a cell." "You could have at least tried", "I'm not anyone's superior, and in all my years of studying them, anyone who talked or looked them in the eye never lived to see the light of another day"


Zoe gulped at her words which sounded more like a threat. 'Is she trying to scare me?'

A girl was being whipped and stabbed continuously because she refused to work, they tortured her until she died unable to hold the pain and agony she was in. her body was brutally damaged, after the guard's killed her with no pity or remorse they hung her body at the entrance as a display and a warning to other slaves who saw it.

Zoe felt both pity and fear when the girl was being whipped, she wondered if it was her in that position , not being able to handle the horrible image she closed her eyes to throw out the horrifying scene in her mind because she didn't have time to think about it, Zoe quietly followed behind the brown haired girl "shhh…, don't say a word, just follow my lead" Zoe walked in the queue with her eyes faced down to the floor, Zoe meekly raised her head, but it wasn't enough to look up, trying not to attract eye's around her surrounding, she gradually raised her head up a little more higher to look at the room which they were being led into, as they continued to walk deeper she could smell a strong ionic scent of blood that seemed like rusted iron. Going deeper the smell became stronger, they walked through a place that was creepy, it looked like a chamber that was abandoned.

There was a giant pool of blood in the middle of the chamber which made Zoe wonder what they would want to do with all the blood in the pool.

Passing through a hall Zoe looked at the wall, seeing dried old blood she shirked at the possibility of something worse than a man eating goblin, 'the work of a pure murderer' Zoe thought to herself as fear began to slowly creep into her heart, looking left and right she took her hand's up to her nose to cover up the stench of the blood but it wasn't working, 'the smell of blood!' that was something Zoe didn't like but she had to endure it. Zoe decided to look at the brown haired girl's expression to know what she would think of this place or was she already used to it? .., raising her head slightly Zoe caught sight of the girl, now that the place was brightened up there was a chance to see who the girl was.

Zoe could see her clearly'(gasp), Pricilla?!!!' it was her!

Pricilla was her mother's friend's daughter, she could remember that they visit almost every time when they hadn't moved, 'but how did she end up here' (shocking) the queue stopped and was being checked by a guard, Zoe carefully lifted her head up a little more and looked at the person conducting the search, it was a warden She could tell because of the clothes that he wore.

When it got to her turn she quickly bowed her head so as not to raise any suspicions, the warden stopped what he was doing and started to observe Zoe.

"Who brought this girl here" he said in a serious tone, which made Zoe's heart to beat in her chest when she saw the man responsible for her kidnapping, the scar faced man. He came out from the back of the warden, "I brought her here" "oh it's you... Daron Why have you brought this girl here?, you know children shouldn't be allowed to be in a place like this".., "don't be so annoyed, i heard from someone that she's useful for our experiment's, the person I bought her from said she could withstand the poison", "alright then.., take her and experiment on her, maybe it will work this time" in saying those word's Daron pulled Zoe by the arm, 'what did he mean by poison?' Zoe began to scream, "LET ME GO!"

Daron reached for the door knobs, about pushing it open he was stopped by a voice coming from behind them "Zoe? WAIT... were are you taking her to, leave her alone!" Pricilla shouted, this caught both the attention of the warden and the guard's at their posts, 'no! What are you doing Pricilla, at first you said I was going to get into trouble but you're the one trying to get yourself killed'.

The warden unexpectedly cut in "And why should he do that?" He said in amusement, the warden turned around, walking towards Pricilla to only see fear in the girl's eyes. In the blink of an eye he was standing in front of her with a grin on his face, showing off one of his fangs 'a vampire!' swallowing hard Pricilla moved a step backward, but the man was faster than her, he towered over Pricilla.

Pricilla wasn't short by any standard, but this Warden was four heads taller, maybe more. An old scar ran diagonally over his eyes, his eyebrows thick and dark, and his eyes glittering with malice that she failed to notice previously due to the distance between them.

He pulled Pricilla tightly by the hair, making her fall to her kneels as she screamed in pain, she struggled to pull of his grip on her hair but her strength wasn't enough.

The Warden slapped Pricilla across the face so hard that Zoe thought she was the one who got slapped. Pricilla fell to her knees, with tear's falling from the side of her eyes.

Pricilla's face started to bleed, Zoe could clearly see the hand mark imprinted on her face.

"You are quite brave. Talking back to your superior. You need to be taught to follow the rules, and rule number one is "I am your superior."

Tugging her hair in his hands, he smelled the scent of her hair before saying, "This will do for my collection", 'huh? What was he talking about?' Zoe thought to herself.., pulling out a scissors from the side of his pocket he started to examine the scissors like it wasn't going to work, "tch, not sharp enough" throwing the scissors he slapped Pricilla in the face giving her an injury on the lip and making her to cry in pain, taking a few strands of her hair he dragged it with enough force to pull it apart from her head.

He continued it over and over again till blood spilled from her head "P- please STOP IT!" she cried out but the warden wasn't ready to listen ,"GET ME MY WHIP!!" he shouted in wide-ranging fury, then after saying those word's a slave boy rushed from behind the warden with a whip and handed it to him.

Zoe closed her eyes tightly in fear so she wouldn't see what was going to happen next… 'Poor Pricilla' the little girl thought in her mind, Zoe could hear the sound of the whip over and over and over again. It made her heart sink inside her chest as tears began to fall from her eyes, although Zoe closed her eyes it looked more terrible in her imagination, after some time the sound stopped and silence filled the room, 'is it over?' Zoe thought to herself, she opened her eyes slowly and saw blood dripping from Pricilla's back, tears slowly made its way into Zoe's eyes but she held it back refusing to cry or shed tears," Pricilla " Zoe murmured under her breath, "that'll teach you not to talk like that to your superior.., take this bitch away from my sight and sell her to a brothel and when she has been sold give me the money you earn", 'what's a brothel?, whatever it is, it doesn't sound like it's a good place to be in' Zoe thought in her mind ,"WAIT! PLS don't sell me to the brothel, I'll do anything you ask of me but pleas! Don't sell me to the brothel" Pricilla cried but no one listened, kicking Pricilla away two men took her by the arm and dragged her away, her cry's echoed through the halls as she was taken away to be sold.

Zoe closed her eyes knowing that sooner or later it was going to happen, she was now quiet in deep thought's, 'don't cry Zoe you know your better than this' she said wiping off a tear that fell from her eyes

Everywhere was now filled with silence, "get back to work!" the warden shouted making every one to snap out of their thoughts.

'Where are they taking her to?' Zoe was little and needed someone by her side but with Pricilla gone there was no hope, 'I've lost everything and I'm all alone.., why am I so unfortunate' she mentally scolded herself as the cause of everything, calling herself bad luck and a cursed person.

Zoe was too busy thinking that she didn't notice when the man dragged her out of the room, Zoe shook her head in an act of throwing the thought away, and she was too scared to look up with her eyes nailed to the ground.

Since they started to walk Zoe never hesitated a bit, walking passed stairs down halls and doors they finally reached an underground chamber door, she started to feel some discomfort that made her stomach turn, so she decided to speak up, "umm.., Mister where are you taking me to." he didn't answer her question, he just opened the door that stood in front of them.

Zoe was filled with shock when she saw what was in the room. Her heart sank in her chest, blood was almost everywhere, there was a large weird looking stone at the end of the room, the place had a shelf for keeping knives, wrench's and sharp headed hammer's' with tools for conducting surgeries, she could see left over flesh on a surgical table with knife's but something told her it wasn't an animal's flesh but one of a human, to Zoe it looked more like a butcher's place.

'Is this my end'…